My Fintech Empire

Chapter 530 [The issue of afforestation]

Time to enter the National Day period.

Since the announcement of Qunxing Capital's "Ten Years Billion Mu" plantation plan, it is now in full swing.

On October 5th, Tian Jiayi brought back a video of Qunxing Capital's artificial forestation team's geological survey data in Northwest China, which was filmed on the spot during the company's internal follow-up, including some field trips and expert group meetings.

At this moment, Fang Hong is sitting in the living room watching nearly 50 minutes of video material.

"There is a water source here, so we can basically judge that there is a shallow water layer below." A man's voice came from the video, and the scene played showed an investigation team conducting field surveys outdoors, and the location was just north of the upper reaches of the Yellow River Basin. desert area.

The inspection team used equipment to drill a few meters deep into the ground at the scene, and the sand dug out obviously contained water.

Artificial afforestation does not mean that trees can be planted with land. The key lies in whether there is groundwater. A fundamental basis for afforestation conditions in desertified areas is the presence of groundwater in shallow layers of the ground. The most serious problem in desertified areas is the huge amount of evaporation on the surface. Hold moisture.

However, as long as there is groundwater, the area can be planted. With the large-scale plantation, under the cover of large forests, the surface evaporation can be reduced, thereby retaining water.

The inspection team in the video has been in the area for more than a month, and they have been drilling continuously to confirm the coverage of the shallow water layer below the area, which is directly related to the coverage of afforestation. .

It was finally confirmed that the area covered by the shallow water layer in this area was about 700,000 mu.

There are more than one similar investigation team and expert team, but hundreds of teams. They have been conducting geological exploration in various desertified areas in the northwest of the country. The land has the conditions for artificial forestation.

As the video played, the screen switched to a seminar of an expert group, and Fang Hong continued to watch with his legs crossed without saying a word.

A middle-aged man in the video, he is a plant expert, I saw him say: "In this kind of more extreme ecological environment, the probability of a tree growing naturally is actually very low. A small tree bud grows on the ground, and it may have grown a height of 10 to 20 centimeters on the ground in the early stage."

"But its roots will always take root underground. The tree buds on the surface are more than ten centimeters high, but the roots can penetrate several meters deep. If the roots do not penetrate the groundwater, they will dry up and die from time to time."

"So this requires a particularly suitable climate. For example, continuous heavy rainfall for a certain period of time ensures that the tree will not die before the roots reach the groundwater source, and can continue to pierce down. However, this kind of continuous rainfall is very difficult. Encounter, even rare in a hundred years, many naturally generated Populus euphratica forests are rare in a hundred years."

The plant expert in the video went on to say: "And carrying out artificial afforestation is actually intervening in this process unnaturally. When the roots of the tree do not take root in the groundwater source, it is artificially watered on a regular basis, so that it can survive and continue to take root. During this period, make sure that the small tree buds on the ground are not eaten by animals, until its roots are rooted in the water source of the shallow underground layer, it can basically be left alone."

"The buds of this tree don't look more than ten centimeters high now, as long as its roots are rooted in the shallow water below, it can grow more than three meters high in a year, and when it grows up, it will become a big tree. With the shading ability, the evaporation of nearby water will be reduced, and the grass under the trees will start to grow at this time, and under the large-scale afforestation, a virtuous and positive cycle ecosystem will gradually take shape."

Other participating experts made speeches and discussions at the seminar, and all of them agreed that the prerequisite for artificial forestation to control desertification is that the sandy land must have a shallow water layer.

Only after confirming that there is a shallow water layer in this sandy land, can the surface environment be changed through artificial intervention.

The reason is also very simple. Trees can only be planted here if there is a shallow water layer. Even if there is no precipitation in the early stage, it doesn’t matter. Every tree is watered regularly through manual intervention to ensure that the tree bud can survive.

In this way, the tree can continue to take root until the roots reach the water source in the shallow underground layer. At this time, there is no need to continue to water or even manage it. It can grow up by itself. .

The growth of one or two trees will not have any impact or change on the local desertification environment, but at the same time, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of trees are planted in this area. It's very different.

Every subsequent rainfall under the natural environment will retain most of the water, and a part of the water will seep into the groundwater layer to become groundwater. At the same time, most of the rainfall that should have been evaporated can be preserved on a large scale due to the shading of the forest. The environment changes from dry to humid, and grass can grow under big trees.

Afterwards, animals will migrate over naturally, and as the grass grows on the ground, they can also engage in breeding, such as raising sheep and so on, and the whole ecology will be cycled.

At this time, in the seminar where the video was played, another geological expert said: "There is another potential problem that cannot be ignored."

Fang Hong took a sip of water, put down his water glass and still watched the seminar quietly. The geological expert continued: "We should avoid ore-bearing areas, especially areas with mining mining. Our afforestation project will take a long time. If the nearby mine digs into the groundwater layer and causes the leakage of the groundwater system, it will be an ecological disaster for our forests.”

"Especially the water system in the shallow water layer leaks, and passes through some salt layer structures to the higher water layer. The water changes from fresh water to salt water. This kind of water cannot keep the number alive. Once the shallow water layer leaks, the surface Trees have to face irreversible mass death, and it is an irreparable ecological disaster, and all the investment is in vain.”

"So my personal suggestion is that you must not plant forests in places where there is shallow water but there is a mining industry nearby. Even if there are veins nearby but have not been mined, we try to avoid them as much as possible, because you can't guarantee how long it will take in the future. Whether it will be mined in the next year or not, once the shallow water layer is dug out by the mine, all our efforts will be in vain.”

After a while, another expert at the meeting said: "This is indeed a difficult problem. The problem is not the present but the unpredictability of the future."

Another participant said: "If we do this kind of exclusion, then our usable afforestation area will have to be greatly reduced, can we complete the plan of 100 million mu? Moreover, the underground water system often does not exist alone, and the major shallow water systems are connected. It’s just in pieces.”

The expert who participated in the meeting before said: "Mining mining should have an environmental impact assessment, and mines with potential hidden dangers should not be approved."

Another participant immediately said: "It's hard to say, as far as I know, there are still many mines that mine first and then renew the license. Generally speaking, we have figured out all these factors and figured out , let it be reported to the parent company, and let the people above make decisions."


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