My Fintech Empire

Chapter 615 [Analyst: Xingyu Technology's target market value is 2,447.9 billion]

As the listing date of Xingyu Technology is getting closer, there are more and more news related to this company.

On Tuesday, September 11, it was reported that Xingyu Technology’s order volume for the additional S620 chip processor reached 45 million pieces, and the order volume for the more advanced S680 chip processor used in the next-generation flagship machine reached a staggering 150 million pieces. .

Xingyu Technology did not come out to deny it. It is obviously true news, and it can also be indirectly corroborated through the semiconductor supply chain.

Not to mention that this news is spreading wildly, it is also frequently reported by the media and has attracted the attention of the technology circle and the capital market.

Some practitioners in the smartphone industry claimed that his company originally planned to purchase S620 chip processors from Qualcomm, and the talks went quite smoothly, and the products may arrive early next year.

As a result, Qualcomm suddenly said that it would postpone delivery until the second half of next year because of insufficient production capacity.

As soon as this news came out, everyone speculated that it was the result of Xingyu Technology’s large-scale additional orders. No matter how you look at such a large-scale additional order, it means that Xingyu Technology’s S3 smartphone is selling better than everyone expected.

The next-generation product has an additional 150 million units. This data is even more shocking. It seems to say that the internal confidence of Xingyu Technology in the fourth-generation product is to sell 150 million units.

Good guy!

What followed were speculations from people from all walks of life who followed the news. The hottest prediction was that Xingyu Technology will probably seek internationalization from next year, and the next generation of flagship products will have 150 million units. Such a large quantity Certainly cannot be digested in the domestic market.

Although the Greater China market has burst out astonishing consumption potential, and the sales of smartphones have grown explosively, it is impossible to digest 150 million units in this market only, because Xingyu Technology STAR series smartphones are not cheap, and the positioning is High-end market.

If it is a low-end market, it is no problem to digest 150 million units.

Then there is only one explanation that makes sense. Xingyu Technology is seeking to develop international business, and no one in the industry or so-called experts has analyzed that it is to deal with the problem of the chip being "fragmented" by the neck.

Because in the eyes of many people, especially those who admire Europe and the United States, this is absolutely impossible to happen, and now they are all saying that science has no borders and technology has no borders.

So it is natural to analyze that Xingyu Technology is going to internationalize, open up new markets, sell mobile phones abroad, sell to European and American markets, and start a PK duel with Apple in the international arena.

This also makes many people look forward to it.

At the same time, the capital market is directly excited.

Brokerage research institutions have started to blow up, Xingyu Technology has added 45 million S620 chip processors and 150 million S680 chip processors. This year's performance will definitely exceed expectations.

Next year, it will go international and open up new markets, directly opening up a new space for performance expectations.

Xingyu Technology's performance will inevitably usher in a double explosion. The profit of the STAR series of smartphones is so high, and the sales volume is still so large. This performance must be explosive growth.

Moreover, the proportion of Xingyu Technology's profits in the smartphone industry is constantly increasing, and the future imagination space is extremely attractive.

A brokerage firm preemptively published the latest analysis report of Xingyu Technology.

Based on the recent news, especially the ultra-large-scale procurement of 150 million chips is about three to four times that of the past, internationalization is almost a matter of ironclad, otherwise the Greater China market would not be able to absorb such a large amount.

Analysts in the report believe that Xingyu Technology's profit in 2013 next year is expected to increase by more than +450%, and the net profit scale in 2013 is expected to reach more than 80 billion.

The analyst believes that the market value of Xingyu Technology next year will surpass that of Zhongyou Petroleum, and the probability of being the first listed company in A-share market value is more than 90%.

Among the listed companies in the A-share market, Zhongyou Petroleum has the largest market capitalization of more than 1.6 trillion yuan.

It is worth mentioning that Zhongyou Petroleum was listed in November 2007, with an opening price of 48.6 yuan, and the market was boiling. At that time, Zhongyou Petroleum's market value was as high as 8.9 trillion yuan, ranking first in the world at that time.

Brokerage analysts not only believe that Xingyu Technology’s listing will surpass Zhongyou Petroleum to become the number one A-share market by value, but their target price is 8.89 yuan per share, and the target market value is 2,447.9 billion yuan.

This research report was also circulated wildly in the circle of stockholders, causing heated discussions.

[A brokerage analyst expects Xingyu Technology to see 2.4 trillion yuan next year? ]

[Crazy? ]

[According to the target market value given by the so-called analyst, Xingyu Technology's issue price ranges from 2.54 yuan to 8.89 yuan, with a cumulative increase of +250%...]

[Haha, 250, this analyst has something. ]

[On purpose? die laughing...]

[There are also zeros and wholes with decimal points, which looks very professional. ]

[Whoever believes it is just like a leek, think about Zhongyou back then. ]

[Experts said before Zhongyou Petroleum went public: if you buy Zhongyou Petroleum, you don’t have to worry about food and clothing. I just want to say after I went public until now: I asked you how much you can worry, it’s like buying Zhongyou Petroleum with a full warehouse...]

[I think Xingyu Technology is still different. First of all, the industry is different. The market value of the issuance is set at 700 billion. It seemed very high before, but now it seems that it is really not high, and it may even be low. ]

[The analyst's target price may be a bit outrageous, but I think the expected profit of 80 billion next year is promising. It is a fact that Xingyu Technology madly placed an order of 150 million pieces. Internationalization should only wait for the official announcement, otherwise it will not be possible. It is possible to buy so many chips, is it possible to buy them and store them? Obviously impossible. ]

[Purchase 150 million pieces, that is to say, Xingyu Technology's fourth-generation product will mass-produce 150 million units, even if it sells 100 million units, the profit should be 80 billion, right? With a little less R\u0026D investment, profits will come out. ]

[If it is calculated based on the net profit of 80 billion yuan and the market value of Xingyu Technology's 700 billion yuan issue, the price-earnings ratio is not 45 times, and it directly drops to 8.75 times. Even if it is a net profit of 50 billion yuan, compared with the market value of the issued market value Also only 14 times. ]

[Such a calculation, what the hell? With such a low price-earnings ratio of Xingyu Technology, why do I suddenly feel that the analyst does not seem to overestimate it? If calculated according to the net interest rate of 80 billion, even if the market value reaches 2447.9 billion, the corresponding price-earnings ratio is only in the early 30s. ]

[The premise is that Xingyu Technology's performance next year will really explode, which is now expected. ]

[Next year’s net profit of 50 billion will definitely be there. Thinking about the additional 45 million S620s, the current S3 is still selling well, this company is definitely not Zhongyou. ]

[No matter what, I think Xingyu Technology can definitely buy it with a market value of one trillion yuan. ]


A research report by a securities company triggered competing analysis and discussions among hundreds of millions of shareholders of Big A. Some people thought it was overestimated, while others thought it was not overestimated.

In short, the differences are very large.

When it was revealed for the first time that Xingyu Technology’s IPO market value was set at 700 billion yuan, investors were dumbfounded, and almost unanimously believed that it was seriously overvalued and would not give a premium to the secondary market at all.

But today, with the sale of the S3 mobile phone, especially the crazy increase in chip orders from Xingyu Technology in the past two days, it has aroused the imagination of the capital market, and the expectation of business internationalization has opened up a wider market for the market. Big room for imagination.

The market value of the issue is 700 billion, and now everyone thinks it is very reasonable and not overestimated.

What everyone is arguing about is how high the upper limit of Xingyu Technology is, which is very different.

However, there is one point of disagreement among the stockholders. Xingyu Technology has a market value of 700 billion yuan. As long as it wins the new lottery, it will definitely make money steadily. Many people worried that the listing would break the stock, but now no one believes it.


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