My Fintech Empire

Chapter 45 [Steady Progress]

After several roommates signed, Fang Hong collected the materials together and put them aside, then looked at everyone with a smile and said: "The 5 million funds will arrive in the account in a week. Although the fund problem has been initially resolved, it cannot be spent indiscriminately." , must be used wisely, this is all obtained by us in exchange for equity, try to save some money, and spend 5 million to get the effect of 10 million."

Several roommates nodded seriously.

Only when the company is launched, the subsequent valuation will be higher, and the equity sold will be less when the time comes for refinancing.

Fang Hong continued: "The product is ready, and the funds will be in place immediately. The next step is to expand. How much money is still in the company's account?"

Xu Jingren immediately replied: "There are still about thirty-seven thousand."

Hearing this, Fang Hong nodded and said, "It's almost done, it will go online tomorrow. Jing Ren, go talk to the person in charge of the school's art festival. Let's sponsor them about 10,000 to 12,000 yuan, and then follow the previous promotion. For strategy implementation, when there is not enough manpower, you can also consider recruiting some people. First recruit people in the school, which is cheaper. You can make decisions on these things.”

Xu Jingren nodded.

The labor cost of college students is definitely much more cost-effective than formally recruiting workers directly from the society. Directly giving the interns treatment, even Fang Hong can not give the treatment if he wants to. visit a prostitute.

However, Fang Hong didn't intend to do this, and he still had to be paid. The initial expansion of Quandong Weibo was mainly to recruit users from universities.

After a while, Fang Hong looked around the studio and continued: "The development of Quantum Jump is about to enter the regular stage, and the staff is expanding. This place must be too small. When the money arrives, we can change to a bigger venue, and the studio will be upgraded to a real company. , If you can save money, save money, if you can’t save money, don’t save money.”

With Fang Hong's clear arrangement, everyone has a clear mission goal.

Finally, Fang Hong suddenly emphasized: "By the way, when I was outside, I claimed that Quantum Jump was founded by the five of you, don't mention me."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Jingren and the others looked at Fang Hong with puzzled faces, and Yuan Jie asked suspiciously, "Why? Is there any particularity in this?"

Fang Hong smiled and said: "It's nothing special, but once the company becomes popular, the brothers will definitely become celebrities in the school. As for me, I just want to keep a low profile, so I'll leave the limelight to the brothers."

Hearing that this was the reason, everyone looked at him with strange expressions. Lou Gaoyuan couldn't help but said: "As expected of the boss, his thinking is different from ordinary people. Others are trying to find ways to gain positions, but you just keep a respectful distance."

Fang Hong joked with a smile: "If my brother is in the limelight, then you have nothing to do."

As soon as this remark came out, several roommates immediately sighed in unison.

However, several of his roommates also nodded in agreement with his proposal, claiming to the outside world that the five of them co-founded Quantum Beat, and Fang Hong, the real big boss, was hidden behind the scenes.


In the next few days, Quandong Weibo officially launched version 1.0. This version does not have many functions, including the classification of big V certification. These ideas are not online. Fang Hong’s strategic ideas need to be released one by one, not all at once. .

Launching new content one by one will allow Quantum Weibo to maintain its competitiveness, and it will be released at once. If someone copies it away, especially if it is imitated by a big factory, and then take advantage of the advantages of a big factory, then Quantum Weibo will be in trouble.

Therefore, Fang Hong's strategy is to wait for a competitor to copy one, and then launch new content immediately, so that he can maintain his own advantages. After the number of his own users has formed a scale, under the Matthew effect, other competitors will not be able to copy even if they pass. meaning.

Just like today's QQ, even if another social software has a better functional experience than QQ in all aspects, users are unwilling to move it, because the user's network is all in QQ, and the habits formed by users are even more difficult to change.


With the official launch of the product, several roommates of Xu Jingren also proceeded as planned. An art festival held in the school in late October was successfully sponsored, and the "chicken leg tactics" was also launched at the same time.

But these promotion strategies are not enough, Fang Hong is also thinking of new ideas.

Monday, October 20.

At around 9:50 in the morning, Fang Hong, who was watching the market, once again intervened in Zhongxin Securities. At this time, the stock fell -4.33%, intervening at a price of 17.91 yuan, and the final average transaction price was 17.93 yuan.

After transferring 5 million yuan of funds to Quantum Jump for financing, Fang Hong's account assets dropped to 7 million yuan, but the funds reached 8.93 million in the past few days.

Today, after the market hit a new low in the near future, it bottomed out and rebounded in the afternoon. The Shanghai stock index closed up +2.25% to 1974.01 points, which was mainly brought about by the big finance. Among them, Zhongxin Securities, a leading brokerage firm, once traded in late trading. The daily limit was sealed for a few minutes, but it failed to seal it in the end. After the market closed, it closed up +9.72%, and the stock price closed at 20.54 yuan.

Fang Hong intervened in Zhongxin Securities with a full position in the early trading. Today is also a day of big meat, with a floating profit of +14.55% within the day, and a profit of 1.2993 million yuan within the day, excluding transaction costs.

After transferring 5 million funds, his account assets have returned to the tens of millions level today. Big A should continue to work hard. The harvesting action of the sickle cannot be stopped, and there will be more places where money will be used in the future.

However, Fang Hong did not pay attention to the market after he intervened in the early trading, and went directly to school to attend classes.


At about 16:00 in the afternoon, Fang Hong in the classroom did not listen to the class seriously, but was thinking about the promotion of Weibo in the school.

According to the fact that the initial promotion was mainly on university campuses, Fang Hong also calculated the cost. The total budget is that the average promotion cost of each university is controlled at about 20,000 yuan. At present, there are more than 2,600 universities in the country, which is about 5,000 yuan. About ten thousand yuan.

In the initial stage of Weibo promotion, the promotion cost of each university must be more than 20,000 yuan. For example, Xincheng University, Fang Hong estimates that the cost is more than 40,000 yuan.

However, as quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, when the base expands to more than 2,600 universities, the overall cost will be about 20,000 yuan per university.

But even so, the cost will be more than 50 million. The current 5 million financing for Quantum Dancing is definitely not enough, and it will definitely continue to raise funds by the end of this year.

At this time, Fang Hong was thinking about how to recruit users faster, and soon thought of another effective promotion strategy, that is the beauty effect, or Yan economy.

Get rid of the well-known school beauties in various universities, create school beauties for universities without school beauties, persuade them to register accounts on Liangdong Weibo, and let the school beauties share and follow in their social circles, online QQ groups, etc.

If the popular school beauties in the school can register an account on Quandong Weibo and share their daily news, they will definitely attract a large number of singles to pay attention.

Fang Hong couldn't help searching the memory information of the original owner. The Xincheng University where he works has five very popular campus beauties, who have the title of "Five Beauties of the New University", and his ex-girlfriend Lin Ruoshui is one of them. I have to say that the original owner still has something. of.

The new five beauties are: Yun Xiaoli, He Xuan, Lin Ruoshui, Su Dongyan, Zhong Xue.

"I heard that the relationship between them is quite good. How to settle them is a problem. Let me think about it..." Fang Hong in the class did not say a word, silently pondering his thoughts in his heart.


(Ps: Brothers, increase the volume, the highest is top6, and the top one will go up, and the top will be topped up in one go, monthly ticket, recommendation ticket, collection, follow-up, release the volume, the volume and price will rise, and the future can be expected. ~~)

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