My Fintech Empire

Chapter 814 [Throwing stones to ask for directions]

In the afternoon of the next day, Fang Hong updated a dynamic message on his personal Weibo account that surprised the outside world.

[Recently, I have an immature idea. We plan to build a zoo with a scale and volume that matches the local area in more than 1,600 counties and more than 600 cities across the country. are recorded.

Our original intention of doing this is to cultivate children's interest in nature and science from an early age, to keep children curious about science and nature, and to enrich the entertainment activities of the general public.

Therefore, if we want to do this, it will still be of a public welfare nature and not for profit. In the future, these zoos will be officially operated, and parents will be exempted from admission fees as long as they take their children to those zoos.

This matter is still under study, what do you think? Create a poll to see what people think about this matter. 】


As soon as Fang Hong's dynamic blog post was released, it became popular that day. Recently, Qunxing Capital is on the cusp of the storm. Many people are squatting on God K's Weibo, wanting to see what's going on with him.

Now there is movement, but a message like this is posted, as if the things that happened recently didn't exist at all.

This can't help triggering people's various speculations. Some people speculate that Fang Hong is avoiding the public. Some people speculate that Qunxing Capital is in control of this matter. The founder's move is obviously very calm.

However, the content of Fang Hong's blog post is also very sensational. He actually wants to open more than 2,000 zoos with different themes across the country.

The comments and messages under the news also quickly exceeded 10,000.

[Hey guy, that directly covers every county, really rich. ]

[This handwriting is very star-studded. ]

[God K, the old beauty has announced that they are going to make a shameless transaction, and you still have the mind to open a zoo here...]

[Covering every county in the country, my dear, how much will it cost? ]

[It must be three to five hundred billion, right? ]

[more than! ]

[The budget mainly depends on the specifications and quality. A small zoo with a few million is enough, but a large zoo with a few hundred million or more cannot afford it. ]

[Since God K dares to say this flower, he must have this strength, I am not worried about money. ]

[makes sense. ]

[Can children be exempted from the entrance fee? Doesn't this zoo make money? No money to earn to maintain? ]

[K3478 Reply//: This is not for adults without children to buy tickets. There must be other charging items in the zoo, such as personal feeding items for some special species. Tourists who want to experience it in person can pay and work in the park Experience feeding under the guidance of the company, or enter the venue with the company and guidance of the park staff after paying to have close contact with the animals. ]

[K3478 Reply//: But we do not open these zoos to make money, but for the next generation of our country. The next generation loves nature, loves science, and has curiosity about natural science. The next generation is ours In the future, it represents our country’s love and curiosity for natural science. Curiosity is an important factor that promotes the progress of individuals, the country, and even the entire human race. This cannot be measured by money, so as long as children come, they are included for free. parents. ]

[K3478 reply to thread//: As for these charging items, they are at best the icing on the cake. The park will definitely not be able to maintain a balance of payments with these incomes, unless the fees are very high, and children are not free of admission fees, but this deviates from what we do The original intention of this matter, and we want to open a zoo, its specifications and standards are benchmarked against the world's first-class or even super-class, and its cost must be multiples of domestic zoos of the same level, but we are willing to lose money to do this business for the sake of the next generation. ]

[God K is bubbling in the comment area! ]

[A close look at the giant! This is the pattern of giants! ]

[The appearance of God K let me know that there is a gap between giants and giants. ]


At this moment, Fang Hong initiated a poll on Weibo. Hundreds of thousands of people have already participated in the vote, and the overwhelming majority of 85% is far ahead.

First of all, parents who have children agree very much. Anyone with a normal mind knows that this is beneficial to the growth of children. Especially in the eyes of many parents, it is a hundred times better for children to be interested in natural science than online games. thousand times.

Local governments also agree very much. Some people spend their own money to enrich the local public infrastructure, why not do it? And it can also bring employment. There are more than 2,000 zoos, and the number of staff in the park ranges from dozens to hundreds. Overall, it can bring no less than 150,000 jobs, and the state will definitely support it.

The relevant academic circles are also very happy and agree. Some large zoos actually cooperate with relevant academic research institutions. Qunxing Capital will build more than 2,000 zoos. This is definitely a good thing for the zoological community.

But not everyone likes and agrees. There are a group of people who are unwilling from the bottom of their hearts, that is, the existing zoo operators. They are also vested interest groups. direct impact.

As the saying goes, colleagues are enemies. After reading this news, I learned that Fang Hong is going to open more than 2,000 zoos across the country. This directly doubles the number of domestic zoos, but the number of tourists will not suddenly double. .

This is not the most terrible thing. Fang Hong broke the news in the interaction with netizens. The zoos he runs are going to be run to international first-class standards or even super-first-class standards. What is the maintenance situation of many zoos in China? is very clear.

Most of them said they were running a zoo, but in fact they all went to the land below the zoo. One can imagine the degree of perfunctory.

If Fang Hong enters the field and builds according to the specifications he said, then other zoos will basically have no way to survive, and it is impossible to compete, even though he knows that if Fang Hong builds zoos according to the specifications he said, the cost will be doubled. multiplied.

But they are not short of money, and they clearly stated that they are losing money and making money.

There is no admission fee for children to play, so don't think about it, parents will definitely take their children to the next door, and will not come to your dirty and messy park that still charges fees.

You have no one with money, and they still offer free entrance fees, so how can you compete with them?

Obviously, there is no way to compete at all, and there is a high probability that it will go bankrupt.

When Fang Hong released the news, the owners of the thousands of zoos currently operating in the country immediately panicked, even those large wild animal parks with backgrounds were not optimistic.

When almost 90% of the zoo owners saw this news, they thought it was better to quickly transfer and find someone to take over the business, and it would be better to switch to another business as soon as possible. Qunxing Capital is playing like this, and this business will definitely not continue.

In fact, Fang Hong released the news today not simply to make big news, but to directly break the confidence of those zoo owners, aiming to carry out mergers and acquisitions of the zoos in their hands, and then reorganize these parks according to the new plan. standard upgrade.

Qunxing Capital can afford to re-open more than 2,000 zoos, but the cost is definitely higher than that of mergers and acquisitions, and from the perspective of the whole society, this actually causes additional waste of resources.

... (end of this chapter)

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