My Fintech Empire

Chapter 692 [Stars Capital is also involved? 】

Regarding this matter, although there is no evidence that can be completely confirmed, Fang Hong, who has the advantage of foresight, is more inclined that there must be a pusher behind it.

Insiders are motivated to do it because they can make a profit, and refined egoists are also motivated to do it because they can get dog food, profit from it, and get tangible benefits.

But it brings its bad negative impact to the whole society.

Needless to say, foreign enemies are just performing this kind of operation with blunt knives cutting flesh every day, trying to create contradictions for you where there are no contradictions, and trying to magnify contradictions for you where there are contradictions.

Instigating the extreme opposition between the sexes is a seemingly simple gender issue, but the negative energy it generates accumulates daily, and when it reaches a certain critical value, it will trigger a qualitative change.

For example, it affects the long-term irreversible decline in the birth rate, although the decline in the birth rate is the result of complex and comprehensive factors, and is the result of the combined force and resonance of many intricate factors.

But there is no doubt that instigating the extreme contradiction between the sexes will definitely make up for the birth rate severely.

This kind of operation by foreign enemies can see that it can disintegrate your main ethnic structure to a certain extent. It may not be obvious in one generation, but it will become more and more obvious in the next generation and the next generation as time goes by. .

Moreover, foreign enemies do not just use the method of inciting extreme confrontation between the sexes, but use all aspects, starting from politics, economy, thinking, culture, education, environment, geography, etc., to infiltrate as much as possible.

In the end, it is reflected in the field of public opinion and in the turn of the social atmosphere, resulting in the loss of righteousness and the rampant evil.

It can be seen that the position of public opinion is too important.

Whether it's the feelings of family and country in the sense of righteousness, or to protect his own interests, Fang Hong will not allow these people to wantonly destroy this land and remain indifferent.

He can do as much as he is capable, and those insiders and those who want to get out can be unscrupulous, but Fang Hong never thought about getting out, so he must not just stand by and watch these people trample, ravage, and destroy.

In the competition for public opinion positions, its strategy is to expand the influence and market share of the media organizations under the galaxy system and the new Internet media. Under the ebb and flow of each other, if you grow stronger, you will inevitably squeeze the opponent's space and influence. The role of harmony will inevitably decline accordingly, and it will not be able to dominate.

Qunxing Capital currently has Yixing Media Group, which has developed into one of the best film and television media giants in China. It can be said to have the largest studio and the largest theater company.

Some cultural products that do not conform to the values ​​of Qunxing Capital, such as some film and television works will not be screened for you in its theaters, or they will be released for a symbolic amount to give you a small number of films. Naturally, no one is willing to do it if you lose money. It can be pushed, even if it doesn't make much money.

This is not only a business, but also an invisible struggle and a competition for public opinion.

As for new Internet media, Qunxing Capital has social media platforms such as Weibo and WeChat. At the same time, Yixing Video has now developed into the largest online streaming video platform in China, and both are super platforms with over 100 million users.

In the field of Internet new media, Qunxingxi also holds the top right to speak.


However, the incident of Fang Hong being raped by the Internet that is happening now is still in the process of fermentation.

The woman wanted to keep the rhythm and suffered backlash, and now she began to resort to the "depression" method.

But this angered the netizens even more, and it also made the real depressed patients and their families angry, because her behavior used this group to block the gun, and ultimately hurt the real depressed group.

On the third day, the weekend of December 1st.

There was a super shocking news this morning. I don’t know if some well-informed bigwigs in the top circle watched the excitement and secretly added fuel and vinegar to the news, or it was really dug out by the Internet masters.

Some personal background information of Fang Hong appeared on the Internet and spread rapidly. Because of the continuous ferment of public opinion before, everyone was curious about the background of the handsome guy in the video.

It is undeniable that the power of the Internet is very powerful. When no one cares, it is nothing, and no one will pay attention.

But once it becomes popular, when people dig it, they can always find something.

Because hot spots come up and more people pay attention, some people will always find out, huh? Where have I seen this person?

If this person happens to post a comment on the Internet and upload a picture or something, it will spread quickly.

This means that there are many people with great power, and the power of the masses should be fully utilized.

And it is spontaneous mobilization to dig.

Since Fang Hong's face appeared in that video, as the video fermented, some students of Xincheng University discovered that the handsome guy in the video was a senior.

As for the shocking news that broke out this morning, Fang Hong's name was exposed first, and netizens knew that he was a graduate of Xincheng University.

This is not the main point of the news, the real news is that the Internet guru dug out Fang Hong's work at the Natural Science Foundation of China.

It seems that he served as an assistant to the chairman of the Natural Science Foundation of China. He once represented the Natural Science Foundation of China and returned to his alma mater, Xincheng University, which contributed to the completion of the space laser gravitational wave detection project "Sky Mirror".

Someone exposed a photo of a group of Xincheng University leaders welcoming a young man back then.

This photo was surprisingly taken by some college students at that time. Now the popularity has risen. This college student was eating melons, but it turned out that the handsome guy in the video was the one in the photo he took at the time?

After a comparison, I found that it was true, so I posted it anonymously on the Internet, and it quickly spread through the current hot spots.

There are pictures and the truth, and it is true that it is true.

Now the vast number of melon-eating netizens are excited, the handsome guy in the video is really not an ordinary person, he really has a lot of background.

The netizens are very excited, which drives everyone to continue to dig deeper with more enthusiasm, and the majority of melon-eating netizens hope that the bigger the background of this handsome guy, the better. The board is preferably as hard as possible.

What I have to say is that the netizens are also very wise. In addition to satisfying curiosity when digging up Fang Hong's information, they also hope that Fang Hong is a person with a strong background. The woman has provoked a big shot. If the big shot makes a move, she will pay the price. more likely.

This is also a major reason why everyone has enough motivation to dig deep into Fanghong.

People who don't care much about the scientific research field know little about the NSFC. Many people even learned about it for the first time because of this incident. What netizens want to know most now is how powerful this institution is.

Many people don't know much about it, but soon some people began to "popularize science", and let everyone know that the energy of this institution is extraordinary through the funding of many public scientific research projects.

The "Sky Mirror" project budget exceeds 30 billion, the "Sky Survey Space Telescope" project budget exceeds 100 billion, and the "Saturn Exploration Project" and "Mars Exploration Project" passed some time ago. The sum of the budgets is more than 50 billion.

The funding for other scientific research projects ranges from millions to hundreds of millions.

With these astronomical budget appropriations, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is not a small Karami.

Netizens are very excited now, what everyone is looking forward to most now is that the handsome guy in the video has a bigger background, the better.

As the public opinion fermented, the woman also realized that Fang Hong was not an ordinary person. She felt a little nervous and regretted, but her regret was not a sudden awakening, but regret that she should change her target.


But she was not idle, and the woman finally apologized on Weibo that night.

But netizens did not buy it.

In the apology, she said that she was open-minded to accept everyone's criticism, but she closed the Weibo comment area, and only released a comment: [Don't scold, don't scold, she has learned a lesson, and has already apologized, netizens are still jumping What……】

But it was quickly picked up by netizens that this account was her trumpet, which can be described as a very explosive operation, and even more explosive operations are yet to come.

Netizens with great powers quickly picked up more black history of the woman, such as bullying classmates in high school, bullying roommates in college, punching on Weibo, talking about betrothal gifts on Zhihu, and operating in Xiaohongshu, which was only established this year. Female graduate students are set up to teach girls to spend their boyfriend's money in Yixing Video...

The black materials that were picked up exploded one by one, which can be called buff attribute stacking.

Another thing that netizens haven't picked up is that on the first day when the incident became popular, the woman contacted the business group department where she was an intern at the goose factory, and said that "it may damage the company's reputation" as an excuse , requesting to hide her in the whole company, that is, she cannot be found in any way in the whole company.

This matter was obviously rejected by the person in charge of the business group.

But she immediately bluntly said, "Can you bear the responsibility if it affects the company's reputation?" The person in charge of the business group said that this was her personal behavior, and he had no right to make decisions, and indeed he could not Give her the responsibility.

This woman directly made trouble inside the goose factory all the way, and finally achieved her goal, allowing the business group to hide her presence in the company.

In this case, only those who have a clear reason such as competing for business can make a request.


At the same time, the majority of netizens are not idle. Apart from digging into the woman's dark history, netizens are still digging deeper into Fang Hong's identity.

Because some careful netizens analyzed that, judging from the fact that Fang Hong had so many suspected accompanying bodyguards in that video, an assistant to the chairman of the natural self-fund should not be able to meet this configuration.

In other words, Fang Hong is very likely to have a larger background, but he has not been dug out.

Then keep digging!

If you don’t dig, you don’t know. If you dig deeper, you guys are amazing. You have dug up an epic-level shocking material that is ten times or a hundred times more powerful than the assistant to the chairman of the Natural Science Foundation of China.

Qunxing Capital was also involved!

Someone dug out that Fang Hong had a huge connection with Qunxing Capital, and this directly detonated the entire Internet.


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