My Fintech Empire

Chapter 842 [The excitement after the official announcement is shocking]

On the day of the press conference, the spokesperson of the foundation organization also officially announced that from now on, the special medical charity fund will start collecting donations from unspecified groups at all levels of society.

If enthusiastic people make online donations, they can donate to the designated account officially disclosed by the foundation, or directly log in to the official website of the foundation and enter the special page. There will be an eye-catching donation channel next to it, and there will also be a designated account. Just add money to the account.

Of course, there is also WeChat QR code scanning to pay, and you can pay for donations by scanning the QR code.

Moreover, after the WeChat APP application is updated and upgraded, there will also be a special donation channel. If users want to donate money, they can just donate directly here. It can be said to be super convenient. Donations will also help to increase payment credit points.

As soon as the press conference ended, the news spread quickly as if it had wings, triggering a huge response in the whole society.

The most sensational thing among them is the transparent mechanism of this public welfare fund organization. While it has been praised by the public, the majority of netizens have also directly pointed the finger at various other domestic public welfare organizations.

Questioning the capital flow and transparency of these public welfare institutions also puts pressure on these public welfare institutions to learn from the medical special public welfare fund institutions and introduce their transparency mechanisms.

Otherwise, no one would believe it.

The reputation of domestic public welfare institutions has become increasingly tarnished. Once Star Capital’s special medical public welfare fund came out, its transparent mechanism was like a mirror looking into evil spirits.

Faced with the overwhelming "denunciation" and questioning from thousands of netizens, many domestic public welfare organizations are basically pretending to be ostriches and burying their heads in the sand.

When a reporter contacted Hotspot for a phone interview, the reply was that he was unclear and didn't know, and the words were filled with the art of "arrogance".

Now, this special medical charity fund established by Qunxing Capital is directly at odds with more than half of its domestic peers.

In fact, those public welfare organizations have long hated Fang Hong. If we talk about the relationship, they formed a relationship with him as early as when he established the Educational Bursary Fund.

At that time, the outside world did not know Fang Hong's true identity.

When the decision to set up an education scholarship fund was announced, relevant domestic public welfare organizations were very happy when they first heard the news. Especially when they saw Fang Hong disclosing the scale of investment on Weibo, they almost got excited.

In their eyes, Fang Hong is a super wronged person and has never engaged in charity before, so the money must be donated to charity organizations like us.

The result made them dumbfounded on the spot.

Fang Hong never thought about it that way. Instead, he directly bypassed those public welfare organizations and started from scratch. From that moment on, these public welfare organizations began to hate him, but there was no good way to deal with him.

Even ordinary melon-eating netizens know about this matter, and Fang Hong has offended another group.

Fang Hong really hates those public welfare organizations now, especially some of them that use clever names to make money under the guise of public welfare.

The launch of the special medical public welfare fund means that from now on there will be a new benchmark in the public welfare field, which will make it more difficult for them to make money in the future. The most difficult point is that if you do not establish a transparent mechanism, the public I won’t trust you and won’t donate money to your organization.

Then how can you cheat money?

However, although this incident was hated by others, it also gained applause and support from the public.

Fear of comparison in everything. Without comparison, there will be no gap. The transparent mechanism of this special medical charity fund established by Qunxing Capital, especially the amount of donations scrolling in real time throughout the day like the "Double Eleven" shopping festival, is deeply loved by the public. The public trusts that once their money is donated, it will not go into their private pockets.

No matter how well you say it, it's not as good as what you do. People are not fools. They will not only watch what you say, but also how you act.

Facts have proved that enthusiastic people account for the majority in society. After the trust issue of the medical special charity fund of Stars Capital was solved, and after the fundraising started that day, a large number of ordinary people came to support within their ability, and some donated money. There are tens of thousands, but this is a minority. The vast majority of groups have small amounts, mainly a few cents or a few dollars.

Although it is not big, the group is huge, and its appeal and influence are as great as water.

Moreover, there are also some young netizens with a "rebellious" mentality. They just hope that this special medical charity fund can raise as much money as possible, so that they can severely slap those public welfare institutions in the face, and then look at their ugliness, no For other reasons, just to watch a series of slap-in-the-face plots, I have to support them a little, which makes them jealous to death.

This "rebellious" mentality among young netizens has also contributed to their enthusiastic donation to a certain extent.

Around 15:00 in the afternoon, many netizens who learned about it visited the official website of the Special Medical Charity Fund early and stayed on the special page. In addition to ordinary netizens, people from all walks of life and media reporters were diving on this page to watch. .

Before 15:00, the total amount of donations on the special page still showed "0.00".

When the time skipped 15 o'clock, the numbers started rolling immediately. It exceeded 9 digits and exceeded 100 million in seconds. In just the past few seconds, it exceeded an order of magnitude and reached the 1 billion level, and the numbers were rapidly increasing. Scroll up.

However, after breaking through 1 billion, it did not increase by an order of magnitude like in the first few seconds, but the 1 billion level is still rolling rapidly. The rolling data here is the result of summarizing data from multiple fundraising channels.

Many netizens who were eating melons were a little excited when they saw the rolling donation funds, as if they were watching the "Double Eleven" shopping festival.

It is worth mentioning that in the amount scrolling box at the top of this page, you can also post barrages and messages, which can be said to actively embrace new things on the Internet.

Here, you can post comments and comment directly without registering an account, and there is no account registration on the official website.

However, there is a prerequisite for posting barrages. Only those who have made a donation are eligible to post barrages or comments here. No matter how much you donate, you have the right to post a barrage or comment.

Therefore, even if you don’t register an account and are a tourist, you don’t have to worry about trolls coming here to cause trouble.

You can do it. It's okay. Donate some money and then do it. I'll let you do it.

It’s perfectly acceptable to pay to do things.

And there are also things that the review team is watching, including access to the AI ​​technical support of Quantitative Capital. The two work together to maintain the environment of the barrage and comment area. If they see something causing trouble, just block it directly. There are also some key points in the AI ​​mechanism. Words can be blocked and cannot be pronounced at all.

It was so lively now, and the barrages that scrolled past the page directly filled the screen.

[Shit, can you still send barrages? ]

[You can really post barrages, this is something I never expected, six six six...]

[I couldn’t post the barrage after a long time. It turns out that I need to make a donation to have a chance to comment and post the barrage. ]

[Posting barrage for paid comments is a bit coquettish, hahaha! ]

[But I don’t mind at all, I will just pay and post another barrage. ]

[The boss is awesome! ]

[Everyone here who can post comments has donated money. Stop being low-key and speak loudly...(Tom Akimbo.jpg)]

[It’s almost 2 billion. Brothers, you can’t help me. Come on, can it reach tens of billions today? ]

[It’s time to accumulate merit, brothers. The following ranking list is the merit list. ]

[One hand high and low, not much, just a piece of breakfast money. ]

[Let me break through the tens of billions of highlands today, go for it! ]

[The people of Xincheng come to join forces and support! ]

[The people of Chengdu come to join forces and support! ]

[The people of Spring City come to join forces and support! ]

[Oh yeah, we have exceeded the 2 billion mark. The next stage task is to seize the 5 billion level. Go for it! ! ]

[The organization has been found, the organization has been found! ]

[I feel like it’s very difficult to conquer the 10 billion plateau today. Almost an hour has passed and it’s only just over 2 billion. Brothers, please give it a try. ]

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