My Fintech Empire

Chapter 828 [Take everyone's money to do everyone's business]

In Fang Hong's live broadcast room, people from all walks of life dived, including many so-called elites, and some old fox-level figures. When they saw Fang Hong's remarks, they thought he was talking nonsense.

It must have been arranged in advance, and they didn't believe that this public welfare fund was just mentioned by a netizen, and he had these ideas temporarily.

But even if they see through it, they won't jump out to refute it, only fools would do this, because if they really do this, they will definitely be attacked by thousands of netizens, saying that you are a villain's heart and a gentleman's belly, maybe you will Provoke public outrage.

This is the benefit of "potential".

At this moment, many viewers in the live broadcast room said that God K should stop researching and start the project directly. A large number of bullet screens floating over the public screen also expressed their support, and they are willing to support as much as they can.

Although there are many people who support verbally, there is still a considerable group of people who are really willing to donate a sum of money.

This is due to Fang Hong's current influence and reputation. If other people set up a similar public welfare fund organization, the number of people who are willing to donate money will definitely be reduced by more than 80%. But Fang Hong is different. Everyone trusts him. The credit is put there, not to mention that he is already engaged in education and student funds, and there are a lot of people who wanted him to open a fundraising channel before, but they were rejected.

Moreover, he himself is the richest man who is not short of money, so everyone can give him the money with more confidence, and believe that the money will really fall into place.

But at this moment, the audience looked at Fang Hong in the camera with a thoughtful expression on his face, and didn't know what he was thinking about, but after a while, he suddenly said with great interest: "When it comes to charity fundraising, , I have a new idea. People who are willing to donate without compensation are noble, but we still hope that these enthusiastic people can also benefit from it.”

Fang Hong paused for a moment, and then said unhurriedly: "My idea is that good people must be rewarded, so we can create a personal credit rating related to medical care. When his credit rating reaches a certain level , you can enjoy the treatment of 'diagnosis first, payment later' in our hospitals."

"We include personal donations in a certain weight ratio, which can increase his credit rating. The more donations, the higher the improvement. Of course, we definitely hope that everyone is healthy and healthy, and we will never use it , but we also have to face the objective reality, no one can guarantee that they will not get sick all the time, if they need to see a doctor when they get sick, then they can enjoy the treatment of "diagnose first, pay later."

As soon as he said this idea, everyone's eyes lit up, and many people looked sideways at him.

Treatment first, payment later.

This kind of operation has never had a precedent in the current medical system. It can be called a great innovation, and the audience in the live broadcast room immediately started discussing it.

[This idea is good, support! ]

[Pay after diagnosis and treatment, this is really convenient and strongly supported. ]

[As expected of God K, this idea is wonderful! ]

[Indeed, everyone will be more motivated to donate in this way, and they will indeed have an extra guarantee. ]

[Absolutely and strongly support the introduction of this measure. Before I was sick and hospitalized, I had to undergo an operation as soon as possible, but the money from the bank would not be withdrawn for a while, which almost delayed my illness. If I can rely on such a credit rating, I can enjoy first diagnosis and treatment after reaching the standard , post-payment, and will definitely not face the same risks as before. ]

[support! ]

[If this measure is really introduced, I will also donate a hand. It can not only do good deeds to accumulate virtue, but also give myself an extra guarantee. At least it will be more convenient to see a doctor in the future. ]

[Just the idea that God K said is enough to prove that he is really trying to solve the pain points of ordinary people who are expensive and difficult to see a doctor. ]


At this moment, Fang Hong, through chatting with the audience in the live broadcast room, intentionally or unintentionally guides the things he has thought about a long time ago one by one. A strong sense of participation, you will feel that there is also a contribution of your own.

This kind of detail should not be underestimated. This can make every public have a stronger empathy, which is much more effective than Fang Hong directly holding a press conference to announce the measures.

The emotions erupted by strong empathy, under the conduction of this emotion, will eventually be reflected in everyone's enthusiastic donations.

Being able to use everyone's money to do everyone's affairs is of course the result Fang Hong would prefer to see, so that Qunxing Capital can spend less money, and the money saved can be used in other places, such as looking up to the grand narrative. The starry sky, the development of science and technology.

Fang Hong's rhythm is also very good, which made many onlookers from all walks of life have to secretly admire.

"...This is a good idea, and you can think about it. For example, there is a barrage saying that I think it is also very good. You can recharge as a member on Yixing Video, or buy a mobile phone from Xingyu Technology, or buy a mobile phone under the banner of Qunxing. When other affiliated companies consume, they will donate a certain percentage, and at the same time, the consumer can also obtain certain credit rating points to improve their credit rating."

What Fang Hong said with a smile at this moment, in fact, that barrage does not exist at all, it is purely fabricated out of nothing, but there are so many barrages in the live broadcast room, no one knows that he created it out of nothing.

But this topic was brought up.

"There are also people who say that companies under Qunxing will engage in public welfare linkages. I think it is also very good. They are very creative and thoughtful. The audience in the live broadcast room also has talented people. This wave of brainstorming is right." Fang Hong's backhand is He raised everyone's hand, and then said: "Yes, yes, I will ask people to organize research and research later, and formulate a complete set of feasible plans."

After a while, Fang Hong looked at the time and said: "It's getting late, let's stop here today, let's download it and summarize it. Today is a good idea. If you have good ideas, you can also post them on Weibo." Leave a message and send me a private message, and when you have an idea and a specific plan, you will report to the big guys, and the broadcast will be broadcast."

After speaking, Fang Hong turned off the live broadcast screen for downloading.

However, the outside world is very lively at the moment. Fang Hong ended the live broadcast, but things have just begun to ferment.

The content of his live broadcast has become the hottest news this weekend, and it has also rushed to the top of the hot search list. The criticism and bombardment of the medical system, as well as diagnosis and treatment first, payment later, etc., have become the hottest focus Topics, thousands of netizens are discussing.

Today, Fang Hong publicly bombarded the existing medical system with full fire. Some of the long-standing issues are under fire.

Before this, not many self-media dared to do this, but it is different after today. An influential figure like Fang Hong took the lead in firing, making everyone feel that the environment may be about to change.

... (end of this chapter)

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