My Fintech Empire

Chapter 581 [Take the path of friends and merchants so that friends and merchants have nowhere to go

Many executives of Xingyu Technology resigned, including some well-known technical experts in the industry. After confirming their resignation, people from the headhunting company came to the door the next day, and friends and businessmen sold olive branches to them one after another.

If there is a competition agreement restriction, some manufacturers are even willing to pay liquidated damages for it.

But all were declined without exception.

By the end of April, six new brands appeared in the domestic smartphone industry: Huaxin, Longlian, Oupai, Kurui, Haili, and Tongmai.

This is actually not surprising. This industry is currently in a state of barbaric growth, and there are many people who want to come in and get a share.

Many mobile phone brands have never heard of them, they are all OEM.

But soon people in the industry, especially friends such as Xiaomi, realized the unusualness of these six companies, because their founders were the executives who came out of Xingyu Technology.

Just in May, another big news came out. These six companies have all received financing support from Qunxing Capital, and each invested 500 million yuan.

All of a sudden, these six newly established smartphone manufacturers have been highly concerned by the industry and investment circles, and have caused a sensation in the industry and investment circles, because the birth of these six manufacturers is quite different from other counterfeit phone manufacturers.

First of all, its founders are all former executives from Xingyu Technology, and they are well-qualified senior practitioners in the industry; secondly, each company has received a huge investment of 500 million yuan from Qunxing Capital, and it was 500 million yuan from the start. Obviously, it is not a trivial matter, and it is not comparable to those manufacturers who casually make knockoff phones with OEMs.

Obviously to play a big game.

Now friends and merchants can't sit still when they see this news, and realize why they refused to solicit. They didn't sign any professional agreement with Xingyu Technology at all when they left, and the resignation can even be said to be intentional within Xingyu Technology. layout decisions.

Because it's so obvious.

The answer points directly to the "Tai Chi Alliance" that Qin Feng strongly promotes, that is, the TOS ecosystem. Friends and merchants are unwilling to come, so the latest move of Xingyu Technology is to incubate a group of younger brothers.

Immediately afterwards, on Saturday, May 5th, these six major manufacturers announced that they would join the "Tai Chi Alliance", and their mobile phone products would use the TOS operating system.

The six major manufacturers acted quickly, established almost at the same time, joined the "Tai Chi Alliance" at the same time, and quickly "recruited and bought horses" to expand after getting the money, because they had to launch products by the end of the year, and their market positioning was only for the low-end market. The retail price will not exceed 2000 yuan a piece.

The first product of Xiaomi mobile phone can be launched in about ten months, and there is no problem for the six major manufacturers to launch it at the end of the year, because it is positioned in the low-end market and the goal is very clear. Regarding mobile phones, you must know that many people have never used a smartphone.

The vast majority of people's first smartphones are actually counterfeit phones, such as the popular Nietzsche phone.

To put it bluntly, this industry is currently an incremental market, a super market with a population of more than one billion, and there is still a huge market share that is blank and unoccupied.

The start of the six major manufacturers is actually the route of assembly machines, but the better thing is that they have more technology than their peers. After all, they are the founders who came out of Xingyu Technology, and the old company will secretly provide some technical support. .

In the current industry environment, in the low-end market, everyone’s technology is similar. To expand market share, how much capital support and marketing are the most important. of.

How to start quickly and occupy the market in this era, the "three axes" of the Nietzsche mobile phone that just came out in 2011 last year has given a standard answer.

At the beginning, the six major manufacturers also learned from Nietzsche's marketing strategy, the "King of Copycats", and also adopted the "three-axes" expansion idea, frantically opening experience stores offline, cost-effective and celebrity endorsements.

In order to be able to expand quickly, we recruited franchisees to open chain stores, found some local small bosses to cooperate and join, and the entire facade was decorated. The headquarters sent people to guide and train, so that we could get started quickly.

Supply at the same time, the front-end franchise stores only sell.

As for after-sales service, the headquarters of the company will set up an after-sales center in a designated area. After customers buy a mobile phone, they will promise a refund within seven days, a replacement within 15 days, and a one-year warranty.

If there is a problem with the customer's mobile phone, it will be refunded if it meets the guarantee, or it will be replaced if it meets the guarantee. If it meets the warranty, it will be sent to the store, and the mobile phone store will send it to the after-sales center for processing.

In short, franchise chain stores just need to sell machines at the front end.

The six major manufacturers have started to expand nationwide, and each circle has a large area, such as Huaxin in the central region, Longlian in the southern coastal region, and OPPEIN in the eastern coastal region.

Let's eat up the blank market first.

The incremental market looks at growth, and the stock era only looks at distribution.

The cheapest price of the launched product can be directly sold to 799 yuan, and the main product is cheap and high-quality, following the path of friends and merchants, leaving friends and merchants nowhere to go.

The Nietzsche mobile phone can be sold for 399 yuan, but it is not a smartphone in the true sense, and the products that the six major manufacturers are going to launch are real smartphones, but the configuration is a little bit worse, but the price/performance ratio is really high.

Moreover, the silky and smooth TOS system is used, and the competitive advantage in the low-end market is really not small.

At the end of the year, more than one product was launched, but a variety of products, including 799 yuan, 999 yuan, 1299 yuan and 1599 yuan.

Not to mention the cheapness, there are still many things to give away. When the store opens, various promotions will be greeted, such as buying a mobile phone to get a phone card, buying a mobile phone to get a memory card, buying a mobile phone to get a rice cooker, buying a mobile phone to get a power bank, buying a mobile phone to get a bicycle, Buying a mobile phone can also draw a lottery...

All in all, in short, the main focus is a simple and down-to-earth atmosphere.

Is this playing to make money? Of course, it is difficult to make money, basically no profit, so f*cking to 799 yuan, and all kinds of gifts, on the premise of not cutting corners, how can there be any profit?

Nietzsche's mobile phone promotion only earns 10 yuan each, which is all a gimmick, not to mention the cutting corners inside, but these six major manufacturers may really only earn 10 yuan per mobile phone or even lose money.

It's good enough to keep balance.

The six major manufacturers are not here to cut leeks, but really want to take root in the low-end market and survive for a long time, so word-of-mouth still needs to be accumulated slowly, and word-of-mouth must be paid attention to for future development.

Other counterfeit phones all hope to make a quick profit and make a one-shot deal during the boom period, but these six major manufacturers want to expand and accumulate rapidly during the boom period, and save them for profit and survival in the future.

It doesn't matter if you don't make money.

As long as the market share is eaten up and the ecological scale of the TOS operating system is expanded, the father of the capital funder will pay the bill. The most important thing Qunxing Capital needs is money.

The mission of these six manufacturers since their birth is to serve the strategic needs of the TOS ecosystem, but they will certainly accelerate the popularization of smartphones in the domestic market and the expansion of mobile Internet users.

As for whether these six manufacturers can finally catch the wind and survive in the cruel inventory era in the future, Fang Hong actually doesn't care. It is best to survive, and it is acceptable to die.

In fact, Fang Hong also clearly arranged how to develop in the future.

If you really can't survive, then don't be "single", hurry up and "marry" to keep warm, that is, to merge with another company and reorganize, no matter how difficult it is, the six manufacturers will not die, right?


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