My Fintech Empire

Chapter 571 [Fang Hong's Strategic Arrangement]

At this moment, Fang Hong listened without saying a word, and had to say that Qin Feng really hit the nail on the head.

It is also clear why the domestic semiconductor industry is always unable to catch up with one of the key reasons. To a certain extent, this is handing the knife to the opponent, and it will be hell if it can catch up.

As a time-traveling reborn, Fang Hong probably knows better than anyone else the correctness of Qin Feng's judgment. In a few years, the Greater China market will indeed consume as much chips as all developed countries in the world.

And there will be a trade war.

Such a huge chip semiconductor market is monopolized by foreign companies, especially the research and development of high-end chips, which is very dependent on the market size. If you do not have such a large market size to amortize the cost of research and development, it is difficult to maintain large-scale investment continuously to develop next-generation products.

The current situation is that the domestic chip market, especially the high-end chip market, is monopolized by foreign companies, constantly creating huge revenue and profits for them, and then they use these profits to amortize R\u0026D costs, and the products are soaring under Moore's Law, thus Unlimited monopoly of your market.

However, domestic related companies can’t catch up with their rivals’ leading speed. After finally catching up with the previous generation, they will immediately lower the price of this generation’s products and hit them below your cost line. The purpose is to make your R\u0026D investment all in vain. , and then collapsed and died.

At this time, Qin Feng said: "I think the domestic practice of 3G is very good. Before the country did not have its own 3G TDSCDMA, it did not issue 3G licenses, so the opponent's 3G could not amortize the cost in the mainland market. , When our own standards come out, the 3G license will also come out.”

"The chip semiconductor industry chain can also do the same, including Apple. The country should impose heavy taxes on them to limit their sales. If sales cannot be opened, R\u0026D costs cannot be amortized. Without profits, continued R\u0026D cannot be supported."

"This kind of high-tech product is not afraid of smuggling if it is heavily taxed. As long as the smuggled access to the network is not allowed, it is completely feasible to charge heavy taxes. Leave the market share to domestic companies that are catching up. In this way, one will eliminate the other." Long, the realization of the domestic substitution of the whole industry chain can really be expected."

It is foreseeable that if Apple's products are heavily taxed and sold at super expensive prices, and with Xingyu Technology as an opponent, Apple's sales will inevitably fail, and it will be able to hit the opponent's technological innovation, at least it will make the opponent extremely uncomfortable.

The same is true in the entire chip and semiconductor industry chain. If they are not allowed to use the huge Greater China market to amortize costs, their R\u0026D speed will inevitably slow down. In this way, domestic semiconductor companies will catch up. The gap will be visibly narrowed.

At the end, Fang Hong said succinctly: "Heroes see the same thing."

Qin Feng was overjoyed when he heard it. The patron's father didn't talk much, but the six words he uttered were enough!

The reason why he came to Fang Hong for this matter was because he had to make suggestions to his superiors. Qin Feng knew that his energy was definitely not enough, but the stars were different, and Fang Hong was different.

After a while, Fang Hong changed the subject and said calmly, "No rush."

Hearing this, Qin Feng couldn't help being taken aback.

Fang Hong looked at him and said in an orderly manner: "Even if you don't say what you said, I will push forward with all my strength, because I have thought about it a long time ago. With me, I will definitely do everything possible to make the higher-ups impose heavy taxes on foreign chip companies. or otherwise, but not now because the timing is wrong."

Qin Feng said puzzledly: "The timing is not right?"

Fang Hong nodded and said: "Yes, the timing is very critical. The country's main strategy now is to hide its strength and bide its time. It is currently in a period of rapid growth. It is not appropriate to have conflicts with Lao Mei so quickly to interrupt the rapid growth. We have to continue now To develop, grow, and enhance internal strength, this is from the national level. It is true that you asked me to make suggestions right now, but the timing is not right. At the national level, it will be too small to lose the big, and the higher-ups will definitely reject it."

Fang Hong went on to add: "On the other hand, let Apple come in as soon as it comes in. Now it is an incremental market. Although your worries are reasonable, I guess that in the incremental market environment, Apple will resort to slapping legs and spreading lime." The probability of a fan’s dirty tricks is relatively small, that is, when it is not yet urgent, if it enters the era of stocks and Apple obviously cannot compete, then it will definitely use dirty tricks, and your previous worries will be staged 100% .”

Obviously, Qin Feng is very forward-looking, but his perspective is limited by the times, and at the same time, the overall situation is still relatively small. He is still limited to Xingyu Technology itself and an industry to look at this issue, and has no position Look at the game between major powers at the national level.

In this era, the most correct way is to keep a low profile, there is no doubt about it.

The size of the economy has just surpassed the small book next door for more than a year. Although it has become the world's second largest economy, there is still a huge gap with the world's largest economy in the United States.

To put it bluntly, at this time, we must develop honestly, and we can't just mess around.

At the end, Fang Hong thought about it and said to himself: "I estimate that Xingyu Technology will not have to worry about being cut off for the time being in the next one and a half to two years, and it may be hard to say after one or two years."

Fang Hong did not completely copy the historical trajectory of his previous life, because he founded Qunxing Capital, and his influence is growing, and many things may come in advance, so he has to predict these things.

Hearing this, Qin Feng seemed to understand, and couldn't help but suddenly said: "I understand, you mean to wait until Xingyu Technology's chip supply is cut off, and then propose heavy taxes?"

Fang Hong smiled without saying a word. Seeing his attitude, Qin Feng knew he had guessed right.

Is this when he said it?

After a while, Fang Hong said lightly: "Now I will bring it up, and I will be rejected 100%. I think you are worrying about nothing. Even in the future, when your confession is really cut off, you will still blame me because you listened to me. It’s the bad idea of ​​Lao Mei’s retaliation that puts the whole country under pressure, who shall I turn to for reasoning? It’s hard to argue.”

Fang Hong continued: "As soon as this cauldron comes out, I will recite it, and I will recite it if I don't. Do I still have it? Do the stars still have it? No, even I and even the entire group of stars will recite this cauldron." Do not move."

Qin Feng's eyes were fixed, and his heart shook slightly. Only then did he realize the seriousness of this problem. He took a deep breath and said involuntarily: "It seems that my thinking is too simple..."

It's still the wisdom and structure of the patron's father that stands tall.

Fang Hong said with a smile: "Don't worry, I know everything in my heart."

Hearing this, Qin Feng couldn't help nodding, and immediately said: "Then how should Xingyu Technology deal with Apple's entry?"

Fang Hong said succinctly: "Strategically take the initiative to show weakness."

Qin Feng asked curiously, "A strategic show of weakness?"

Fang Hong nodded and said: "That's right, Xingyu Technology's grand strategy must be laid out from a higher perspective, that is, to win time for development for itself and the country. The United States is suppressing it, and the country is likely to be forced to give up Xingyu Technology for the sake of the overall grand strategy, so don't go looking for death by yourself."

After a short pause, Fang Hong added in an orderly manner: "How to do it specifically? We must make good use of the fact that the market is in an incremental era, let Apple be the sales champion in the high-end market, and Xingyu Technology will keep its basic market and be the second. Innovation must lead the trend, and at the same time actively suppress its own sales, how to suppress it? Learn from Xiaomi’s hunger marketing idea, the product is very good, and users want to buy it, but the production capacity and supply cannot keep up.”

Qin Feng nodded to himself.

By consciously and actively controlling production capacity and supply volume, in the incremental era, Apple will not be so anxious to get a big profit. After all, Apple has entered the era of trousers, and this professional manager cares more about the company's profits.

But when capital eyes are all about profit, it is destined to be short-sighted.

Although Xingyu Technology is at a disadvantage in doing so, it is a tactical disadvantage in the early stage, in order to obtain a strategic victory. No matter how perfect the tactics are, but a fatal mistake in the strategy will not change the outcome of the failure in the end. As long as the strategy Going in the right direction, the tactical disadvantage will eventually become the winner.

To put it bluntly, in a hundred games, you can lose the first ninety-nine times, but if you win the hundredth time, you can fully win back the ninety-nine times you lost. winner.

Xingyu Technology's next strategy is to hold on to the basic market, take the initiative to give up the first place to Apple, and maintain a low single-digit percentage increase.

At the end, Fang Hong said with a smile: "R\u0026D investment must not be less, money is not a problem. In the second half of the year, Xingyu Technology will be brought to the A-share market to raise more than 70 billion yuan for you. If you spend all of Qunxing Capital, you will be provided with a full amount of debt. Financing, in short, as long as it is a question of money, it is not a problem.”


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