My Fintech Empire

Chapter 408 [An epic enhancement]

Fang Hong once again dragged back the topic of gradually going astray. He looked at the two women and said, "I have already thought about the first project of the Natural Science Foundation of China."

"What project?" Tian Jiayi looked at him curiously, Fang Hong turned to operate on the computer for a while, he opened a piece of information and looked at the page displayed on the screen and said, "Hey, look at this news, it's done by Laomei. The LIGO project of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory has been put into trial operation."

The two women also cast their gazes one after another.

Fang Hong added: "According to their description, the sensitivity of LIGO is 10 to the -19th power, which is one part in a hundred billion billion. If the spatial distance changes by one part in 10.19 powers, it can be detected by LIGO." catch."

Tian Jiayi looked at the news reports on the computer, and after hearing Fang Hong's words, he immediately shifted his gaze to him and said, "You mean, you want the Natural Science Foundation to grant a similar laser in China. Interferometric gravitational wave observatory?"

Fang Hong nodded: "And the scale is larger than LIGO, the sensitivity is higher, and the accuracy must reach at least 10 to the power of -21."

Yu Qiu asked curiously, "What's the difference between 10 to the 19th power and the 21st power?"

In this regard, the beautiful butler has no idea at all, and she is not a science student.

Fang Hong thought for a while and then said: "The accuracy is more than 10 to the -21 power, so let me tell you, if at a distance of one thousand kilometers, the space at the microscopic scale moves less than a distance of one proton, it can be detected catch."

Turning off the page information on the computer, Fang Hong said: "The current LIGO should be regarded as the most sensitive device created by human beings. It can detect almost all slight vibrations in the surrounding environment, as far as the beach hundreds of kilometers away. The sea waves hitting the rocks, and a couple in a hotel a few kilometers away are applauding for love. No matter how good the sound insulation is, you can still hear the crackling sound.

The two women gave him a strangely unanimous look, no metaphors can be used, but such a bad metaphor must be used.

Fang Hong didn't take it seriously and continued: "The similar equipment we want to invest in must surpass the old American LIGO. This is the core demand for my money."

At this time, Tian Jiayi thought of another problem. She looked at Fang Hong and said, "We spend a lot of money to reproduce a device like LIGO, and most people in the society will criticize us for wasting resources and money."

Fang Hong said with disdain: "Are you referring to the gang of well-known big Vs? When those people don't do something, they scold you why you don't do it, and when you want to do it, he scolds you for doing it. It's not right. I need Do you care about their voices?"

After a pause, Fang Hong added: "Science has no borders, but scientists have borders, and scientific research equipment has borders even more. If you want to climb the commanding heights of science, you have to have your own things. If there is something better than others, this is true technological self-reliance.”

The development of large-scale scientific research projects has many benefits. Firstly, the start-up of the project can promote employment, inject vitality into the economy, and bring business to related enterprises. Second, it can promote the technological development of related enterprises. After the project is completed and put into operation, it can Slowly cultivate talents.

Qunxing Capital's investment in this area is not completely out of selflessness. The talents cultivated will first be sent to the industries under Qunxing System, and the scientific research results and dividends transformed will also belong to Qunxing Capital.

Then there is the accompanying intangible value, which adds positive social reputation to the company.

But at this moment, Tian Jiayi and Fang Hong looked at each other and said, "Who or which institution do you plan to cooperate with in this gravitational wave detector project?"

Qunxing Capital's role here is mainly to invest money as a "financial father" and to use its money-making ability. It is definitely impossible to do specific scientific research work.

Fang Hong immediately said: "I have already thought about the main leading cooperation unit, and I will cooperate with Xincheng University, and I have already found the person in charge of the project, that is, Ning Xingqing, an astrophysicist who teaches at Xincheng University. He came to serve as the chief scientist of the project."

Although Ning Xingqing is not an academician, he is a good match for his major. Another key point is that Fang Hong knows this person relatively better. After all, he has been fishing in Xincheng University for so long.

Once this kind of big project is disclosed to the outside world, it will inevitably cause a sensation in the academic world, and countless stories will explode. There are definitely not a few people who want to get a share of it.

In particular, Xincheng University is not yet one of the top prestigious schools in the country, which will definitely make those top prestigious schools envious, but Fang Hong doesn't care how many people want to come to get a share of the pie.

Whether you come here for fame or profit, anyone who has the ability is welcome.

However, the Natural Science Foundation of China must have the greatest say in the project, followed by Xincheng University, followed by other universities or research institutes.

Xincheng is their home stadium, and Xincheng University can also be regarded as Fang Hong's alma mater. We will establish a closer cooperative relationship with it. In the future, more scientific research projects will come to Xincheng University. In the future, Xincheng University may not be able to become a top-notch university. .

It is easy to attract excellent scientists by relying on projects and funds, but it is difficult to attract excellent students. The key is that you are not a top-tier university. Furthermore, students want to work in the future. Some positions are not designated by top universities.

This is also the so-called background.

This is very difficult for others, but it is not difficult for Fang Hong, because he has Qunxing Capital, and the outstanding graduates of Xincheng University are directly sent to related companies under Qunxing for employment. With this level of protection, Xincheng University is attractive to excellent students.

Rome wasn't built in a day, just take your time.

But at this moment, Yu Qiu looked at the communication between the two of them, and found that he was basically unable to talk to each other, and he inevitably doubted whether he was up to the task Fang Hong entrusted to him, and was even more worried that he would mess things up .

"...For the time being, it will be like this." Fang Hong looked at the two women, and basically finished explaining what should be explained, and they both left the study after a while, but Fang Hong had already noticed that Yu Qiuna was slightly lacking in confidence. Look, but he wasn't worried at all.

After the two women left, Fang Hong still sat in the same position, but the interface of the reputation system appeared in front of his eyes.

Before the beautiful butler takes charge of the Natural Science Foundation, it's time to give her an "epic level" enhancement.

"I have saved a lot.\

,"Fang Hong was quite satisfied with the data displayed on the interface. He remembered that the last time he used this "plug-in" was in November last year. Achievement points.

According to the latest data, the reputation value has accumulated to a value of 1 billion, and the available achievement points have accumulated to 53.62 million points, which can be exchanged for 563 various item cards.

As the butler of Jingxinju, Yu Qiu is also Fang Hong's subordinate, so the item cards in the fame system are also effective for her.

After a while, Fang Hong spent 100,000 achievement points to exchange for an "attribute" card and designated the target to be used by Yu Qiu. The next moment, the six basic attributes of the beautiful housekeeper appeared on Fang Hong's retina.

【Target: Yu Qiu】

[Character: Excellent]

[Reputation: 623 value]

[Health: Excellent]

[IQ: 119, excellent]

[Emotional intelligence: 117, excellent]

[Wealth: 2.19 million yuan]

Fang Hong looked at the data displayed in front of the TV and couldn't help laughing to himself: "It doesn't look very smart, the dual quotient is not low."

Yu Qiu's overall statistics are very good, but her prestige value is a bit low, which can basically be ignored, but this is not surprising, after all, she is not well known to outsiders, and she is rarely active on the Internet.

However, as she takes charge of the Natural Science Foundation, her reputation will definitely skyrocket in the future. At that time, Fang Hong's reputation will also benefit indirectly, because the greater the influence of her subordinates, the more fame she will get from them. big.

If her reputation rises over time, there is a high probability that the achievement points spent on her can be earned back, and even a lot of achievement points can be netted.

Yu Qiu's data attributes quickly disappeared from Fang Hong's sight, and then he began to exchange a large number of "operational" item cards to improve her coordination ability. research and development.

There are six levels of coordination ability, namely: average, medium, excellent, excellent, excellent and excellent.

Fang Hong judged that Yu Qiu's current coordination ability should be in the middle-level range, and then he began to designate Yu Qiu as the target to consume "operational" item cards to raise her coordination ability to an excellent level, which is completely enough for her In charge of the Natural Science Foundation of China.

There is no need to reach the top level, because it is not necessary, and the achievement points cannot be wasted. It seems that there are more than 50 million achievement points, but judging from the previous promotions to Luo Liang, Xiang Lanzhi and others, it is only enough to create Six or seven leading scientific research talents.

It seems that there are many, but it is rare to subdivide it into various disciplines, and it is actually very rare.

In the end, Fang Hong consumed 76 cards to upgrade to this level. In addition to the previous consumption of an attribute card, this upgrade to Yu Qiu consumed 77 item cards and a total of 7.7 million achievement points. The number of points is 45.92 million points.

Yu Qiu's other indicators are very good, no additional upgrades are needed, and the price/performance ratio is still very good.


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