My Fintech Empire

Chapter 514 [Medium and long-term planning]

Under the promotion of Qunxing Capital, the project has won the support of more than a dozen ministries and commissions, and organized more than 370 experts to conduct systematic demonstration and re-verification of various branch technologies, and then conduct a comprehensive demonstration.

As a result, the "Daily Project" has been established as a national-level medium- and long-term planning project, and the Space Solar Power Plant Committee has been established accordingly to formulate the medium- and long-term development plan and roadmap for the "Daily Project".

Generally speaking, the long-term development plan is divided into "three small steps" and "two big steps".

The "three small steps" are ground floating test, space power management, and space-to-earth wireless energy transmission test.

The "two big steps" are to carry out MW-level system test verification and build GW-level commercial power stations.

The medium-term planning of the entire project is from 2012 to 2030, and the long-term planning is from 2030 to 2050.

After the medium and long-term plan of this super project is drawn up, it will be announced to the public.

It is also impossible to hide it.

The manpower, material resources, and financial resources involved are all on an extremely large scale, and it is absolutely impossible to hide it, and there is no need to hide it. Laomei has been doing it for decades, and other countries are following suit.

However, this super project has released information, and there is also top-secret information that cannot be released.

Among them, the top-secret part is the high-energy space-based weapon system, which is directly related to the military.

In other words, the space solar power station is not only about microwave transmission technology, but also laser.

And the research and development of laser technology has to catch up with the schedule.

Although the orbiting space-based light energy strike system will cause energy attenuation due to the scattering effect of the earth's atmosphere, even smog can also prevent lasers to a certain extent.

But as long as the output energy level is large enough, the disturbance caused by the earth's atmosphere can be ignored, that is, as long as the scale of the space solar power station is large enough, the flaws cannot be concealed.

At that time, the space-based solar energy weapon system built on the basis of the space solar energy power station can be used as an offensive weapon to carry out orbital strikes at fixed points, and can also be used as a defensive weapon to protect the space solar energy power station.

It can protect national security on the earth and ensure that weapons of mass destruction are kept out of the country, such as intercontinental ballistic missiles carrying nuclear warheads.

The enemy's nuclear bomb was directly hit by the speed of light as soon as it took off, and it was resolved by the speed of light before it flew out of the mainland.

This is the real solution at the speed of light.

It is worth mentioning that to build such a huge man-made celestial body structure in space, the large and small satellite debris and space junk all over the space orbit will undoubtedly pose a threat to the space solar power plant to a certain extent.

Rabbit: Well, it’s not aimed at anyone, nor is it for an arms race in space, but for the disposal of space junk close to space solar power plants. Don’t get me wrong, we’re not interested in fighting and killing. We’ve always been I like to make long speeches to convince people with virtue.

Eagle Sauce: How much power do you use to deal with space debris? The deck of an aircraft carrier can poke a big hole, you tell me to deal with space junk?

Rabbit: Keke, finally can't hide it anymore? That's right, in addition to dealing with space junk, we also include dealing with the threat of asteroids from outside the earth hitting the earth. In recent years, scientists have discovered more and more potential threats to the earth around the earth. Asteroids must be prevented before they happen. This eagle sauce is full of persecution paranoia. Otherwise, human beings must unite, especially in the vast universe, human beings must be united, united!

Eagle Sauce: There is no Fack to say.

Obviously, everything has two sides. Dealing with space junk and impacts from extraterrestrial asteroids and celestial bodies are precisely the best reasons for developing space-based light energy weapon systems.

Humanity's demand for energy is increasing day by day. It is foreseeable that until the controllable nuclear fusion technology is developed and the laboratory can "boil water" to generate electricity, the space solar power station is undoubtedly the most feasible solution to the mid-to-long-term century-old situation in the future. sexual excesses.

Because it has passed the verification of technical feasibility, it has also passed the verification of economic feasibility. Investing 1 yuan can earn 1.9 yuan, and the profit of 90 cents is not good? Definitely fragrant.

The planning from now to the next fifteen years, vigorously promoting the development of the photovoltaic industry and upgrading of technology, and promoting new photovoltaic energy on the ground, is undoubtedly the excess and accumulation of space photovoltaic power stations.

A big problem is finally divided into several small problems, and then solved one by one, and the big problem is solved.

The most important thing is that Fang Hong, who is reborn through time travel, knows that according to the International Energy Agency's global carbon emission roadmap goal, to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2050, the proportion of renewable clean energy power generation needs to be From the current 20% to nearly 90%.

Moreover, with the passage of time and the further development, the consumption of electric energy by human beings is soaring. Every year, the total amount of solar photovoltaic power stations in the world will increase by more than 600GW, which is equivalent to nearly 30 Three Gorges power stations. .

With such a huge scale, it is definitely not enough to just build solar photovoltaic power plants on the ground, so even considering the issue of carbon emissions, there is a high probability that space photovoltaic power plants will really be launched in the future.

As long as the space solar power station is developed, even if the controllable nuclear fusion has not been developed, human beings can still achieve energy freedom.

The effect of space photovoltaic power stations is 10 times higher than that of direct solar power generation on the earth, that is, the average radiation intensity received by space photovoltaic power stations is ten times that of the earth's surface, because it operates in a geostationary orbit at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers On the surface, 99.99% of the time every day can receive sunshine, so it can generate electricity around the clock.

The solar photovoltaic power station on the ground can only generate electricity during the day, and the comprehensive influence of factors such as the different light intensity in the morning and evening, the change of seasons and other factors such as climate interference should also be considered. Under the loss of various factors, the ground-based photovoltaic power station will eventually Only 8% to 12% of the energy radiation intensity is left.

Although space photoelectric power stations are affected by factors such as microwave device conversion, rectification efficiency, atmospheric loss, and beam collection, the energy radiation intensity will be lost to only about 32%.

Although only about 32% is left, the actual daily power generation of the space solar power station is 2.5 to 4 times that of the current ground-based solar power station. This efficiency is still quite fantastic and very attractive.

Another advantage of space solar power plants is that ground-based solar power plants cannot match, that is, the stability of power generation.

There is no trouble caused by the day and night on the ground.

The most criticized aspect of renewable new energy is the problem of peaks and troughs. Not only solar photovoltaic power plants, but also hydropower plants, which have to be shut down in case of drought.

The space solar power station does not have the troubles of peaks and troughs, and can provide stable power supply around the clock.


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