My Fintech Empire

Chapter 511 [Space Radio Station]

Three days later, stay in the villa quietly.

In the study on the second floor of the villa, Tian Jiayi was sitting in front of the computer in the study, and a camera was pointed at her.

And Fang Hong is also there, but he is sitting outside the camera.

At this moment, Tian Jiayi, as the vice president of Qunxing Capital, represented the parent company to participate in an internal technical meeting of Kyushu Blue Arrow, and participated in a video conference.

In fact, the headquarters of Kyushu Blue Arrow is in Xincheng, and you can go directly to the scene, but Fang Hong can't go there. He is now an assistant to Yu Qiu, chairman of the Natural Science Foundation of China.

At present, Fang Hong does not want his identity to be known too much.

The ongoing meeting at the moment is the discussion of space solar power plants. Among the participants, Xiang Lanzhi and Yan Jiandan are among them. They have one thing in common, that is, their research and development capabilities have been overtaken by Fang Hong early on. An epic-level enhancement has been carried out, and now they are all leading technical masters within Kyushu Blue Arrow.

In addition to these two people, Yin Ting, Zheng Xin, Luo Liang, and Chen Tongwei have also been strengthened at the epic level. They are now technical leaders in their respective technical fields.

At this moment, Fang Hong, who was sitting outside the camera, immediately turned off the microphone and said to the beautiful assistant: "Ask them directly, is the space solar power plant technically and economically feasible? Are other countries crazy and are doing this stuff?" , if feasible, we Qunxing Capital will follow."

This is what Fang Hong said. As a time traveler, he is actually very clear, but he must express it in an uninformed way based on the present.

In fact, he had already made a decision in his heart that Qunxing Capital not only wanted to follow, but also made a real move.

Space photovoltaic power station, also called space power station or space-based solar power station, etc., the name is not important, what is important is that since 2000, plans for space solar power stations in various countries around the world have been launched one after another.

This thing was first proposed by Magnesium scientist Peter Glasser in 1968. By establishing an extremely large solar cell array in geosynchronous orbit, and then transmitting electric energy to the ground by means of microwaves, it provides electric energy for human beings.

According to Grasse's vision, a space power station with an area of ​​one kilometer can generate power of 5 billion watts. What is this concept? It is equivalent to the power consumption of cities with a population of five million people.

No matter from any point of view, the space power station project is enough to be called "crazy", and it sounds like sci-fi-level things like controllable nuclear fusion and space elevators, which are things that modern people will not be able to see in their lifetime.

In 1979, scientists in the United States put forward a more specific plan, which was technically feasible but economically unrealizable, so they stopped.

After 30 years of stagnation, the US military believes that space power stations can provide power to remote bases, and there is a military need, so they continue to promote the development of this technology.

Laomei carried out wireless microwave transmission experiments in 2008 and 2010 respectively, and proposed the "Alpha" program this year, etc. Other countries, such as Xiaobenzi, have corresponding space power station plans.

In short, countries with a little technical strength are following.

However, it is the latest to enter this field in China, and the demonstration was just started in 2008 the year before last.

But Fang Hong knows that although China started the latest, it is improving the fastest, and it is "upright".

But a super-engineering project of this scale can really be realized, and perhaps only one country in the entire world can do it.

However, in the video conference at this moment, after Tian Jiayi relayed Fang Hong's words, Yan Jiandan, who was present at the meeting, answered her: "The progress at this stage has reached around TRL level 4 to level 5."

He was worried that Tian Jiayi didn't quite understand, so he further said: "In the aerospace field, there is a professional term called 'Technology Readiness Level', or 'TRL' for short. It is used to measure the maturity of a technology. The higher the level, the more mature the technology.”

Yan Jiandan in the video said in an orderly manner: "The first level is the principle stage, the second level is the conceptual design stage, and the third level is the concept can be proved by experiments. As long as it reaches this level, it means that the technology is already available."

Yan Jiandan added: "Levels 4, 5 and 6 are all kinds of verifications of technology, and when it reaches level 6, it means that the prototype can be operated. After that, the level 7 and 8 are to verify whether the prototype is reliable. The eighth level means that the product is qualified and ready to use, and the final ninth level means that the technical product is not only qualified but also commercially available.”

Domestically, the demonstration stage of this direction was only started in 2008. Kyushu Blue Arrow has now pushed the progress to around TRL level 4 to 5, and the results can be said to be very good.

The latest to start, but the fastest progress.

In the end, Yan Jiandan, who attended the meeting, said: "The space power station plans of countries around the world, we believe that the most competitive or most feasible is the 'Alpha' plan of the Magnesium people, and the plan formulated by our Kyushu Blue Arrow team, and we have passed In comparison, our plan should be better than that of the people of Magnesia, and we are very confident in this."

Fang Hong immediately turned off the wheat and said to Tian Jiayi, "Let him talk about it."

Tian Jiayi immediately looked at the video screen: "Tell me more about it."

Yan Jiandan nodded, and then elaborated in an orderly manner: "According to the 'Alpha' plan announced by NASA in Magnesia, this plan uses a concentrating system, that is, a honeycomb structure is formed by multiple hexagonal reflectors to reflect sunlight to On the photovoltaic panel, each hexagon in this scheme can adjust its direction at will, and a secondary mirror is set."

"In this way, the hexagons inside the honeycomb can be reflected to the primary mirror, and the hexagons outside the honeycomb can be reflected to the secondary mirror, thereby increasing the energy collection rate, but this solution also has shortcomings, requiring as many as 4,000 to 5,000 sets Each mirror has a different algorithm, which is extremely difficult to control and has interference problems, including the problem of light leakage."

"Although each reflector can be adjusted, the adjustment process will cause the projected area to be smaller than the area of ​​the reflector, resulting in light leakage. The system established to collect light as much as possible may cause more light leakage."

After pausing for a while, Yan Jiandan sorted out the materials on his desk, and then said: "Our plan is a spherical shape, consisting of two spherical concentrators composed of hexagonal mirrors, and the outer layer is made of a one-way film. materials, sunlight can enter but cannot leave."

Yan Jiandan showed the material in front of the camera. There was a conceptual drawing on it. He said: "This is a polar axis-symmetrical gyratory that simulates the shape of the earth. The upper and lower holes are exactly the positions of the earth's north and south poles. Taking this part can Make the space station lighter without reducing the incident light."

"Compared with the 'Alpha' plan of the Magnesium people, this plan has one of the biggest features, that is, it is convenient. In terms of the operating attitude of the space station, because of the self-tilt of the earth's axis, all space stations can achieve 99% in the geostationary orbit. receive solar energy % of the time."

Yan Jiandan added: "Whether it is the 'Alpha' scheme of the people of Magnesia or our scheme, it is necessary to have automatic power to track the direction of the sun in order to maximize efficiency, but our scheme is a sphere composed of one-way films, no matter how it moves No control components are required, and the complexity of system control is greatly reduced."

"According to our comparison, the conclusion drawn is that the mass of the space power station required by our scheme is 15.71% lower than that of the 'Alpha' scheme of the Magnesium people, while the power quality can be increased by 31.68%. Light efficiency, increased focus coverage area of ​​photovoltaic cells, and lower heat dissipation stress.”

Yan Jiandan changed the subject and said realistically: "However, our solution also has certain shortcomings, because the division of light is uneven, which will reduce the photoelectric conversion efficiency of photovoltaic cells, so it is necessary to strengthen the research and development of photovoltaic cell technology. and design."


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