My Fintech Empire

Chapter 707 [Is it the wisdom of the top management of the headquarters?]

After a while, Tian Jiayi turned and said: "By the way, Duan Fei, the head of the e-sports business department, has a suggestion. I hope the company's senior management can promote WCG e-sports events to reappear on cable TV stations. It is best to be able to be on Yangshi Sports. channel."

Hearing this, Fang Hong said flatly: "The idea is very bold and radical, but it's just too hasty."

The reason why the word "re-enrollment" is used is that it is not that I have never been on YangTV Sports Channel before.

Not only did it exist, but it was once extremely popular.

As early as ten years ago, just after the millennium, there were many TV programs on game culture at that time. For example, the program "Game Things" broadcast by Travel Satellite TV from 2002 to 2004 was estimated to have 60 million viewers at its peak. Many people pay attention to this TV program, which was once the TV station's "pillar" ratings champion column.

Many post-90s players, more or less, watched or heard of the column "Game Things" when they were teenagers.

As a game show after the millennium, "Game Things" is an absolute "pioneer" in the domestic game media. "Game Stuff" was once the mainstream game media in TV shows.

It was an era when games and entertainment were relatively relaxed. When you turned on the TV station, you could not only watch the latest cartoons, but also various entertainment and cultural programs.

Afterwards, TV stations also followed up and produced related game columns. Even CCTV5 Sports Channel also launched an e-sports program called "E-Sports World", which was first broadcast in 2003 and focused on games and sports.

Many people nowadays think that they are at the forefront of the times, and then criticize the "national brand" TV stations and the media for being backward, but they don't know that on the contrary, they are the ones who are keen and ahead of the times, and those who think they are at the forefront of the times People still have prejudices of arrogance and disdain towards new things like e-sports.

Around that time, many post-90s who are the main force of today’s game consumption may have just come into contact with video games, but Yangshi has already realized the importance of e-sports, and the National Federation of Sports also listed e-sports in the official list in that year. sports competitions.

The column "E-sports World" not only has competitions, but also prospects and discussions on the future of e-sports and the game industry, as well as discussions with ordinary players and practitioners, including game information, and even special reports on console games in the program .

The column was divided into several sections at that time, the most important of which was the "Arena" section, which was the section with the longest time and the highest proportion of the program, including event-related content and broadcast;

The second is the "Video Game Commanding Heights" section, which mainly focuses on some game industry information, but mainly software and hardware news, sales rankings, etc.; under it is the "Minority Report" section, mainly professional comments from industry insiders.

Then there is the "Beach Landing" section, which mainly includes content such as early game trials, and the "Game Pioneer" section, which mainly focuses on e-sports and game characters.

In the era when the Internet was not yet developed enough, fresh and interesting video games always had a strong and irresistible appeal to young audiences.

But at the time, no one would have thought that in such a period of seemingly unlimited prosperity, the entire "E-Sports World" program group was under a huge pressure, including all related game TV programs.

Because some parents reported at that time that their children often secretly spent a lot of time watching video games on TV, coupled with the "blue and fast incident" in that era and other reasons.

Mountains and rains are about to come, and the first to be hit is "Game Things", which has flourished on Travel Satellite TV. The radio and television station sent a notice to the TV station, and Tai Zhuzi's "Game Things" was ordered to stop. broadcast.

Immediately afterwards, the "Notice on the Prohibition of Broadcasting Computer Online Game Programs" was followed up. The notice pointed out: Certain computer online game programs have caused adverse effects on the healthy growth of minors, so radio and television organizations in all regions will be prohibited from doing so in the future. Broadcast computer network game programs.

Affected by this notice, even the "E-Sports World", which is known as "official lineage", was forced to stop broadcasting for an episode. It does not belong to the "computer network game program" but belongs to the "sports competition program". Therefore, this column was rebroadcast, but the good times did not last long.

In the end, it only aired for one year before it was discontinued in 2004.

All related game shows were suspended, and even Yangshi's column became the target of surgery, and it has not been let go until today.

But at this moment, Fang Hong said slowly and leisurely: "If you want to force it, you won't be able to get on the Yangshi Sports Channel. There should be no problem with Xincheng TV Station. We can also bring in Goose Factory to promote it together, and the probability of success will increase a lot."

When it came to this, Fang Hong changed the subject: "But it's not worth it for the stars to waste their influence on such an important but not too important matter."

Tian Jiayi looked at Fang Hong and couldn't help asking: "You mean to reject Duan Fei's suggestion?"

Hearing this, Fang Hong turned to laugh and said, "Turn your head around, don't be straight, can a living person be suffocated to death by urine? Why do you have to go online on a TV station in the mainland?"

The beautiful assistant couldn't help but look at him curiously.

Fang Hong thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Notify Duan Fei of the e-sports department to go to Xiangjiang to set up a Chinese game channel called "E-sports Fengyun". The core content of this TV channel is WCG Super League and WCG The National Cup and the event is only broadcast on this WCG, and then study the column "E-sports World", this is a high-quality 'legacy' that can enrich the content of "E-sports."

Speaking of this, Fang Hong added: "But this column is not open to the inland, so it is not considered a violation."

Hearing this, Tian Jiayi looked at him incomprehensibly: "Not open to the inside? Then..."

Without waiting for her to finish speaking, Fang Hong said directly: "Isn't it the end of the satellite channel?"

Tian Jiayi was stunned for a while, and then he suddenly realized that if he made a satellite channel, he could use a satellite pot to receive it. This thing is everywhere in the country, all over the streets and alleys.

In this way, anyone in the mainland who has a pot can receive the "E-Sports" channel to watch the program.

And Fang Hong, who has the foresight, knows that the installation of satellite pots will not be banned until the second half of 2020. In other words, there will be seven years. After seven years, the entire e-sports environment will be very different. To start the e-sports major, the environment at that time was very different from the current environment, and it is another matter to promote it.

At the end, Tian Jiayi looked at him and smiled and said, "It's better if you think carefully, and I'll make arrangements."

This incident was soon notified to the person in charge of the e-sports department of Qunxing Capital. After receiving the news, Duan Fei couldn't help but sigh: "Why didn't I think of this curved line of thinking? It is the wisdom of the senior management of the headquarters."

Duan Fei also realized that this idea can achieve his goal, and Qunxing Capital does not have to directly end up offending a large number of parents. After all, the power of parents still needs to be weighed and weighed. It is not worth going against them to avoid a dilemma.

If the parents are dissatisfied, they will blow up their satellites.

The game has been blamed too much in these years. Parents think that as long as the game is banned, everything will be fine. In fact, they are blamed for their poor family education. It turns out that if the game is banned, what children should play is to play , Watch game shows if you don’t play games, and if you are not allowed to watch game shows, you will find other ways, such as short videos that have emerged many years later.

However, games have been hit hard because of this. More importantly, games are an important carrier of soft power and cultural output. For foreign products, parents have also contributed a lot.

But now that Fang Hong attaches great importance to the game track, the environment of domestic games is bound to be far better than in his previous life.


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