My Fintech Empire

Chapter 695 [Thousand companies refuse to apply pressure]

The explosive public opinion continued to detonate one after another, continued to ferment, and the popularity reached new highs and new highs.

Now almost all spectators are convinced that Fang Hong is the founder of Qunxing Capital. No matter how outrageous it is, the truth is in front of them and they have to believe it.

It's just a matter of Qunxing Capital or Fang Hong himself coming out to admit it.

And right now, netizens are linking God K with Fang Hong and the founder of Qunxing Capital.

All the major media are following up and reporting this matter overwhelmingly. The heat of this matter is too great, and they are all paying attention to this matter.

God K's Weibo has already been overwhelmed by tens of millions of fans. The latest news on Weibo has more than 100,000 comments in the comment area, and there are countless onlookers, all of whom are melon-eating netizens from all over the country. for proof.

Everyone is waiting for Qunxing Capital to respond, or Fang Hong to come out to respond, or God K to post Weibo or something.

At the moment when the attention is so hot, Goose Factory is really taken aback, because although Goose Factory does not have direct competition with Qunxing Capital, it is in competition with Quantum Beat’s WeChat and Weibo.

And the largest shareholder of Quantum Beat is Qunxing Capital!

If Qunxing Capital mistakenly thinks that Goose Factory is behind the push to damage the reputation of Qunxing Capital’s founder, and then is misjudged by Qunxing Capital and crazily retaliates, then it will be snowed in June and become a pure injustice?

Before Fang Hong or Qunxing Capital came out to respond to the public opinion, Goose Factory responded directly at the speed of light.

Whether Fang Hong is the founder of Qunxing Capital or not is no longer the most important thing. The top priority before Goose Factory is to fire the intern without any hesitation.

At the same time, Goose Factory immediately sent a letter to the senior management of Qunxing Capital to communicate and explain the situation.

In a nutshell: this matter has nothing to do with me, it's all about the woman's personal behavior, don't get me wrong.

Goose Factory is also directing its bad luck. If it handles it carelessly, if it reacts a little slower, and if it is retaliated by Qunxing Capital without having time to explain and clarify, it may be caused by that woman to suffer an unwarranted disaster.


At about 16:00 in the afternoon, some netizens with great powers had found out that the woman was an intern employee of the goose factory. When the incident became popular, they made trouble in the company and asked the company to hide her.

Netizens once again call it a good guy——!

Everyone was amazed at her proficiency, and they didn't expect that she would have completed the defensive action before the heat came up.

Combining Weibo with a large apology and small comments with rhythm.

It can only be said that this is a well-trained and scheming person.

In the past hour or so, someone broke the news on the Internet that the goose factory was restoring the normal internal information of the woman, and at the same time terminated the internship contract. The woman in question was going through the process of resignation.

Two hours later, a reporter confirmed the news from a related person in the goose factory that the internship contract had indeed been terminated and the departure procedures were being processed.

Many netizens on the Internet commented on the latest development of the incident extremely hot.

[Is this considered a present newspaper? But this is not enough, far from enough! ]

[Seeing the tonality of this woman on different platforms, she knows the media, and she has really applied what she has learned...(Shiba Inu.jpg)]

[He is a master, a group of people can't do it...]

[Goose Factory is worthy of you, the response is really fast! ]

[This woman's life experience is also quite rich. If it weren't for this incident, she probably would have lived her life smoothly... (Eat melon.jpg)]

[You think it's just a coincidence, but it's actually because you do this kind of thing a lot, often walking by the river, and there are always times when the car overturns. ]

[On the contrary, the movement of the Tao, good luck is followed by bad luck. Most of the people are neither high nor low and have a stable life, while a small number of people have ups and downs in the mainland for a lifetime, do more good deeds, goodness, blessings and blessings, Amen, Hallelujah, merits will be deducted from you...(Shiba Inu.jpg)]

[Study very seriously, make full use of the major you have learned, why go to a goose factory after graduation, wouldn't it be nice to go directly to the beautiful country to settle in Baigong to play public opinion wars? (Manual funny)]

[After all, they have been paid attention to by NGOs and the BBC, and they are the ones who opened the door to the West... (erha.jpg)]

[Don't let the fight stop, she didn't intend to leave a way out for herself, why should she leave a way out for her? ]

[I wouldn’t read Mao Dun’s literature without her...(erha.jpg)]

[This master is also a ruthless person, maintaining his own personality while surfing the Internet intensively. ]

[The truth of the Internet is for her to play and understand. ]

[The Goose Factory did a great job, I won’t scold the penguins when I play games today...(Shiba Inu.jpg)]

[Haha no, the main reason is that this product threatens the goose factory. ]

[Goose Factory: I can bear this kind of anger... (erha.jpg)]


As the news fermented and time passed, Qiu Guangcheng was waiting for the news that the woman had been further dealt with.

This incident is no longer just a matter between the two parties involved. Its deeper game is a battle of public opinion and a battle of social ethos. Define a double standard.

The reason why the public insists on this matter is that she must be severely punished. It is not because everyone is too hostile, nor is it because everyone is not tolerant, but because it is too vicious and the negative energy caused is too huge.

If you continue to indulge in this way, you open up this double standard, and then everyone will follow suit, and you can check other people's mobile phones for any reason that you don't need.

In fact, no severe punishment is not enough to correct the atmosphere, and no severe punishment is not enough to set an example.

Time passed minute by minute, more than ten hours passed, and Qiu Guangcheng still didn't get the news he wanted.

Since you are not determined to deal with it, help the other party make up your mind.


The following day, Thursday 5 December.

While the entire network was waiting for Qunxing Capital to speak out and Fang Hong to speak out, there was still no response today.

But there was a new development in the matter, and it was related to the woman in the incident, which also shifted the public's attention from Fang Hong to the woman again.

At around 10 o'clock this morning, it was rumored that many companies announced their refusal to hire the woman's graduates from the same school, and more and more companies participated. After digging deeper, netizens found that the shareholders of these companies all had a common name. —— Qunxing Capital.

Netizens were extremely excited. Qunxing Capital did not express their views, but seemed to be responding with practical actions to carry out the "blocking order", which showed that Qunxing Capital and Fang Hong were furious about this incident.

In the afternoon, the number of companies soared to two hundred, and it was rumored that the number was still increasing, and all of them were companies directly or indirectly invested by Qunxing Capital. Qunxing Capital has invested in thousands of companies over the years, and all of them are with high There are many technologies, and the benefits and benefits are better than those of the same industry.


Another day passed, and on Friday, December 6, the number of participating companies soared to an astonishing 500 or more, and well-known companies such as Yixing Media, Yixing Video, Ruihe Medicine, Quantitative Capital, Xingyu Technology, Quantum Jump, ATL Technology, etc. are all involved.

Moreover, many companies that are not subsidiaries of Qunxing Capital have also joined the ranks of refusals, such as Zhongtai Capital, Pengrui Capital and other companies.

When Xiao Quan saw this incident, he immediately notified the HR department and joined it.

Although these companies are not subsidiaries invested by Qunxing Capital, they are often customers or business partners with the subsidiaries of Qunxing Capital.

Even from the perspective of their own interests, these companies will also do a good job of isolating potential risks. If customers see that the people in your company are rejected by them, and then the business that could have been negotiated collapses like this, they will not cry to death. ?

And it happened to be a time to sell face and favor, people like Xiao Quan or related companies had no reason not to do it, and they were not afraid of not being able to recruit people anyway.

As more and more companies were rumored to be joining the ranks of rejections, the woman's alumni were about to cry to death and hated her to death.

But at this time, Qunxing Capital issued an announcement to refute the rumors, saying that the rumored "blocking order" issued by Qunxing Capital to related companies under its jurisdiction was not true.

This quickly aroused onlookers all over the Internet.

Qunxing Capital will definitely come out to conduct a rumor dispelling operation. This is a necessary and indispensable link, otherwise Fang Hong's subsequent public understanding will be meaningless.

But this seemingly unnecessary action is actually creating pressure and expectations on the opponent.

The rumors are not true now, but they will not be sure in the future.

So, you figure it out.

Finally, the girl's school couldn't bear the pressure and began cutting.

The large and small companies invested by Qungalaxy are calculated in units of "thousands", and many of them are industry leaders or sunrise industries with great potential, such as Ruihe Pharmaceutical, ATL Technology, Xingyu Technology, Quantum jump and more.

In addition, some people who have business dealings with it, or even those who have no business dealings with it, participated in the refusal. Who would dare to apply to your school in the future?

The most important thing is that some things are not so important, and they can't stop them even if they weigh a thousand catties. They are afraid that they will not give Qunxing Capital a satisfactory explanation, and the level of the situation will further expand.


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