My Fintech Empire

Chapter 556 [Controversy]

Both the astronomical academic community and the circle of astronomy enthusiasts were shocked by this news, because the amount of funding from the Natural Science Foundation of China is really unimaginable.

This amount is several times the current domestic investment in basic scientific research. Such a comparison is even more obvious. You must know that basic scientific research covers many fields, and astronomy is only one of them.

Undoubtedly, practitioners in the field of astronomy in China are all excited about it, and some practitioners even believe that the "Sky Survey Space Telescope" will be a symbolic event that domestic astronomy is about to usher in the best era, and it is unprecedented.

Once this space telescope is successfully launched into space, domestic achievements in the field of astronomy will definitely produce a series of major achievements leading the world.

This matter has also attracted much attention in the international astronomical community. Aside from some political factors, astronomers from all over the world are also looking forward to it, and they also hope that the "sky survey space telescope" of the eastern power will be a great success. After all, it is Something of great benefit to the entire field of astronomy.

With the official announcement of the project plan confirmed, many institutions in the field of astronomy at home and abroad have successively started to discuss the application for the use of the "sky survey space telescope".

Start grabbing observation resources.

Regardless of whether the telescope can be successfully launched into space, it is necessary to make these preparations in advance and strive for it. Once it is successfully launched in 2020, it will be different.

At that time, the limited observation resources will have to be robbed, and nothing can be obtained without robbing. Which astronomical scientific research unit or institution or specific research field has obtained observation resources means that the probability of producing results is extremely high, especially new discoveries.

Don't think about it, it must be a situation where there are more monks and less meat.

They all want to win the "Sky Survey Space Telescope" for their own research subdivisions.

If you really wait to apply and strive for it after the launch ten years later, the day lily must be completely cold, and you will have to wait in line until the year of the monkey, and some new discoveries and new achievements will not be your turn.

It must be first-served, so you have to start to fight for it now. If the launch fails, there is no way, but it cannot be taken lightly because of this factor.

If it succeeds, then you can only stare blankly at that time, watching peer papers published one after another, new discoveries and new results appearing one by one, and you will regret it later.

The telescope has not yet turned its eight poles, and the entire astronomy community has begun to be restless.

As for the circle of astronomy enthusiasts, the discussion is also hot. The circle is now almost full of various topics about the "sky survey space telescope". The telescope is already red and purple, and purple is hot before it comes out.

The hottest topics are the comparison between the "Sky Survey Space Telescope" and the "Hubble Space Telescope", and some more professional enthusiasts pointed out that the observation tasks of the two are completely different. Hubble mainly focuses on visible light bands, while Sky Survey focuses on infrared band observations. , The sky survey should be compared with the "Webb Space Telescope" of the "King of Pigeons".

Another hot topic is undoubtedly the budget scale of the Sky Survey Space Telescope. When everyone saw the budget scale figure of 75 billion to 100 billion yuan, everyone's eyes were shocked.

It is really hard to imagine why so much money is spent, and there are different interpretations.

Because the Natural Science Foundation of China did not explain in detail why such a large budget was allocated. This was deliberately instructed by Fang Hong. Supporting basic scientific research and the development of astronomy is one aspect.

But on the other hand, Fang Hong pays more attention to using the "Sky Survey Space Telescope" project as a link to promote the high-end industrial chain behind the upgrade. This matter should not be overly publicized at present, and try to stimulate America as little as possible before the shortcomings are filled. , including enterprises, institutions, scientific research units and researchers who will participate in the future, they must be required to keep a low profile.

I suppress all good news, and release bad news from time to time, giving the outside world a signal that this project is probably going to be in vain.

There are pros and cons to doing this, but the pros outweigh the cons. On the one hand, it can reassure America, and on the other hand, it will lower the public's expectations. Even if it fails, it will not have a big impact. The expectations are not high, and If it succeeds, it exceeds expectations.

During the research and development period, all kinds of bad news came out. After the launch, if there is no news, it will become a blockbuster. The time span is so long. In 2020, there is no need to act or pretend, and the showdown can be done directly.

Because after 2017, America began to enter into a series of suppression, especially in the high-tech field. By 2018 or so, there will be no need to act or pretend, and a series of suppressed good news will continue. released to boost everyone's confidence.

It is Fang Hong's idea to use major basic scientific research projects to drive the upgrading of the high-end technology industry chain. A "Space Survey Telescope" project will definitely bring up a group of technology companies in related fields.

The same logic applies, including the "Daily Project" plan disclosed some time ago. The domestic photovoltaic industry and photovoltaic technology will inevitably usher in a major upgrade because of this super project.

However, this kind of thinking and gameplay is not something that ordinary people can play well. The premise is that they need to have a strong "money ability" to provide strong financial support for the early stage, and it is continuous support. Generally speaking, it is the national public budget to do it.

But there are too many places where the country spends money, and it is often done in the field of infrastructure, focusing on solving the problems of people's livelihood and people's livelihood. A typical example is that large-scale investment in infrastructure projects has made domestic high-speed rail technology from backwardness to leading the world, and UHV transmission technology has become an industry standard ahead of the world, and so on.

In the field of high-end technology, the investment is huge but the results are not transformed so quickly, and it is relatively far away from people's livelihood. It is difficult for the country to pour limited resources into this area on a large scale. This is also an objective reality.

After all, resources are limited, and some places need to be solved urgently.

Obviously, Fang Hong definitely can't wait for the country to solve it. If the country really wants to solve it, then Qunxing Capital has nothing to do with it. Now that you are not in the shadow, you will definitely not have your part when eating meat later.

With the disclosure of the news, the "Sky Survey Space Telescope" project plan has caused huge controversy among the public. At this time, the so-called announcement intellectuals, that is, those well-known big Vs, began to get excited, with a full sense of presence and rhythm. fly up.

Such things as "the people in the west are grazing, and the people in the east are painting", "look at the people who can't eat enough and can't read", "stop looking up at the starry sky, look down and look at your feet" and so on. Public opinion on the Internet can be described as rampant.

There are even a lot of vicious remarks cursing that the plan failed, and hundreds of billions of money were wasted.

On the contrary, if this thing is done by Europeans and Americans, especially what America is doing, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, it will be another style of painting, such as "Light of Humanity", "World Lighthouse", "Industrial Crown" ", "Great civilization" and so on are all such remarks, which can be said to have brought double standards to the extreme.


(Ps: I have already opened a new book. Before the release of the new book, I saved more than 100 chapters and slowly updated it. This does not affect the daily update volume of the old book. The new book is still the same theme. The title of the book is "The Rise Begins with Finance". The old book is finished If you follow a new book, you will be twice as happy (erha.jpg), please help to collect the new book, if you like it, please vote for the new book...)

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