My Fintech Empire

Chapter 398 [Buy the copyright of this series of novels]

For Yue Lang's team, Fang Hong planned to invest 50 million yuan. Unlike Zhu Yingdong's project, which was carried out independently, the project of Yue Lang's team was supported by some funds from his school, but the funds were cut off later.

After further discussion, the two sides reached a consensus. Fang Hong still adopted the method of establishing a company, and put all the investment and the project in this company.

Fang Hong still holds 50% of the equity, while Huada University holds 30%, and Yue Lang's team holds 20%. Yue Lang has no objection to this distribution plan. In fact, he can even do without any equity as long as the research can continue. It was also clearly expressed in the communication with Fang Hong.

However, Fang Hong firmly opposed it. Obviously, Yue Lang may be an authority in his own field, but he appears to be an amateur in other aspects.

You don't need it, you can treat money like dung, but the team you lead may not, don't they want it? Especially some young people in the team don't even have a house of their own yet.

To take a step back, when the time comes, they will feel unbalanced, or they will go out with their achievements to set up their own business, no matter what, they will make you uncomfortable, and there must be troubles.

Using interests to maintain is the most direct and easy way.

As for Huada University, 30% is not a loss. Originally, the project was about to be killed. Now that some employers are willing to come in, why not do it?

If Huada refuses to agree, and Fang Hong is very simple, then he will not vote.

Or the school disagrees, but Yue Lang is willing to resign, and Fang Hong can directly invest money to support Yue Lang to continue his research.

After finishing the video call with Yue Lang's team, Fang Hong turned his head to look at the beautiful assistant who was sitting next to him without saying a word, and ordered: "These two teams, you start to arrange money and contracts, and send someone to contact them. "

Tian Jiayi nodded: "Okay, leave it to me."

Unlike Chu Changxing's team's drone project, Kunpeng Technology, which can predictably achieve results, and will release the first generation of products in two months, these two research projects in the biological field of anti-aging are much more difficult. More than ten years may not have breakthrough results.

Even Fang Hong rushed to prepare for the tens of millions he invested in, and he had no hope of turning it into commercial results within ten years, but why did he still invest? The answer is actually very simple, no matter how bad it is, it has achieved technical reserves and talent reserves, and it is not completely in vain!

You must know that these two projects are placed in the company, and the control of the company is in the hands of Fang Hong. The first round of investment will get the general equity, and the next round of financing will get absolute control. .

For this kind of project investment, Fang Hong has never looked at the short-term, but zoomed in on the time period of ten or even twenty years.

All in all, the investment in this type of field requires that there is either no breakthrough in this field. If there is a breakthrough, Qunxing Capital will definitely occupy a place in it, and even lead this industry field.

Anyway, there is a lot of money, so there is no need to worry about the money being wasted.

Once the results are produced and can be commercialized, it will be a direct win.

After a while, Evelee came to the study. She looked at Fang Hong and said, "Brother Hong, Mr. Cao has come and is downstairs in the living room."

The Mr. Cao she was talking about was Cao Chenghui. Fang Hong called him in the morning and asked him to come over.

Evelee came to inform and walked out of the room, Tian Jiayi also left the study, and Fang Hong went to the bookshelf, took a glance and took out two books, and then walked out of the study to the downstairs.

Cao Chenghui, who was waiting in the living room downstairs, soon saw the big boss coming down the stairs, and also saw Tian Jiayi coming down with her.

Cao Chenghui, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, got up quickly when he saw him coming, but Fang Hong, who was coming, lifted it up and pressed it down. Cao Chenghui got up half of his body and sat back in his original position again.

"Boss, what do you want from me?" Cao Chenghui said immediately, the big boss called him over in person, he felt that he should have something important to instruct, so he put down the work at hand and came to meet as soon as possible.

At this time, Fang Hong put the two books he had brought down on the table to play with Cao Chenghui and pushed him, saying, "Have you read these two books?"

Tian Jiayi also glanced curiously, while Cao Chenghui picked up a copy, glanced at the title and subconsciously said: "The Three-Body Problem... a science fiction novel?"

The two books that Fang Hong brought over are two full-length science fiction novels "Three-Body Problem" and "Three-Body Problem: Dark Forest". No accident, according to the original history, it will be published in November 2010, that is, two months later.

After a while, Cao Chenghui looked at the big boss and shook his head, "I haven't read it, boss, I don't like science fiction."

Fang Hong glanced at the book in his hand and said: "Recently, I read this trilogy series of science fiction novels. It is a very good work. The third step is about to be published. It is indeed a world-class series of science fiction masterpieces. Go and read it." Buy the copyright of this series of novels."

Hearing this, Cao Chenghui responded immediately: "No problem."

At the same time, Ah Hui couldn't help secretly slandering him. He originally thought that the big boss had something important to explain, but he didn't expect it to be this? That's it? This kind of trivial matter can be settled with a phone call.

Fang Hong said unhurriedly: "The film and television changes of this sci-fi work must be extremely important. The Yixing Media Group I want wants to shake Hollywood in the future. Domestic films can't be achieved by a few "Three Shots Surprise" Yes, if you make 10,000 copies of this kind of movie, you are not afraid that you can still comment on it with a sense of curiosity. If you are happy, maybe you will be awarded a few awards, but if you make a "Three-Body Problem" or "The Wandering Earth" to export us like this He will panic to death for a top sci-fi blockbuster with values.”

I thought it was not a big deal, but Cao Chenghui was surprised when he heard that Fang Hong raised the matter to such a high level, but he immediately paid attention to it.

Fang Hong said again: "I have a preliminary understanding that the film and television copyright of the Three Body IP was bought by someone last year for 100,000 yuan. You go to find this buyer and buy the copyright at any cost."

In fact, when thinking of the series of science fiction novels "Three-Body Problem", Fang Hong also patted his thigh, forgot!

I just remembered it recently.

Otherwise, Cao Chenghui must have bought the copyright last year.

However, the problem is not that big. Anyway, there is a lot of money and money can solve it. The "Three-Body Problem" series must be won. It not only has a potentially strong commercial value expectation, but also has an output value of cultural values. The commercial value of the film universe of "Body" is also expected to be huge, and if it is successfully built, it will bring a cultural industry chain of tens of billions.

But now is not the time. On the one hand, the special effects are not up to the requirements, and on the other hand, the country's overall national strength still needs to be improved.

Sci-fi movies are different from other types of films. The success of this genre depends largely on the overall national strength of the country. To put it bluntly, even Chinese people themselves don’t believe that they have the ability to save the world when they are filmed. If it is false, it will definitely not be recognized.

No matter how this series of movies is, it will take five or eight years. By then, the level of special effects will increase, the national strength will also increase, and the Chinese people will become more confident than ever, especially the younger generation.

At that time is the time to launch the "Three-Body" movie universe project. From a commercial point of view, it will take five or eight years to have a market foundation.

After all, if a sci-fi movie wants to truly benchmark against Hollywood’s film industry standards, the cost will never be lowered, starting with a production cost of 700-100 million yuan, and it will take 21-30 million yuan to recover the production cost through the box office. 100 million box office, this is just to recover the cost.

As for the current mainland film market, the highest box office is "Avatar" released at the beginning of the year, which took in 2.016 billion yuan at the box office. This is already the limit of the mainland market. It is the existence of Fang Hong in this era that makes Yixing Media Group accelerate The basis for promoting the construction of 3D projection halls was obtained.

If the "Three-Body Problem" movie is released at the moment, the audience volume in the mainland market is simply not enough to recover the production cost. As for the overseas market, there is basically no need to consider it, because it is impossible for the beautiful country to arrange a large-scale film for you. , If you can make money, you will not give it to you.

Old American Hollywood blockbusters are supported by the global market, but domestic films can only rely on the mainland market for a long period of time. From a commercial point of view, it will be difficult to afford a film with a production cost of 1 billion in the next five to eight years. Do not return the cost!

Compressing production costs means that the quality is not good, and it will still fail miserably in the end.

After 2017, the mainland film market can almost carry a large-scale production with a cost of 1 billion. Because the market size is in place, Fang Hong has the advantage of foresight, knowing that in 2017 a "Wolf Warrior 2" hit 56 With a box office of 100 million, that is to say, at the time point of 2017, the size of the mainland market has been able to make a sci-fi blockbuster with a production cost of 1 billion level recover its cost and make a profit.

As for now, it is definitely not possible, so I can only buy the IP first and reserve it, and slowly make preliminary preparations. After all, it took nearly 10 years for "Avatar" from preparation to release.

The film and television adaptation rights of "Three-Body Problem" were bought by the wife of a mainland director last year. After reading the novel, she was deeply attracted and decided to buy the film and television rights and let her husband make a movie. Become famous in one fell swoop.

She found the author of the work, Da Liu, and offered a symbolic price of 100,000 yuan.

As for Liu’s unit’s monthly salary of 4,000 yuan, the previous novella “The Wandering Earth” received a manuscript fee of 2,800 yuan. How many characters would be worth 100,000 yuan? So Da Liu agreed without thinking too much.

If the original historical trajectory is followed, the couple who bought the copyright changed hands and made 120 million yuan in blood and retired ten years later. The boss of Game Zu paid more than 100 million yuan to buy it.

But now that Fang Hong wants to step in, there must be nothing wrong with it.


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