My Fintech Empire

Chapter 810 [Fang Hong's idea]

Fang Hong said lightly: "I don't clean the house I live in, so is it possible to expect others to clean it for you?"

On the issue of the position of the country and the nation, Fang Hong has never been ambiguous, and his position has never changed, it has always been like this.

Even though this "house" is very big, Fang Hong can't clean it by himself.

But the "house" is too big to be a reason not to sweep. If the family is big and the business is big, it needs to be swept even more. No matter how much strength you have, you can sweep even a corner. If you have little strength, you can sweep a few rooms. Whether you are strong or weak, if the house is not clean, you have to clean it.

After a while, Fang Hong seemed to be talking to himself: "We are engaged in modern agriculture, and we are also engaged in agricultural product supermarkets, to solve the problem of ordinary people's food, to make food healthier and safer, and to reduce illness is the best way to save medical expenses. .For the medical sector, it’s not that I don’t have ideas, in fact, I’ve already thought about it.”

Hearing this, Tian Jiayi immediately listened and prepared to make a memo.

Fang Hong said in an orderly manner: "I plan to open 1,000 large and medium-sized hospitals and 500 traditional Chinese medicine hospitals nationwide. In the Internet age, an efficient and convenient experience will be valued in any industry, and hospitals are the same, but hospitals It also has its special industry attributes, our country has a large population, good hospitals are always overcrowded, but ordinary hospitals are deserted."

"So we still need to acquire some well-known large hospitals, and we have to keep up with the new ones we open. At the same time, we will realize Internetization and introduce emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data. The hospitals we build should not be crowded. There should be no registration counters, no crowded queuing and payment booths, transparency, openness, easy medical treatment, and elimination of various problems of arbitrary charges and random diagnoses."

"Then it's time for WeChat to enter the payment field. According to the settlement part I envisioned, personal and medical insurance expenses can be delineated, so it is necessary to open up the interface between medical insurance and WeChat payment."

Tian Jiayi nodded involuntarily. No wonder the relevant leaders need to be named, and this is not enough. It is also necessary to ask the high-level for approval to get through the medical insurance system, so it is very important for these hospitals not to make profits.

There are not a few private hospitals that cheat insurance, fake patients, fake treatment, just to cheat medical reimbursement.

Qunxing Capital wants to obtain support from the medical insurance system at the national level. If your hospital does not aim at making profits, there will be no indicator pressure. Insurance fraud can be curbed to a large extent, and the national level can also provide more peace of mind. Relevant subsidies will be approved to allow these hospitals to access the medical insurance system.

Ordinary institutions say that they are doing it for public welfare and supporting people's livelihood, and they have to wonder whether they are seeking personal gain under the guise of public welfare, but Qunxing Capital's size, credit and influence are all on the table.

In this way, the state must also subsidize a little bit, and it would not look good to let Qunxing Capital take care of it all, but there is no need for the state to add additional budgets, just squeeze a little out of the existing medical expenditure budget.

Don't ask for the same quota as other public hospitals, you can give one-third, one-fourth or even one-fifth. Mosquito legs are also meat.

Fang Hong went on to say: "Different from the traditional medical model, in our medical model, doctors are only responsible for diagnosis and treatment, and registration, payment, and purchase of medicines can be paid through WeChat payment bound to a medical insurance card. Online and offline windows should also be opened for the elderly, and there are still many people who don’t know how to use smartphones, so this should also be taken into consideration.”

"However, emerging technology access support is a major trend. Relying on the support of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data analysis, we can also implement a credit rating function on WeChat. When this credit reaches a certain level, you can enjoy 'pre-diagnosis and treatment. , Postpaid' service."

Diagnose first, pay later, which is not available in the traditional medical model.

In the past, it was not technically feasible, and the risk of first diagnosis and treatment and later payment was very high. There was a high probability that there would be a situation of non-collection of accounts, which would form a large number of bad debts and cause the hospital to fail to operate.

But it is different now, the times are advancing, and technology is advancing.

Now is the Internet era, big data is developing, and user portraits can be improved by collecting big data, and now WeChat is also up.

A high credit rating means a lower default rate, and with the support of big data and reliable credit collection, it is feasible to implement "diagnosis first, payment later".

And this can further promote people's emphasis on credit. After all, getting sick and treating a disease is not a trivial matter. Being healthy now doesn't mean you won't get sick in the future, and being sick doesn't mean you have money at any time. You can't delay. At this time, good credit may kill you, so people will pay more attention to personal credit when they plan for a rainy day.

This obviously and indirectly played a positive role in promoting the positive development of social atmosphere.

But at this moment, Fang Hong said in a deep voice: "In addition, people who come to see a doctor can also evaluate the doctors online. In these hospitals we run, the doctors in them not only need medical skills, but also have medical ethics. It should also be included in the evaluation to occupy a certain proportion, and these evaluations of patients occupy a certain proportion in the evaluation of medical ethics. At the same time, these evaluations also affect the doctor's income to a certain extent. The higher the evaluation, the higher the extra income, so it will not Like the traditional medical model, only income generation is used as the evaluation criterion for doctors.”

"According to this model, we can indeed be more open and transparent in terms of medical charges." Tian Jiayi couldn't help nodding and said, but she turned to ask: "But in this way, what should I do when facing some malicious bad reviews? There will definitely be humanoids."

Fang Hong said with a smile: "If there are so-called malicious bad reviews like you mentioned, more than 90% of them are definitely tricks of enemies who want to attack us. Would a real patient dare to make trouble out of nothing to offend the doctor? One thing to understand is that the relationship between doctors and patients is naturally unequal, and patients are absolutely in a disadvantaged position. This unequal is also reflected in the unequal knowledge level. It can be said that the doctor says that the patient can only nod or shake his head. You have to rely on the doctor to save your life, dare to offend the doctor so easily?"

"Not to mention the general public, even the elite will not offend doctors for no reason, especially famous doctors with top medical skills. Why are there so many medical troubles? Look at the need for family members to sign various exemption agreements for an operation. When injustices arise from time to time, the patients have no better way to solve them than complaining about them, how can such an absolutely disadvantaged group have the courage to offend the doctors?"

Fang Hong paused for a moment, then said calmly: "As for the doctor who dare not accept the patient's evaluation, he dare not come to these hospitals we run, and we don't welcome such people at the same time. We are only afraid of such people if they have bad intentions."

"With the opening of big data, patients can also compare the prices of hospitals and medicines more clearly, and can do it with a small program of WeChat on their mobile phones. In addition, patients can evaluate doctors, and the high income of evaluation is higher, which is a double gain of fame and fortune. , which is also a benign constraint for doctors.”


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