My Fintech Empire

Chapter 400 [Cultivate a new generation by yourself! 】

As time went by, the index took a boring market with a narrow range of shocks, but the performance of individual stocks today was very exciting.

At around 9:55, Weibo continued to increase in volume, all the way to the daily limit price. At the same time, the stock price of Lianhuan Pharmaceutical also quickly rose to the daily limit, with an increase of more than 9.36%, which meant that it wanted to block Weibo.

But it still failed.

Just at 9:55:21, Weibo, which had risen by 9.25%, suddenly exploded a large order of 273 million in the time-sharing market, and the volume column of this minute quickly broke through to 519 million RMB 1.1 billion was quickly piled up on the board, directly sealing the daily limit, and the listing of Weibo also drove the rise of the media sector.

In about two minutes, the major market software pushes the news:

[Weibo hit the daily limit in early trading, the stock price reached 122.16 yuan, and the current turnover exceeds 5 billion yuan. 】

At about the same time, Lianhuan Pharmaceutical failed to hit the board, and then quickly dived back down. At about 10:05, the stock dropped to 17.40 yuan, and the increase narrowed by +4.76%. The time-sharing line fell below the daily average price line.

However, Lianhuan Pharmaceutical then rebounded again. At about 10:25, the stock rushed to the price of 18.27 yuan, an increase of +9.99% daily limit. plate.

Lianhuan Pharmaceutical is also a monster stock. This company has no performance in terms of performance, and the semi-annual report has no bright spots. However, because of its small share capital, it is favored by short-term hot money. The stock price began to strengthen after the news about "super bacteria", and hit the daily limit on August 13.

After that, Lianhuan Pharmaceutical had to publish an announcement on abnormal fluctuations in stock trading due to the large short-term increase. However, the mobile announcement did not have the explanation about "super bacteria" that investors expected to see. On August 16, 17 and 18, The stock's daily limit again, on the 19th, Lianhuan Pharmaceutical issued a clarification announcement on "super bacteria", but the hype enthusiasm of hot money has not subsided.

You said no? Shareholders say you have it!

The market that came out today made the stockholders who sang short over the weekend not expect that the major emotional highs would not be affected by the small black house of Chengfei Chengguan.


On the next Tuesday, the A-share market opened, and the index entered a pattern of wide-ranging shocks.

In terms of individual stocks, Weibo, which once again reached the top of the popularity list, opened -4.17% lower today at 117.06 yuan after yesterday's daily limit. After the opening, it stepped back to 114.82 yuan, and the decline expanded to 6 percentage points.

Opened so low yesterday and pulled the daily limit, the ultra-short-term funds ran extremely fast within the day, and the short-term old fritters under the fishtail market ran faster one by one.

Most of the members of the group I belong to followed the copying homework yesterday morning, some made a few points, some ran with a breakeven, and some were still in the pattern.

However, drifting with the tide was still in the same pattern. Until around 13:20 in the afternoon, Weibo began to increase, reaching about 5 percentage points, and drifting with the tide also began to run high.

The advantage of the general leader is that it can easily accommodate large funds in and out. He bought 50 million yuan yesterday, and today he easily cashed out more than 58 million yuan with principal and profits. Did not cause too much fluctuation on the disk.

Weibo's stock price once reached the highest intraday price of 133.04 yuan in the afternoon, an increase of 8.9 percentage points, and it is likely to be on the verge of a second consecutive board.

However, in the end, it still failed to advance to the second consecutive board, and it began to rise and fall in about half an hour towards the end of the trading day. In the end, Weibo closed at 126.29 yuan, a closing price of +3.38%, with a full-day trading volume of 3.459 billion yuan and a total market value of 66.807 billion yuan.

The follow-up market of this ticket is not going to follow the trend, and the premium is not much.


At the same time, Cao Chenghui, who received the task of the big boss, handed over the task to Yang Guang, the second in command of Yixing Media, to personally negotiate with the owner of the copyright of "Three-Body Problem", and today he has successfully met Zhang Panpan and his wife.

But it was not Yang Guang who came to visit, but Zhang Panpan who received a call from Yixing Media, he himself flew to Xincheng to come to the headquarters of Yixing Media to have an interview with Yang Guang.

This has to say one thing, that is, after Zhang Panpan's wife bought the copyright of "Three-Body Problem", their husband and wife lobbied for the big names in the capital circle for a year, but no one invested.

Also found Yixing Media, but did not invest.

There is nothing wrong with Yixing Media’s rejection at this time, even if it has historical limitations, because the current mainland market does not have the soil for sci-fi films at all. The cost is carefully built, and the pants are definitely lost.

It is reasonable for Zhang Panpan and his wife to be ignored by no one in the circle, but this time Yixing Media took the initiative to contact them, and it was entirely because of the orders from the ultimate boss behind the scenes.


Around 15:30 in the afternoon, at the headquarters of Yixing Media.

In a reception room of the company, Yang Guang, vice president of Yixing Media, was discussing with Zhang Panpan about the copyright of "Three-Body Problem". When he learned that Yixing Media wanted to buy the copyright of "Three-Body Problem" from him , and Yang Guang bluntly asked Zhang Panpan to make an offer, but he flatly refused.

"Director Zhang, tell me directly, how can you transfer the copyright of "Three-Body Problem" to me." Yang Guang said again bluntly.

"I don't want to sell the copyright, Mr. Yang, my conditions are actually very simple, just two." Zhang Panpan said.

Hearing this, Yang Guang asked curiously, "What conditions?"

Zhang Panpan pointed out his finger gradually and said, "First, your company can invest in this movie, and the investment in a single movie must be more than 200 million; second, I must be the director."

Hearing this, Yang Guang couldn't help laughing, he helped the armrest of the sofa to change his sitting position, and then said calmly: "Director Zhang, blockbuster movies, especially science fiction blockbusters, can be said to be the jewel in the crown of heavy industry movies." , the vast majority of current mainland directors simply don’t have the ability to control a sci-fi movie like “Three-Body Problem”, or simply say they don’t have the ability to control a sci-fi blockbuster at all. Mainland directors are basically still at the level of small workshops, with the upper limit of their ability That's it."

Yang Guang is not polite at all, he looked at Zhang Panpan and said calmly: "I don't think you can handle it, maybe Laomei's purely conceptual small production science fiction is still possible, but "Three-Body" epic level For big productions, I think you may not even be able to do basic team management, let me put it more bluntly, most of the artists don’t have the idea of ​​engineering.”

Director Zhang who said this was obviously a little unconvinced in his heart, but he didn't say anything, and he really didn't have any works to show.

Compared to Cao Chenghui, Yang Guang understands movies better, or in other words, he understands the industry better. Originally, Cao Chenghui would have been the leader of Yixing Media if he hadn't been airborne.

At this moment, Yang Guang continued: "I, Yixing Media, want to build this project not just for fun, but to build it into a super IP to operate. It is a real heavy industry film, involving thousands of people, with an investment scale of more than 500 million yuan, not including actors' remuneration, a large amount of heavy assets and equipment, and a multi-unit cooperation project."

Speaking of this, Yang Guang looked directly at Zhang Panpan and added: "After the project started shooting, logistics, equipment maintenance, site maintenance, work scheduling, account management, and coordination between different departments were extremely complicated for thousands of people. As a director, ask yourself, can you coordinate and coordinate these things? Ordinary directors may not even be able to distribute lunch boxes for group performances.”

Zhang Panpan was speechless, and obviously didn't have the confidence to nod.

And Yang Guang continued: "Those who do not have science and engineering ideas and cultural logic are basically unable to make blockbuster sci-fi movies. Now those directors ask them to make blockbuster sci-fi movies? I can imagine what they will make." It's a thing, with a dirty face, and a dull and dull face, wearing tattered clothes looking for a paradise, and if you have a wrong feeling, why don't you take a picture of scars?"

Yang Guang once again commented mercilessly: "What are these current directors keen on filming? Filming in the house, in bed, in the court... and then shouting that the control is too strict and the performance is restricted, and all kinds of messy sky-high prices Remuneration and the habit of being a teacher to 'enlighten the people' and so on, what qualifications do you have to enlighten the people? In a word, none of the contemporary directors can take on this important task and make a sci-fi blockbuster, this is my conclusion."

Zhang Panpan was dissatisfied, but because Yang Guang is the boss of Yixing Media Group, and Qunxing Capital is behind him, he didn't dare to offend, but he couldn't help but said: "According to Mr. Yang, you mean that a mainland director can fight None of them, is your company planning to hire a big foreign director to direct?"

Yang Guang immediately shook his head: "No, no, first of all we don't lack the money we can afford, but it is absolutely impossible to invite foreigners to direct, and Yixing Media does not count on contemporary mainland directors."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Panpan was full of confusion: "I don't understand, then who will direct?"

Yang Guang smiled and said: "Our solution is to train a new generation of directors. I, Yixing Media, cultivated it myself, and rely on the new generation to open up a new situation. To tell you the truth, the company has recently planned a project and plans to select 15 directors. As the first batch of young people of this new generation, send them to North America to learn how to play Hollywood heavy industry movies for a few years."

The Hollywood film industry system, especially heavy industry films, must have its advantages. Yixing Media is not arrogant. Go watch it and learn how they play, and then come back and summarize and analyze it to explore a domestic heavy industry film. ideas come out.

After a short pause, Yang Guang said again unceremoniously: "Our country's sci-fi film industry cannot rely on the current batch of directors!"


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