My Fintech Empire

Chapter 778 [Fuse]

Go in empty?

Qiu Guangcheng was taken aback when he heard Fang Hong's words, and subconsciously said, "Go in empty?"

Fang Hong here said directly to him: "The opponent has mobilized so much money this time to hunt down my Qunxing Capital. How could it be possible that they didn't get a huge amount of money from financial institutions? If they lose badly, those financial institutions will have to If it is affected and dragged into the water, it is inevitable that some financial institutions will explode."

As soon as these words came out, Qiu Guangcheng reacted instantly, and said in his heart that the big boss is really calm enough. He was not excited at all at this time, and he was still so calm, and he took one step to see three steps.

They have already thought of the subsequent impact of this incident and found new opportunities to make money from it.

That's right, if the hunting funds on Wall Street were not reaped by Qunxing Capital but instead were cut miserably, some financial institutions would definitely explode on the spot.

Because such a huge amount of funds is mobilized, funds will inevitably be borrowed, and those financial institutions that cannot repay the accounts will also be dragged into the water. These bad debts are not as simple as a few hundred million.

Under such circumstances, the stock price will inevitably collapse in a situation of emotional collapse.

At this time, Fang Hong added another sentence: "The main purpose of this operation is to hit it fast in and fast out, and run short-term."

Qiu Guangcheng nodded in response: "Understood."

There are so many financial institutions, and Fang Hong doesn't know which financial institutions the major hunting funds on Wall Street are cooperating with, but it doesn't matter, just bet on them all, and there is no need to know which ones.

Because once a bad loss leads to emotional collapse, all financial stocks must be dragged down across the board, which has guaranteed that this one will make money. If you are lucky and just won the bet, it will be a blood profit.

Either way, it's all about earning, it depends on how much you earn and how little you earn.

And it can only be short-term, because the opponent is not a fool, and will definitely react later. If you want to earn this money, you have to react faster than the opponent.

At this moment, Fang Hong suddenly changed his words and said: "Wait a minute, Qunxing Capital's funds will not do this, let Chen Yu's funds do it. Qunxing Capital will do it, and the opponent's business may be rejected."

The Europeans and Americans have a strong expectation of repayment of debts. Let Chen Yu's funds do it, not the self-operated market of quantitative capital, but Wall Street's 200 billion US dollars of managed funds.

In this way, for several major Wall Street capital groups, if they don’t go bad, someone will make a lot of money, but if they don’t, they will lose a lot of profit. There is a high probability that there will be disagreements among them. Another purpose of this move is Create divisions and contradictions within it.

After Fang Hong finished his conversation with Qiu Guangcheng, he immediately contacted Chen Yu and told him to go on with the matter.

At the moment, Chen Yu is also staring at the peripheral market of the night market in the company. During this period of time, he did not engage in technology, but put all his energy on finance. After receiving the news, he immediately directed his traders Wantonly short the financial stocks in Europe and the United States.

The short-selling targets include but are not limited to Pacific Western Bank, Western Union Bank, Zion Bank Group, Union Credit Bank, etc., and they are bold and large orders without any scruples.

At this moment, most of the domestic stockholders have gone to bed in the middle of the night, but the external market has already exploded.

The major capital markets and major varieties are all inexplicably crashing, and they plummeted almost without warning.

The price of Brent crude oil futures plunged by more than -13% within a day, silver plunged by more than -14%, copper plunged by -13%, soybeans plunged by -15%, and the international gold price also slumped by -7% within a day...

Investors from all walks of life abroad were in a state of ignorance and didn't know what happened, but seeing that the market was crashing, panic spread rapidly, and more and more funds fled together, further driving the market to crash.

Stocks, futures, warrants and other financial derivatives fell across the board.

Some individual stocks in the U.S. stock market have been directly smashed through. Among them, several bank stocks invested by Qunxing Capital, Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic Bank have triggered the circuit breaker mechanism many times in a row, and they have been killed all the way. -89%, such an intraday decline is really killing it.

The opponent obtained the so-called internal intelligence data from Lu Chengye and Wei Qiwei, which showed that Qunxing Capital's strategy for these banks was long, but in fact Qunxing Capital was short-selling, and this wave was profitable.

In addition, some stocks corresponding to other false information are also in a state of explosion, with an average decline of more than -22%.

As time went by, when the U.S. stock market was approaching the end of the local time in North America, the three major indexes in North America fell by more than -7%, which triggered the first-level circuit breaker mechanism and directly created history.

In the final close, the three major stock indexes in North America plummeted across the board and closed with a barefoot big negative line. The Dow Jones index plummeted -7.32%, the Nasdaq index plummeted -7.19%, and the S\u0026P 500 index plummeted -7.12%.

The three major stock indexes in North America all closed a barefoot big negative line. The most intuitive manifestation is that the market has closed before the sell-off is over, and the sell-off will continue the next day.

Qiu Guangcheng, who was watching the market at the moment, also opened his eyes. For the first time in his career, he saw such a big scene. The US stock market circuit breaker mechanism was implemented in 1988. The cause was the stock market crash that occurred on October 19, 1987.

According to the regulations of the US stock circuit breaker mechanism, during the North American trading hours, the circuit breaker mechanism can be divided into three levels, that is, when the market falls to -7%, -13% and -20%, the first, second and third level of circuit breakers are punished respectively.

However, after the implementation of the circuit breaker mechanism, it was not until October 27, 1997 that the first circuit breaker occurred in the history of US stocks. On that day, the Dow Jones Index plummeted -7.18% to close at 7161.15 points, the largest drop since 1915.

Today directly triggered the second circuit breaker event in the history of the U.S. stock market. The panic index in the global capital market has exploded, and it has also made headlines in the world after the market.

Everyone was confused, and some traders interviewed by the media also said that today's sell-off was too weird, and they still don't understand the reason for the sell-off.

Now all parties are looking for the reasons for the plunge, including economic data, geopolitical governance and many other aspects to analyze.

But still haven't found the reason for the crash, everyone firmly believes in one truth, there must be a ghost in the house, there must be a big event, some "black swan" level event must have happened.

Today is also regarded as "Black Monday" by the media, and the headlines of major media are all news of the global capital market plummeting.


The following day, Tuesday 16 September.

At around 7:00 in the morning, Fang Hong came to the headquarters of Qunxing Capital. At the moment, he was sitting in the chief position of the meeting without saying a word, and there were Hua Yu, Qiu Guangcheng, Shi Yao, Tian Jiayi and others in the meeting.

In addition, Lu Chengye was also present, as was Chen Yu, who was in charge of quantitative capital.

At this moment, Lu Chengye carefully observed the people in the conference room, especially paying attention to Fang Hong's mood swings. The atmosphere at the scene was very strange, and everyone seemed to be afraid to take a breath. Everyone's faces were extremely dignified, and the room was as quiet as if Needle drop can be heard.

Lu Chengye looked at the situation, this time Qunxing Capital was smothered by Wall Street, probably because of this stumble, it was going to go bankrupt, and he was also thinking in his heart that he should run away. Maybe you can't run away, and then people are gone.

At this time, everyone present was standing, except Fang Hong who was sitting. He finally broke the quiet atmosphere in the meeting room and said slowly: "How much money did you lose? Don't give me the exact figure, just directly Tell me how much you lost in total."


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