My Fintech Empire

Chapter 737 [Boots fall to the ground]

The crimea incident occupies the current international focus and news headlines, and everyone is staring at the matter of Da Mao and Er Mao.

At the same time, the domestic side is also negotiating with people from America. Both sides have chips in their hands. This game is nothing more than to see who has the most chips and who has the most powerful chips.

This time, because of the Crimean incident, Europe and the United States have fallen into a passive situation in terms of gallium and germanium, and these raw materials, Europe will not be able to get rid of the supply chain of the Greater China market for at least ten years, which can be said to be a real breakthrough. Here comes the pain point.

Lao Mei's initiative to send people to the docking negotiations is a subtle sign of weakness, and the domestic side responds by relaxing foreign capital's operating restrictions and investment scope.

However, the fact that the raw material control of gallium and germanium came into effect on April 15 has not changed, and more sincerity has to be shown.

Lao Mei is not a vegetarian either, and the operation of one set on the surface and another set on the back will soon be staged.

This side just ran over on its own initiative to seek relaxation, but then the old American warship on the other side ran to the Philippines, and then started wandering around the edge of the territorial waters in the southern part of the eastern power, still in the same old way. sailing" guise.

This trick is a play of "creating something out of nothing". It is Lao Mei who "creates" her own bargaining chip on the negotiating table. If you want the warship to go, you have to take out the bargaining chip in exchange.

It has to be said that Lao Mei is a veteran hooligan after all.

The swaying of the old American warship also led to a stalemate in the negotiations between the two sides.

Various capital markets are also paying close attention to the progress of this negotiation. When they saw that Lao Mei let their warships come here at this juncture, the capital market was shocked again, feeling that the negotiation did not seem to be as expected.

This also caused the A-share market to fall for four consecutive days in the last few days at the end of March. The market index closed down -0.18%, -0.83%, -0.24% and 0.41% respectively, closing at 2033.31 points.

Lao Mei's method of creating chips out of thin air is not surprising.

But one's own side can still play like this, isn't it just to create chips, there are a lot of cards in the hand, or you can "create something out of nothing" to draw a few extra cards into your hand.

Entering April, the two sides met again for negotiation and directly showed the card of "antimony" on the negotiating table.

Unlike gallium and germanium, which are two raw materials, antimony is mostly used in the military industry. Once the sale of antimony metal is banned, it will inevitably affect the development of North American military enterprises. The supply of materials will greatly affect its normal operation. Raytheon actually has many suppliers in the Greater China market.

Now for any country, it is very important to have a strong military strength. Although it is in an era of overall peace, turmoil between regions is still going on. The Crimea incident happened only a few days ago.

Therefore, countries dare not relax their military development, especially big countries.

In the first two days of April, the A-share market rebounded slightly for two days after falling for four consecutive days. There was neither a big drop nor a big rise, and it remained oscillating around 2050 points.

Risk-averse investors in the capital market have withdrawn, and the rest are waiting to see, so the market is sideways, waiting for the boots of the negotiation process between the two parties to land.

Just on Thursday, April 3, an anecdotal news came out that caused shocks in the capital market, causing the A-share market to fall rapidly in the afternoon, with a drop of more than 1 percentage point at one point, almost swallowing up the rebound of the previous two days.

It is rumored that in addition to controlling the two rare metals gallium and germanium, the export of "rare earth elements" may also be restricted.

This situation, instead of easing up, seems to have worsened.

The stock market plummeted.

But in fact, this is also an operation of "creating something out of nothing" to create chips, otherwise it would not be a rumor.

Laomei looked at the situation, and then looked at the situation in Crimea, which was not optimistic. She also looked at the date that there are only 12 days left before the official effective date of gallium and germanium control on April 15.

Forced by the situation, she finally chose to give in. After so many days of tossing around, Lao Mei also put away her off-the-chart tricks and started to have a good talk.

It is unknown to the outside world what exactly they talked about, we can only wait for the news.

But on Friday, April 4th, the outside world saw another change in details, that is, the American warship that was dangling in front of the house quietly slipped away and sailed towards Hengxuhe Port in the direction of Xiaobenzi.

Investors take a look, huh? There is a new development, is this a feint?

So the big A-shares immediately rebounded +0.74% after being "der" today, which reversed yesterday's negative line. The market index closed at 2058.83 points, standing above 2050 points.


On Saturday, April 6th, Jingxinju Villa.

"There is new progress in this negotiation, and a consensus has finally been reached." Tian Jiayi received the news and is reporting to Fang Hong at the moment: "We have canceled the restrictions on gallium and germanium on April 15 and resumed normal supply."

Tian Jiayi added: "The North American side revoked the previous restrictions on lithography machines and other equipment, and returned to the status quo before March 10. In addition, the restrictions on quantitative capital were revoked, and the previously frozen assets of 6 billion US dollars were unfrozen. That’s basically it.”

Hearing this, Fang Hong nodded in satisfaction. The domestic side did not pay any price for such a tossing to return to the original state. On the contrary, the quantitative capital sanction was removed. This time the game slightly exceeded expectations.

Fang Hong asked: "Quantitative Capital needs to set up a management fund with an upper limit of 200 billion U.S. dollars. Who does Wall Street Capital want to get on board?"

This time, the North American side revoked last year’s sanctions on quantitative capital, and is willing to unfreeze the frozen US$6 billion. One of the important bargaining chips is the commitment to guarantee a 25% annualized return on the US$200 billion ceiling.

A 25% annualized guarantee is given, and the size of the fund is limited, with the upper limit being 200 billion US dollars.

Without a cap on the capital market, there is absolutely no promise to guarantee a minimum 25% annualized return. Otherwise, the other party will dump US$2 trillion, which means a guaranteed minimum profit of US$500 billion a year, and Qunxing Capital will not be able to afford it.

Only when the upper limit is set can we dare to promise a guarantee. 50 billion U.S. dollars is definitely no problem, and it is definitely more than 50 billion U.S. dollars.

But at this moment, hearing Fang Hong's question, Tian Jiayi shook his head and replied: "The specific list has not been confirmed yet, and it is expected that the boots will land before the end of the first half of this year."

Fang Hong nodded.

The big cake with a guaranteed bottom of 50 billion U.S. dollars per year is a great benefit. The minimum guaranteed bottom is 50 billion U.S. dollars, and the upper limit is not capped. It can be seen that the 200 billion U.S. dollars of capital management share is obviously impossible for Wall Street to be managed by a capital institution. To swallow it all alone must be divided by many parties.

Since they want to divide up, there will definitely be a game among them for the share of the 200 billion US dollars. It is certain that this fund will definitely fill the upper limit of 200 billion US dollars.

However, whether it is quantitative capital or Qunxing Capital, the game within Wall Street does not matter. It is their business whether the management funds are monopolized or divided up.

Anyway, how much money to take over it wants.

... (end of this chapter)

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