My Fintech Empire

Chapter 440 [God K, are you playing money like happy beans? 】

[Continue to buy bitcoins, from now on 10 yuan a large purchase, you have coins willing to sell, I have money to dare to buy, hurry up! 】

After Fang Hong edited the content, he glanced at it to confirm that there was no problem, and then directly updated it to his Weibo account. The beautiful assistant sitting beside him also watched him post this Weibo.

"Notify the person in charge of the transaction to increase the purchase price to 10 yuan each." Fang Hong turned his head to look at the beautiful assistant, who nodded and took out his mobile phone to notify.

If the purchase price is increased to 10 yuan each, it is still 1.5 US dollars when converted into US dollars, which is a premium of +80.7% compared with the current market price of 0.83 US dollars.

When Fang Hong posted this Weibo dynamic update, everyone was shocked, and the comment area was also extremely popular.

[Lying roast? real or fake? 10 yuan each? ]

[As expected of God Kai, really Kai. ]

[What the hell? I just sold 450 and doubled the price? I lost more than two thousand in an instant, can I make up for the price difference...]

[Outrageous, god K, are you playing with money like happy beans...(laughing and crying.jpg)]

[I really know how to play. ]

[Can you do whatever you want with money? ]

[Sau Rui, if you have money, you can do whatever you want...(funny.jpg)]

[God K, I’m a little flustered, you don’t mean to think about my leeks, do you? ]

[Grass, Bitcoin can also be sold, I am stupid. ]


When Fang Hong posted this Weibo, everyone was shocked, and at the same time had doubts. Some people felt that it was outrageous, thinking that he wanted to cut leeks.

But two hours later, someone posted a picture of the money received in the account on Weibo. It was a bitcoin transaction, and the deal was really 10 yuan a piece. As time goes by, some people continue to publish transaction records and collection records.

Good guy!

Is it really 10 yuan a charge?

True Kaishen series.

Another 20 minutes later, the price of Bitcoin suddenly skyrocketed all the way up at this time. When it was confirmed that Fang Hong would really buy it for 10 yuan, everyone saw that the current market price of Bitcoin was only more than 5.5 yuan.

This is picking up money!

Buying it in and selling it to Kaishen can earn 70 to 80 points in blood, so more and more people began to rush to raise money, which also pushed the price of Bitcoin to skyrocket.

As everyone realized that they could buy from the market and resell to Fang Hong to take advantage of the interest rate difference, more people participated in the scrambling for funds. On that night, the price of Bitcoin was pushed to the highest price of 1.57 US dollars, a record high. record high.

According to yesterday's closing price of $0.77, today's wave of violence rose to 1.57 yuan, which directly skyrocketed +103.89% within the day, more than doubling again.

Players in the European and American currency circles are a little confused, what's the situation?

Not long after, the news traveled across the ocean, and only then did I understand the reason for Bitcoin's skyrocketing today.

It was again the result of the intervention of the rich man on the other side of the ocean, directly doubling the purchase price, causing the intraday price of Bitcoin to skyrocket and double.

This matter is also discussed by many foreign currency players on Twitter. The ID K3478 has gradually spread among European and American currency players. Their initial impression is that this person is rich and is said to be a top player in the stock market. This Someone is buying Bitcoin at a high price, and this person is super rich.

Some players in the European and American currency circles also transferred Fang Hong’s recent Weibo and some things that happened to Twitter, and translated them into foreign languages. The open lottery of US dollars on the Internet is also a big surprise.

Much richer than they believed.

In the next few days, the price of Bitcoin did not fall back much after the skyrocketing price. Instead, it rose further after running at a high level, and once reached a record high of the $2 mark.

The market game began to enter the situation of "I predict your prediction", and Fang Hong did continue to buy, as long as someone sold it to him, he would accept it all.

This undoubtedly further pushed up the market's expectations. After the doubling and skyrocketing completion of a new round of hand changes, the first group of people cashed out and left the market, and the latter people did not lose money at present, and after the market price of Bitcoin fluctuated and rose, Some of the people who cashed out and left the market earlier came back.

Gradually, the transaction volume gradually shrank, and some people began to predict that Fang Hong might raise the price again, so they were reluctant to sell again.

After all, the God of Kai, the money is rich and Kai.


In December, the number of bitcoins acquired by Fang Hong has reached as many as 450,000, which is 2.7 million short of the target of 3.15 million, and the market is far from enough.

Everyone is reluctant to sell again.

Gradually, Fang Hong and most of the domestic and foreign players appeared in the Bitcoin market as rivals.

On Thursday, December 2, Fang Hong once again posted a Weibo to raise the price of Bitcoin for the third time. This time, the price was raised directly to 25 yuan a piece, which is converted into US$3.75 a piece.

Those who are reluctant to sell are ecstatic, successfully predicting Kaishen's price increase.

When the price was raised to 10 yuan each last time, the market lagged for more than two hours before it skyrocketed.

But this time, less than half an hour after Fang Hong’s Weibo was posted, the Bitcoin market next door exploded. The price rose from $1.82 to a record high of $3.95 that day. 120.67%, and the total market value of Bitcoin soared to an all-time high of $80 million.

A month ago, the price of Bitcoin was still US$0.3, and the total market value was only US$6.3 million. No one would have thought that it would skyrocket +1216% in just one month, a surge of 12 times.

Players in both domestic and European and American currency circles know that the skyrocketing price of Bitcoin this month is the result of Fang Hong's promotion, which is the direct cause.

Not to mention the people who did not participate, even the players in the currency circle feel a bit outrageous.

Why did Bitcoin soar more than 12 times? Because Fang Hong is optimistic, regardless of new concepts such as logic or decentralization, the fact is that someone is really willing to spend so much money to buy it, so it has risen, and it is all real money changing hands.

However, as the price of Bitcoin soared more than ten times, more people discussed it, and some media reported this matter, and raised doubts about K3478, artificially manipulating the price of this nihilistic product, and hyping up leeks suspicion.

On the same day, Fang Hong also took a screenshot of the report and posted a Weibo update:

[Cut leeks? How many dishes? Is there such a stupid operation? Relying on this to cut leeks, if my 129 million lottery draw is counted as operating costs, plus the cost of collecting coins, it won’t be a loss. Don’t you know? Is this cutting leeks? How do you feel like helping the poor? There is no other meaning, just want to buy some bitcoins for fun, there is no rule that says you can’t play, right? 】

Netizens who eat melons are also happy to see this Weibo, and some people who question him about cutting leeks are also speechless.


Three days later, the weekend of December 5th.

The price of Bitcoin hit a record high today, hitting $4.23 a piece, and the intraday increase also reached 5 percentage points today.

In the afternoon, live quietly in the study on the second floor of the villa.

Fang Hong told Tian Jiayi who was in the room: "It's time to collect the net, you immediately ask the people below to suspend the collection of coins, and at the same time take out the selling pressure of 200,000 coins, and drop the price to 0.2 US dollars. One day let them change their vests to collect chips, but not in my name."

At present, the cost of a large number of holders with arbitrage is mostly more than 3.75 US dollars, and there are also many people with a holding cost of more than 4 US dollars. There is no doubt that they are betting on Kaishen who is not bad money by holding and not selling. The price will be raised again, and Bitcoin will continue to rise.

Tian Jiayi, who heard this, was also surprised and said, "The price is 0.2 dollars?"

With today's opening price of $4.03 falling to $0.2, that means that the intraday drop will hit -95%, which means that one million will evaporate 950,000 on the same day and only 50,000 yuan will be left.

This is the rhythm of driving a BMW in and leaving only the steering wheel.


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