My Fintech Empire

Chapter 756 [The ambition to expand the space field]

In the conference room, when Luo Liang proposed this approach, everyone nodded involuntarily.

The orbital space station has its own defense mechanism, and an additional "little brother" is arranged in front to find the way, which can achieve double insurance.

At this time, Chen Tongwei couldn't help saying: "This method is good, but it's just..."

Fang Hong turned his head and glanced at him and said, "I need to pay more, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned for a while, and then they couldn't help laughing. Chen Tongwei also laughed after being stunned for a while.

Indeed, this one was outside the budget.

Fang Hong sat with his back leaning on the chair, looked around the crowd and said with a smile, "If you add more money, just add more money. Later, you can draw up a budget. The entire project has already cost 200 billion yuan, and I don't care about adding tens of billions more."

It's nice to have money!

It's even better to have a rich and super generous donor father.

The two major Guojia team Aerospace Group wanted to poach Chen Tongwei and the others back, but they couldn't poach them anyway. Apart from Fang Hong's "plug-in", this is also a key point.

In Kyushu Blue Arrow, as long as it can be done technically, it is easy to get a budget from Fang Hong for a super-large project. Everyone knows that the father of the funder generally prefers projects in the space field more than other scientific research projects. .

If this kind of thing is placed elsewhere, don't even think about it.

Even if Fang Hong did not have the help of "plug-ins", Chen Tongwei and the others would definitely not want to leave their jobs and go to other places, because other places do not have such resources as Kyushu Blue Arrow.

Such as "Sky Mirror Project", "Sky Survey Space Telescope Project", "Day-by-Day Project", "Nine-Sky Project" and so on, which one of these series of space field projects is not tens of billions, hundreds of millions, or even tens of thousands of dollars? billion level.

It's unthinkable to be anywhere else.

At the end, Fang Hong said slowly: "Only when we come to Blue Arrow of Kyushu and chat with you all, can we deeply realize that anything else is nothing compared to this vast universe of stars and sea. Our greatest journey, our greatest cause."

The people present were also inspiring. From the words of the big boss, they could hear how much he had placed on Kyushu Blue Arrow.

What is really inspiring is for everyone to confirm how much Fang Hong attaches importance to the development strategy of the space field. This means that Kyushu Blue Arrow will receive massive resource support from Qunxing Capital. As everyone who is engaged in this field, of course, they are extremely happy.

After a while, Fang Hong said with a smile: "When the orbital space station project is completed, and the space solar power station of the daily project is also completed, it is equivalent to lighting up the front-end technology for establishing a permanent moon base. In my opinion, now It can also be considered, and the topic can be arranged for theoretical demonstration.”

The orbital reef space station is in operation, and the space solar power station is in operation.

The establishment of a permanent lunar base will have sufficient technical support. The energy support required to maintain the operation of the lunar base can be supplied by space solar power stations, and it can be directly wirelessly supplied.

The energy collected by the space solar power station can be transmitted to the receiver on the moon base through wireless microwave. The transmission speed is the speed of light. The distance between the two places is 380,000 kilometers, and there must be a lot of energy loss during the period.

But, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, what is collected is solar energy, and solar energy does not cost money.

Fang Hong went on to say: "If you have a firm foothold on the moon, you can plan to land on Mars. The ongoing Mars exploration project can be regarded as an early exploration of the way. The human beings who plant flags on the surface of Mars must be Chinese."

Speaking of this, Fang Hong paused for a moment, looked around the crowd again and added: "My expectation is that in my lifetime, I can see the footprints of human beings covering the inner solar system, and the industries and business scope of my group of galaxies can also Covering the entire inner solar system, so I will not waste this life, contented."

When everyone heard his words, they were also very shocked in their hearts, saying in their hearts that compared with the big boss, their own structure is still small after all.

The pattern is small!

I didn't expect the big boss to have such ambitions.

At this moment, they finally understood why Fang Hong named the company "Stars".

As soon as Fang Hong said this, Chen Tongwei and others present also had a new goal, and they were willing to fight for this cause for the rest of their lives. The wish of the big boss is not the wish of all the astronauts present...

As the time passed by, the meeting ended after another ten minutes, and Fang Hong left Kyushu Blue Arrow.

The company took over the task of building the space station and gave it full leadership. At the meeting, Hong also made a decisive decision and decided to build a big one. This is also in line with his style. The orbital reef space station project is here. It's settled.

The following specific related work matters can be handed over to the people of Kyushu Blue Arrow. Chen Tongwei also became the general manager of the orbital reef space station project, and Zheng Xin was the deputy chief engineer.

The two of them are in charge of catching this project.


After leaving the Kyushu Blue Arrow, Fang Hong also returned to reality from the grand narrative of looking up at the universe and the starry sky. Although the words said at the meeting were exciting and inspiring, they were also far away and could not be accomplished overnight.

Qunxing Capital has to keep making money. The company's current net assets are several trillion yuan, and its debt ratio is only in the early 10s.

Fang Hong really didn’t dare to leverage Qunxing Capital casually. He would rather bear hundreds of billions of currency depreciation losses every year than casually carry out currency derivatives. Just look at the company’s current series of projects.

Just a few major projects in the space field, such as the sky survey space telescope, the daily engineering plan, and the nine-day star-hunting plan.

Which one is not a big eater?

Qunxing Capital has to do a backstop for these projects. It is absolutely impossible to have a capital chain crisis. It must hold its leverage ability in its hands. What is necessary is that it can quickly generate trillions of funds from debts to deal with crises. It can be used for these projects at any time. Do the bottom line, so you can't overdraft casually.


At the beginning of June, Fang Hong's eyes shifted from Kyushu Blue Arrow to Quantitative Capital.

Tuesday, June 3 at around 10am.

At this moment, Fang Hong has come to the headquarters of Quantitative Capital and chatted with Chen Yu alone in his office. He asked, "According to your report materials, the funds from Wall Street are already in place?"

Chen Yu immediately replied: "The first batch has been delivered, about 18 billion US dollars."

Fang Hong said bluntly: "Then use 3 billion U.S. dollars to go long Bitcoin, and let the people on Wall Street know, and then do another black market reverse short sale yourself. This has to be kept secret and killed." Then close your positions and buy bottoms."

Hearing this, Chen Yu was surprised for a moment, but after a little thought, he understood Fang Hong's intentions.

Use this fund that manages Wall Street funds to go long Bitcoin, and let Wall Street know that they will not say that they will suppress it 100%, but the probability is extremely high.

Because the funds managed by Quantitative Capital to Wall Street have a 25% guaranteed return, even if the fund is cut in half, it will be borne by Quantitative Capital to Wall Street, and 25% of the annualized return will have to be paid.

Therefore, Wall Street has the motivation to suppress Bitcoin, and it is profitable anyway.

However, Fang Hong also makes money anyway, because he secretly holds a large amount of Bitcoin in his hands. If Wall Street does not suppress Bitcoin or even go crazy, Fang Hong will earn blood here. If Wall Street suppresses the price, it can just allow quantitative capital to take bargaining chips at a low price.

The layout of this piece is all for the epic bitcoin bull market in 2017, allowing quantitative capital to take advantage of the opportunity to absorb a little bit of chips.


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