My Fintech Empire

Chapter 852 [Second Reservoir]

At this time, Fang Hong and Tian Jiayi were sitting here in the living room of the villa. He got up and poured a glass of water by himself, sat down and took a few sips.

After a while, Fang Hong crossed his legs and said casually: "We can do a simple preview of the future. When the leverage is over this time, the effect of the medicine will be over after seven or eight years, and it is unlikely that we will continue to use strong medicine. Drug resistance has already formed and will not have much effect. Therefore, it is unlikely that houses will continue to rise by then, otherwise it will siphon funds from the whole society, which will lead to an increase in other real economic costs and industrial upgrades will come to nothing."

Tian Jiayi said: "Since it is impossible to increase prices, let the houses drop significantly."

Fang Hong said with a smile: "Significant decline is impossible. The assets of ordinary people and the effective collateral of financial institutions are basically houses. Before the industrial upgrading is completed, it can be said that houses account for half of the national economy. Once the assets shrink, the financial Systemic risks in the market.”

Tian Jiayi said: "Then it won't rise or fall, stay sideways, and trade time for space."

Fang Hong said with a smile: "It is impossible not to rise or fall. Without the expectation of price increase, people will not buy houses. Without the expectation of price decrease, people will think that the cost of living is too high, so they will choose not to get married or not." Having children and not consuming will lead to a major downgrade in consumption. Animals know that the living environment is bad and will stop reproducing, let alone humans?”

After a moment of pause, Fang Hong looked at the beautiful assistant and said methodically: "For example, it is impossible to protect the exchange rate. If the exchange rate does not fall, exports will not be boosted. If the goods are sold at reduced prices to the mainland, deflation will occur. It is also impossible not to protect the exchange rate." Yes, if the exchange rate goes down, all capital will run away, and the capital market will lose confidence.”

"Significantly raising interest rates is also impossible. Once people see that they can make money by saving money and earning interest, then everyone will stop spending and deposit money in banks. As a result, a large backlog of goods will still cause commodity prices to fall, which will lead to more serious consequences. deflation; it is also impossible to cut interest rates significantly because it will trigger a sharp depreciation of the currency and accelerate capital flight."

"For another example, it will be impossible to save real estate developers by then. As long as you dare to save one, a large area will immediately lie down and wait for you to rescue; it has completely implemented the logic that profits are privately owned by individuals, and all risks are borne by the whole society; It is impossible not to save real estate companies and developers, because it will cause heavy losses to the people and banks who have unfinished real estate projects and have to guarantee the delivery of the buildings."

"For another example, it is impossible to levy a real estate tax, because it will lead to a large number of selling, which will trigger a collapse in property market prices; it is also impossible not to levy a real estate tax, because the local fiscal gap is too large, and there is really no money to eat. "

Tian Jiayi was speechless for a while, and also felt confused for a while. This doesn't work, that doesn't work, it doesn't work anyway, it's simply incomprehensible.

Fang Hong sighed to himself and said to himself: "At that time, we can only cut interest rates to promote the internal circulation of goods, lower the exchange rate to protect foreign trade, and on the other hand, we have to release water to create more liquidity. We can release water." It is inflation itself, and you will see the spectacle of inflation and deflation at the same time.”

Tian Jiayi couldn't help but said: "I finally understand. In such an almost unsolvable dilemma, I can only ask Stars Capital to come out and clean up the mess, at the expense of Stars Capital's interests."

After all, Stars Capital is now poor and has only money left. With the current momentum of development for another seven or eight years, Tian Jiayi believes that the size of Stars Capital will definitely be tens of trillions by then. Coupled with currency derivatives, it will leverage the market. Funds worth hundreds of billions are no problem.

In that critical situation, you have the ability to turn the tide, but you don't? Are you unwilling to share the worries of the higher-ups? How did Qunxing Capital develop to this size? Does it make sense for you not to save me?

Fang Hong said calmly: "So, if you don't want to be this big grievance, you have to get the second reservoir as soon as possible. Making real estate a thing of the past is the real best solution, and this reservoir is me The independent valuation system strategy that Group Galaxy wants to build.”

The only reservoir that can carry the size of the real estate market is the stock market, but Big A is a piece of mud that cannot hold up the wall. The water inside is too deep, and demons are dancing around.

So what Fang Hong can do is to carve out an extra pure land for himself in this land where demons are dancing, and that is the independent valuation system strategy of galaxies. As for the outside, let them dance around, as long as the well water does not invade the river water. , my listing process is going smoothly, don't let me get in the way, then everything will be fine. As for you, you can do whatever you want, you can always pay 3,000 points.

Stars Capital currently holds a large number of high-quality chips, and most of them have not yet been listed. The independent valuation system of Stars Capital can fully achieve the effect of a reservoir. This is Fang Hong's confidence.

The market value of Xingyu Technology alone can support a market value of 30 trillion in the future, which is larger than the current market value of the entire A-share market of 24 trillion. In Fang Hong’s previous life, the market value of Apple could reach 3 trillion. US dollars, Xingyu Technology can also do it, and the new energy vehicle area is now being done by Xingyu Technology.

In other words, Xingyu Technology is equivalent to a combination of Apple + Tesla in the United States. Tesla’s market value can support a trillion US dollars, which is a volume of 4 trillion US dollars. Convert to 30 The market value of RMB one trillion is exactly in line with Xingyu Technology’s expected market value in ten years.

Xingyu Technology alone has an asset scale of 30 trillion.

Jiuzhou Blue Arrow also has a bright future. Once the space expansion situation is opened, it will have infinite space for phenomena. Considering that it will be difficult to realize, Fang Hong estimated the expected market value of Jiuzhou Blue Arrow in ten years at 10 trillion yuan. .

Then there is Quantitative Capital, which is under the leadership of Chen Yu. The display chip area is handed over to Quantitative Capital, and the benchmark is NVIDIA. In Fang Hong’s previous life, NVIDIA’s market value also reached the level of trillions of dollars. Converting to RMB, here It accounts for six to seven trillion yuan in volume.

In addition, Quantitative Capital also has the "Lingjing Search" business, artificial intelligence represented by "Classmate Xiao Aya", as well as data centers, computing power centers, and the relatively long-term breakthrough of quantum computers.

Regardless of the current market value of this company, which is between 200 and 300 billion, Fang Hong is deliberately suppressing it from rising to cash, and the future prospects are there. Fang Hong’s evaluation is not weaker than Xingyu Technology. That is another super big guy with a size of 30 trillion.

These three super technology giants alone can support an asset price volume of 70 trillion in the future. Yixing Video will also have a trillion-level volume in the future, and WeChat will also have a trillion-level market value.

In addition to Yixing Media Group, Kunpeng Technology Group, Jiuzhouxing, Ruihe Pharmaceutical, ATL Technology, Maker Square, Ukom, New Micro Semiconductor, etc., although these subsidiaries are not as good as the previous Xingyu Technology, Quantitative Capital and Behemoth-level existences like the Kyushu Blue Arrow, but their size will not be less than 200 billion. Ruihe Medicine also has the potential to be in the trillions.

The listed companies of Qunxing Capital alone are enough to support assets with a total market value of hundreds of billions in the future. In addition, Qunxing Capital still holds a large number of unlisted high-quality companies, such as semiconductors. Those companies in the entire industry chain, as well as the photovoltaic industry driven by the "Daily Project" project of space photovoltaic power stations, are too numerous to mention.

The assets held by Qunxing Capital, which have not yet been listed, will be enough to support an asset volume of 200 billion in the future, which adds up to a volume of 300 billion.

This huge reservoir can fully carry the function of replacing the real estate market. In the future, currencies will not need to rush to the real estate market, but will enter the stock market. These companies that enter the galaxy will hold their stocks as assets, and the real estate market will also From now on it becomes a thing of the past.

In fact, this is the result of successful industrial upgrading. Which of the businesses under Qunxing Capital are currently engaged in is not a breakthrough in high-end industries? Which one is not upgrading its industry to break through the European and American blockade?

The success of these enterprises in the galaxy is the success of the upgrading of the country's key core industries, which is ultimately reflected in the market value of hundreds of billions supported by them.

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