My Fintech Empire

Chapter 661 [Jaw dropped in shock]

Biggest leap forward since the original?

The audience present and those watching the live broadcast of the press conference were also surprised and looking forward to hearing this. Qin Feng's words have always been high-pitched, and this has been the case since the release of the first generation of products.

When the first-generation product was released, everyone thought this young man was extremely arrogant.

Up to now, no one would say that anymore, instead they would say that he was confident.

At the press conference, Qin Feng said with confidence and calmness: "Before introducing STAR4 to everyone, I would like to talk about the previous generation of products. As of May 31 this year, the latest cumulative sales data shows that the cumulative sales of STAR3 have reached 80.52 million units, this is the best-selling product in the STAR series."

As soon as the voice fell, many audiences, especially fans, cheered and applauded.

Many friends and merchants in the same industry heard the latest sales data announced by Qin Feng, and they were so amazed that their eyes were full of envy and envy, especially when they thought that the price was so high that it could still sell so well, they were so envious that they were beyond recognition.

The annual report of Xingyu Technology has been disclosed long ago, and fellow merchants in the same industry have also paid attention to it, which also strengthens the hearts of many fellow merchants to engage in the high-end market.

Even with the Xiaomi mobile phone that debuted as "cost-effective", Rebs is increasingly trying to hit the high-end market.

Xiaomi's profit is too low, and it cannot be compared with high-end brands such as Xingyu Technology and Apple.

On the stage at this moment, Qin Feng said with a smile: "For us, what is more gratifying than the sales data is the user's love for the STAR series of mobile phones. This is our user survey data."

The big screen on the stage immediately switched to a set of data, and Qin Feng continued: "User satisfaction reached 98.7%, which is far ahead of the entire industry. We are deeply honored by the love of users. How our STAR line of phones facilitates their lives."

The audience at the scene gave warm applause again.

After the applause fell, Qin Feng said again: "The next time I will introduce STAR4 to everyone."

The audience, especially STAR fans, are looking forward to it.

Qin Feng on the stage paced back and forth: "Xingyu Technology always believes that integrating humanities and art into technology can improve people's living standards, better satisfy people's yearning for a better life, and change the world."

"Among many smart phone devices, the STAR series has brought such a profound impact on the entire industry and even the world, and the power brought by such impact is also very huge."

"We designed the STAR series of products to create powerful, immersive and magical things. Over the past few years, we have continuously conceived and developed a series of technologies to create new and wonderful experiences, and permanent Changing the way we interact with technology."

"At the same time, many new companies and new industries were born. The STAR series of smartphones even revolutionized security and privacy with the fingerprint biometric technology under the screen. We have completed innovations one after another, and we have come to where we are today."

"Now that we can create extremely smart and extremely powerful smart devices, let's unveil STAR4."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he sped up his pace a little and walked from the middle of the stage to the side. At the same time, the spotlights on the stage went out, and the audience present focused on the big screen.

The audience at the scene stared at the big screen intently. Accompanied by a piece of dynamic BGM music, the picture first showed the complex structure of the integrated circuit chip under the microscopic perspective, and the perspective continued to enlarge.

The precision-manufactured parts of the mobile phone were formed one by one, and finally assembled into a complete smartphone. The audience watched the promotional video of the flagship phone and found that the overall appearance and process design of STAR4 continued the style of the previous generation.

The appearance value is still the "top stream" among smartphones. As the video continues to play, the STAR4 mobile phone in the screen slowly rotates to show the front screen.

But the screen didn't wake up.

In the next second, the screen was woken up, and the mobile desktop was presented in front of everyone's eyes.

The audience suddenly exclaimed!

Almost the entire front of the STAR4 mobile phone is a display screen, and the screen-to-body ratio is unprecedentedly large, especially the edges of the left and right borders of the screen are almost attached to the borders.

That's right, the fourth generation of the STAR series is the world's first smartphone with a full-screen design.

"Oh oh oh~~~"

There was sudden applause at the scene, and many fans and users of STAR series mobile phones cheered excitedly, and some even whistled.

An industry insider said in astonishment: "This is something that can be had in 2013? This screen-to-body ratio is definitely over 90%. How did Xingyu Technology do it? Remove the front camera? No, there is a front camera... ..."

At this moment, the stunning full-screen display shocked the jaws of many friends and businessmen.

While many friends and businessmen were amazed and envious, they were also cursing in their hearts. The gap is getting bigger and bigger. Is there really no way to survive?

Ma De, do you want to be so curly?

The promotional slogan of STAR4 is not exaggerated, it is indeed challenging the aesthetic limit.

After recovering from the astonishment, another practitioner who was present couldn't help sighing amid thunderous applause: "The fourth-generation STAR product has once again raised the high-end threshold of smartphones by more than one level..."

The peers have not even caught up with the threshold of the second generation of STAR series products, and each new generation of products is still raising the threshold!

This makes many friends and businessmen who want to catch up and hit the high-end market feel puzzled and even a little desperate.

Because the gap with Xingyu Technology is getting bigger and bigger.

At this moment, just taking a preliminary look at the industrial design of STAR4's appearance, it feels that it is at least three years ahead, and it may not be an exaggeration to say that it may be five years ahead as a whole.

The applause at the scene lasted for a long time, until the end of the STAR4 promotional video, Qin Feng walked to the middle of the stage again, and the applause gradually fell. He looked at the audience and said with a faint smile: "The new generation of STAR has a brand new design. screen design."

Qin Feng further introduced: "The screen-to-body ratio of STAR4 has reached an unprecedented 95.18%, the left and right borders have been narrowed to 0.6mm, the equal width of the upper and lower borders has been narrowed to 4.35mm, and the diameter of the front camera is 2.88mm. The distance from the top of the screen is only 1.35 mm."

These data continue to shock the jaws of friends, business colleagues and industry insiders. Consumers who watched the press conference also caught sight of each other and became a new "dream love machine".

A major feature of the STAR series of mobile phones is their large screen-to-body ratio, but the screen-to-body ratio of the third-generation products does not exceed 80%, while the screen-to-body ratio of flagship smartphones from other manufacturers is generally around 60%.

The fourth-generation product directly pushes the screen-to-body ratio to more than 95%. At this moment, many friends and business colleagues are screaming insane. Now they finally understand why Qin Feng said that the release of STAR4 can determine the technology trend in the next five years.

After today, the smartphone industry will usher in the era of full-screen screens. This screen-to-body ratio really challenges the aesthetic limit. Good-looking is really good-looking. The fly in the ointment is because the front camera makes the upper and lower borders still have 4.35mm each. If it is also compressed To the 0.6mm of the left and right borders, it is really perfect.

But the flaws do not conceal the virtues.

Especially when the screen-to-body ratio of the flagship products of fellow merchants is still at 60%, STAR4’s screen-to-body ratio of more than 95% has killed all peers in seconds.

How difficult is the technology to advance the screen-to-body ratio to more than 95%, and every 0.1 percentage point increase in the screen-to-body ratio is a demanding technical requirement.

Many friends and business colleagues have found that the gap with Xingyu Technology is no longer as simple as one generation or two generations. Domestic manufacturers have opened up a gap of at least four generations, and even Apple has opened up a gap of at least two generations.

Just a full-screen design, STAR4 mobile phone will definitely lead the new fashion trend of the smart phone industry again without accident, leaving everyone behind, including Apple.

While friends and business colleagues are envious and jealous, they are also convinced in their hearts, and it is impossible to refuse.


(Ps: In reality, Xiaomi launched the world's first full-screen concept mobile phone in October 2016 - Xiaomi MIX, with a screen-to-body ratio of 91.3%, and it was the first time to introduce the full-screen concept to the world.)

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