My Fintech Empire

Chapter 850 [Public Opinion Fierce]

After Fang Hong's congratulatory letter to Ning Xingqing's team was circulated online, it not only aroused widespread heated discussion and praise, but also brought him a wave of "boost" in reputation, which is also welcome to see.

Similarly, other scientific research project teams also saw his congratulatory letter one after another, and they also felt excited.

Because this congratulatory letter allowed them to see Fang Hong's attitude and determination towards self-reliance in science and technology. He is the founder of Stars Capital and an irreplaceable soul figure, and the money from the Natural Science Foundation comes from the support of Stars Capital.

It is no exaggeration to say that the attitude and support of its founders towards self-research in technology will profoundly affect the process of technological development.

The specific technical research may not be completed by Fang Hong.

But without Fang Hong’s nod, a project cannot even get off the ground. Without Fang Hong’s nod and full support, would there be a Sky Realm project? Will there be daily engineering projects? Will there be an orbital reef space station project?

It is estimated that they can only stay at the PPT level.

It is precisely because of Fang Hong's strong support and the huge investment of real money that these projects have come to fruition.

In the past, if this kind of thing was to be implemented, relevant scientific research practitioners would never dare to think about it.

As everyone knows, even a group of academician-level scientists such as the chief lunar explorer would be frustrated by a director who wanted to start a project.

Therefore, domestic scientific researchers are very clear and unanimously recognized that the emergence of a figure like Fang Hong who strongly supports science and technology will have an unpredictable effect on the development of science and technology.

However, these things that Fang Hong did were also hated by others.

Domestic compradors and passive cheesemakers hate him, and foreign competitors and Wall Street capital also hate him and are thinking about how to bring him down all the time.

The very next day, a short essay titled "Lessons from the Samsung Group's control of South Korea's economic lifeline above the country's, and warning of the Star Group's control of our country's economic lifeline" aroused new public opinion and became very popular.

This short essay first affirms the contribution and achievements of Star Capital. After all, this cannot be erased.

But then they denounced Qunxing Capital for its monopolistic behavior that has no restraint, and its tentacles extend to all walks of life, from agriculture and food to industrial products, from low-end products to high-end products, from games and entertainment to medical education, from the upstream of an industry to Downstream, almost all are dominated by the monopoly of "galaxies".

The essay also details the "huge power" of Qunxing Capital in the A-share market. Currently, there are 16 listed companies controlled by Qunxing Capital alone, which are the so-called Qunxing subsidiaries, with a comprehensive market value of more than 6 trillion.

In addition, Qunxing Capital holds 88 companies with more than 5% of the total share capital in the A-share market, with a total market value of over 1.5 trillion, and 150 companies with less than 5% of the total market value, with a total market value of approximately 5,000. 100 million.

Taken together, the total market value of the stock assets held by Qunxing Capital in the A-share market has reached 8 trillion.

The current total market capitalization of the A-share market is only RMB 24 trillion, and Galaxy Group actually "occupies" one-third of the scale. There are thousands of companies that are not listed on the market, which is simply shocking.

What I want to express throughout the essay is that the monopoly of Qunxing Capital must be broken up. The consequences of allowing it to grow bigger will be disastrous. Now there is a trend that the tail will be too big to lose. If we don’t do it, it will be too late. Wait until Qunxing Capital takes over. If a giant monopolizes hundreds of industries and becomes the next "Samsung Group", it will be too late.

After this short essay appeared, it spread quickly on the Internet, especially on new media platforms outside the galaxy.

That day caused huge discussion and controversy in the society, and an online war started. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this short essay seemed to be concerned about the country and the people, but it was actually written to attack Qunxing Capital. of.

But it is undeniable that some of the content in this essay is indeed objective. Qunxing Capital has indeed formed a de facto monopoly in many industries and has a strong market dominance.

Because of this, the entire public opinion has become chaotic.

However, as soon as this incident came out, one group was the first to be unable to sit still, that is, the millions of employees of Galaxy Enterprises and their families, involving a population of 20 to 30 million.

Someone actually wants to split up Qunxing Capital?

This group suddenly couldn't sit still, because they are the immediate beneficiaries, and they know very well that the current working environment and treatment of the company they work in are largely controlled by the parent company.

There once was a head of a holding subsidiary who wanted to expand profits by saving labor costs, but was eventually fired by the parent company.

There was also a case where the head of a holding subsidiary tried to please the subordinate PUA by squeezing the people below him to please his immediate boss. After the parent company learned about it, they directly fired the person and then parachuted in a new leader to take over.

If Qunxing Capital is split up, will it be guaranteed that the previous group of people will stage a drama of "I, Hu Sanhan, am back again"?

What is extremely certain is that the millions of employees of the Galaxy Group have absolute support for Fang Hong. They also know that if they change the helm, there is no guarantee that he can be like Fang Hong, and they do not want to continue to be full of formalism and sophistication. work in an environment.

Because I was really tired, I might have taken even less.

In that environment, as long as you are willing to endure hardships, you will have endless hardships. But under the current system of Qunxing Capital, you will be rewarded for your hard work.

When millions of employees saw that someone wanted to split up Qunxing Capital, they refused to agree. Even if it was for their own vital interests, they had to do their best to protect it. So these millions of people formed a "tap water" to start a war of contention online.

With millions of people, it was a terrifying force of public opinion.

Fang Hong didn't even come out to say a word. A lot of people were already speaking for him and defending him, which was what everyone wanted and expected.

[Is God K something you can hack? ]

[The article said that the combined market value of 16 Galaxy Capital is 6 trillion. This is true, but he seems to have forgotten that these 16 companies are not 100% controlled by Galaxy Capital. In fact, it should be more than 3 trillion. It can be seen that they are for black reasons. Black, deliberately exaggerated. ]

[Can anyone dig out the source of this article? Who wrote it? Don't you dare to tell yourself your family name? ]

[Even if he had ten thousand courages, he would not dare to declare his family status. ]

[Dare you declare your family status? That's a self-destruct truck! ]

[Whether it will become the next Samsung or not, I don’t know, but I know that before the stars have risen, how come you don’t know how to compare? ]

[That’s right, before the stars had risen, the industry I was working in was in a state of chaos. However, the stars have risen and entered our industry, and it has become better and better. Anyway, I am very satisfied with the current situation now. ]

[It’s really funny. Do I want to believe that you guys don’t want to believe in God K? What is your virtue? What is the realm of God K? I am poor, a bit poor, but not stupid! ]

[Let’s not talk about the distant future, isn’t it the case in the medical field recently? Some hospitals have begun to force changes. ]

[To borrow a sentence that God K said before, the people know whether the country is good, the students know whether the teachers are good, and the users know whether the product is good. ]

[The industries that Qunxing Capital is involved in are all developing in good directions to varying degrees. We have eyes, we can see it, and we can feel it. ]

[What God K does is good for the people and the country, but it touches the cheese of those compradors and self-seekers, so some people want to mess with him, but the funny thing is that they don’t dare to stand up, and they hide their heads and show their tails, which is ridiculous. ]

[Not to mention anything else, how many people can do this just by encouraging maternity subsidies? ]

[The enemy has begun to counterattack. Everyone must keep their eyes open and don't be led by people with ulterior motives. ]

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