My Fintech Empire

Chapter 740 [Full of Anticipation]

As the Trojan horse virus was taken away by the security guards, the camera scenes were frequently switched, showing the audience a series of adventure stories Xiaoling experienced on the way to find her father after she entered the Internet world alone.

During the period, Xiaoling encountered Trojan horse virus and the like, and escaped the danger without any danger. Because of her simple mind, she fell into the scammer's routine and hacked into the banking system to help the scammer transfer money.

Xiaoling gradually grew up in this series of experiences.

But she never found her father.

However, I gradually learned to live independently in the Internet world, and finally settled down in a city.

Some viewers are very familiar with the urban setting of the trailer, as if they have seen it somewhere in reality.

It turns out that this city is a new city in reality, with exactly the same layout, and a linkage between virtual and reality.

After Xiaoling settled in the new city, she still insisted on looking for her father. During this period, she met a real human boy in the online world. The human boy is a game player. Because of the otaku superimposed on social fear, he has no friends in reality, but And longing to have friends.

In the end, the human teenager and Xiaoling met by chance and became friends, and gradually established a deep trust and friendship.

At the beginning, the human boy didn't know Xiaoling's real identity, so he taught her to play games, and found that Xiaoling was a fast learner, extremely talented in games, and could learn everything very quickly.

In the last ten seconds or so of the trailer, with the unfolding of the plot, the big villain also made his debut. The gang who killed Xiaoling’s father searched everywhere in the Internet world. The villain was tricked by others many years ago through Xiaoling He found clues about the hacking of the bank, and traced Xiao Ling along the way.

In desperation, the human boy helped Xiao Ling temporarily escape the villain's search, and Xiao Ling hid in a STAR series smartphone of the human boy, and the human boy also knew Xiao Ling's true identity.

The human boy learned that Xiaoling had been looking for her father, and finally agreed to help Xiaoling find her father. During this period, Xiaoling turned into an app and temporarily lived in the human boy's smartphone, and Xiaoling became the boy's partner in the online world. As a right-hand man, in the real world, the teenager fulfills his promise to help Xiaoling find clues to his father, and this triggers a series of new stories that follow.

But that's the end of the trailer.

Apparently, in the last part of the trailer, student Xiaoling becomes a temporary residence in the smartphone of a human teenager in the form of an APP application. This is the AI ​​assistant that Quantitative Capital will definitely launch in the future.

Once this trailer was released, it became a new hot topic that day, and it aroused heated discussions among netizens, asking when the feature film will be released.

[When will it be released? The most anticipated domestic animation of the year! ]

[The feature film is pure CG animation with the same quality as the trailer? Fuck, the funds are burning! ]

[Is this an animated movie? ]

[Officially it is not a big movie, but a long-form animation series, purely CG production, it is said that the budget spent 3 billion! ]

[What? Spent 3 billion? ]

[Pure CG animation with this level of picture quality is still a feature-length giant production, with a budget of 3 billion I believe, because this kind of production really burns a lot of money, so it can be said that it is billed per frame! ]

[Really rich, this is the money ability! ]

[The production team is so imaginative, it overturned my understanding of the Internet world. I never thought that the virtual Internet world would be concretized and presented in this way. Those website applications, such as WeChat, Weibo, and Treasure , Search and other advertisement embeddings, not only do not have the slightest sense of abruptness, but also make you smile knowingly when you see it, and even the imagination of the presentation method is amazing, look forward to it! ]

[Judging from the trailer, the picture is excellent and impeccable, the imagination is extremely rich, and the storyline is also very deep. There are discussions on the existence of life, tortures on future development trends, and artificial intelligence life in both reality and virtuality. The presentation of the interaction between the two worlds, and the starting point of family affection are also in place. Looking at the trailer, the human teenagers in the future should have mutual emotions with classmate Xiao Ling. Don’t make any sadomasochism plot...]

[No wonder the official said it is not a big movie. If so many elements are made into a big movie, it will definitely be unclear. A two-hour movie will definitely not be enough, and the entire narrative will become chaotic instead. It is right to make a long-form series. . ]

[The setting of the human boy is an otaku, a game player, I have a sense of substitution. ]

[Xiao Ling, I'm taking her home, you can do whatever you want. ]

[Ni Zukai, Xiao Ling is mine...(Shiba Inu.jpg)]

[Don't look for it anymore, Xiaoling is already in my phone, she chose me...(No.2.jpg)]

[Get out of the way, let me step on my own...]

[I have to say that the production team understands the young people of today very well with the setting of the hero. ]

[Sure enough, a high-tech Internet company that doesn’t know how to trade stocks is not a good animation studio. Mr. Chen has gone further and further on the road of not doing business properly, but I like it (风泪笑笑.jpg)]

[Mr. Chen said that investing in stocks is just a sideline... (manually funny)]

[An animated series with a budget of 3 billion yuan is just a promotional film to enrich the character image of classmate Xiao Ling. ]


A two-and-a-half-minute trailer aroused heated discussions on the Internet. After watching the trailer, the audience were all looking forward to the main film, eager to know a series of adventure stories of Xiaoling after entering the Internet world.

There are also a large number of interpretation videos or articles on the Internet, speculating and analyzing the plot of the feature film.

The production team has put a lot of effort into enriching Xiaoling’s story background and character experience, and the company has also given enough budget. The goal is to make Xiaoling’s IP avatar stand up, and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, accompanying the growth of a generation and memories of youth.

The production of CG animation series and future short films for Xiaoling is to enrich her character image and experience.

On weekends this weekend, the popularity of Xiao Ling has skyrocketed. First, the new version was launched to enable text chat and interaction, and then the pure CG trailer was released, which has the potential to break the circle.

After the weekend weekend, on Monday, April 8, due to the heat effect brought by classmate Xiao Ling on the weekend weekend, the A-share market opened today, and quantitative capital opened high and went high in the early trading.

The speed of technological progress of quantitative capital in the field of artificial intelligence has given the market room for imagination.

At around 10 o'clock, it once rose by more than 6 percentage points, and today the market index continued to rebound, opening low and moving high. At the same time, the stock index rose to +0.73%.

After 11 o'clock, the market index began to accelerate upwards driven by the securities sector, and two good news came out during the noon market break.

One piece of news was confirmed by the reporter to all parties that five brokerages’ Internet securities business passed the evaluation of the industry association and was qualified for the pilot Internet securities business.

The other news is even more important. There is news that the game with the North American side has made new progress. The domestic side will cancel the restrictions on gallium and germanium raw materials. At the same time, the North American side will also cancel the restrictions on lithography machines and other equipment in the semiconductor field.

The two sides should shake hands and make peace.

The emergence of two good news caused the A-share market to rise further at the opening in the afternoon, and the Shanghai stock market index stood on the 2100-point mark in one fell swoop that day.


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