My Fintech Empire

Chapter 584 [Go to the

Kyushu Blue Arrow achieved a 15-fold increase on the day when it resumed trading. This gluttonous feast has allowed countless stockholders to witness the grand occasion of the A-share market getting rich overnight, and those who did not ambush almost cried with envy.

This is a gluttonous feast for the holder.

Seeing the increase after the resumption of trading in Kyushu Blue Arrow, and the stockholders who have ambushed Kunpeng Technology, Yixing Media, Youkefang, Chuangkefang and Kyushuhang, the stockholders are now too excited to sleep day and night.

These five targets are still in the suspension stage, but today, affected by the skyrocketing Kyushu Blue Arrow, the popularity of these five suspended stocks has collectively rushed to the top ten positions in the popularity list.

The comment area of ​​its stock bar is also extremely lively. Those who are short-lived come here admiringly, leaving envious comments, and the holders are discussing how much it will rise.

At the same time, due to the influence of emotions, it is particularly obvious that the subsidiaries of the galaxy system are accelerating their listing. Seeing the skyrocketing tickets for Kyushu Blue Arrow and Yixing Video, those who are short-lived are all stimulated, and the short-term funds are once again put into the market. The focus is on the backdoor concept section.

It can be seen from the search index and attention of stockholders that more and more funds in the current market are going to the "garbage dump" to find treasures, and the world is full of profits.

What big blue chip?

What value investing?

Things dogs don't even play with.

Can big blue chips and value investing increase fifteen times in a day? Can it increase thirty or forty times a year?

The listed companies in the galaxy are getting more and more attention from the market. There is no way, the real money-making effect is on the table, and the increase of 15 times in a day, who can't be envious?

So far, several listed subsidiaries of Qungalaxy have skyrocketed without exception.

The market index has been dying in the past two years, but these listed subsidiaries of Qungalaxy have bucked the trend and soared.


In the afternoon, when the data of the dragon and tiger list was released that day, Kyushu Blue Arrow was on the list.

Shareholders looked at the data of the Dragon and Tiger List of this stock, and now they are even more convinced that the seven groups of galaxy-themed public funds have entered the market today, because the five buying seats are all displayed as "institutional use" and directly dominate the list.

Hot money can't make the list.

According to the Dragon and Tiger List data, the total net purchase of the seats of the five major institutions reached about 1 billion yuan, with an average of 200 million yuan for each institution-specific seat.

If this does not prove that the seven groups of galaxy-themed public funds are increasing their positions, at around nine o'clock in the evening, with the update of the net value of the public funds, the skyrocketing net value of the seven groups of galaxy-themed funds today is a real hammer.

The net value of these seven major public offering funds collectively soared by more than +12% today.

Properly hammered.

Moreover, it is not difficult to calculate from this increase in net worth that the prices undertaken by the seven major public offering funds are the ones that Kyushu Blue Arrow aggressively undertook when it reached its lowest point today.

Only by buying at that position can a daily return of more than 70% be achieved.

Today's market index also ushered in a strong rebound. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index closed up +1.39% after the market, at 2378.89 points. Kyushu Blue Arrow is on the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and today it has skyrocketed 15 times and has become the biggest contributor to the rise of the Shanghai Index.

The stock prices of several other listed subsidiaries of Qungalaxy were also driven by emotions and soared today, so the net value growth of these public funds all exceeded 12 percentage points.

Since its establishment, the cumulative net value of these public offering funds has risen the most to 1.3956 yuan per share, and the cumulative increase has reached +39.56%, which is faster than the increase of individual stocks, and the increase of several other funds is similar.

You must know that the current big A is in the bear market stage, and if you don’t lose money, you are making money. A large number of public funds have fallen into dogs.

However, not many Christians subscribed for these public offering funds, and some even sold their take-profits, which turned out to be sold out.

Some people want to wait for the pullback to buy some, but they rush all the way north.

The Christians did not increase their positions, and some even reduced their positions, but Qunxing Capital is increasing their positions. Today, each of these seven public offering funds has increased their positions in Kyushu Blue Arrow by 200 million, which means that these funds are on the plate. have reached the scale of 2 billion.

Qunxing Capital increased its position again by 7.7 billion, with an average increase of 1.1 billion per public offering fund. In addition to providing sufficient liquidity for these funds to increase their positions, there is also a response to the redemption of some Christians.

However, for these few public offering funds, the proportion of the funds of the Christians to the fund has dropped to less than 10%.

This ratio is basically negligible, Qunxing Capital has instead become a "main fund" in a sense, and it is the largest client of these funds.

The vast majority of Christians, including stockholders and many investors, are unaware of the value of these galaxy-themed public funds. Many people have never heard of them, and those who have heard of them cannot understand. in a skeptical state of mind.

Because it is impossible to publicly say that an "independent valuation system for listed subsidiaries of the Galaxy System" is to be created, the value of these public offering funds can only be discovered by investors themselves.

Foresighted investors who have seized the opportunity to hold these funds will enjoy value dividends in the next ten years. No matter the skyrocketing or falling outside, they will be able to get out of the bull market stably.

Just as many investors were discussing the Kyushu Blue Arrow and Seven Galaxies-themed public offering funds, some controversies arose later.

Some investors came out to question whether the grouping of these large groups of galaxy-themed funds was manipulating the market. Kyushu Blue Arrow was 15 times mad, and the video of Yixing next door was even more excessive, and it was still hitting a record high. All the way up to the point of insanity.

Investors questioned that these public funds took Christians to take orders at high positions. This is also a worrying point for some Christians to redeem and take profits.

There are actually some reasons for these doubts, because there is indeed such a situation in the big A, and it is not uncommon. Some stocks have risen too high, and investors do not take orders, but fund managers are obsequious when they are low. Time to strike hard.

This is also the reason why many stockholders would rather accept losing money by themselves than hand over the money to fund managers.

However, these galaxy-themed funds are obviously not among them. It can even be said that in the next ten years, there are not many fund products that Christians can rest assured to hold for a long time and can bring very considerable returns.

As time goes by, in the next few trading days of the A-share market, Kyushu Blue Arrow, which rose 15 times on the first day of resumption of trading, directly hit the limit down the next day, and the next day it fell limit again. On the third trading day, the stock price dropped to 23.56 yuan, and the market value also shrank to 106.02 billion yuan.

After the 15-fold surge on the day of the resumption of trading, it immediately went out of three one-word limit-downs, confirming that the price of 32.32 yuan is a phased pair top.

On the fourth trading day after the resumption of trading, the stock price of Kyushu Blue Arrow fell another 5 percentage points in the intraday session, and almost fell below the 100 billion market value mark in the intraday session, but in the end it still held the 100 billion market value.

Shareholders don't know that it is impossible for Kyushu Blue Arrow's 100 billion market value to be broken, and once it dips, it will be topped up by "mysterious funds".

In the next few days, the stock price of Kyushu Blue Arrow went out of the form of fluctuating up and down in the price range of 24 yuan to 29 yuan, with neither a new high nor a new low.

At the same time, the trading volume has also been greatly reduced, until it finally stabilized at a daily transaction scale of only about 300 to 400 million.

Although it is a large-cap stock with a level of hundreds of billions, there are not many circulations of this ticket, especially after the seven major public offering funds increase their positions, they will not sell, and the actual circulation is even less. After the trading volume comes down, the popularity gradually declines .


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