My Fintech Empire

Chapter 872 [Response]

Fang Hong's Weibo post was updated in response to the so-called "soul torture". It caused a huge response that day and was forwarded by various netizens and self-media. It once again became a hot search topic.

[I admit that I judged a gentleman with a villain's heart, and apologized to God K. ]

[Despicableness is the pass for the despicable, and nobility is the epitaph for the noble. In this world where sophisticated egoists are rampant, what God K does seems to be a bit out of place, making it difficult for people to adapt. ]

[Time will eventually give the answer, I believe in God K! ]

[You are even willing to believe Qin Shihuang on the phone but you are not willing to believe me, God K... (manual funny)]

[To borrow a sentence from netizens, you can always believe in God K. ]

[The rhythm of not being allowed to enter the temple after a hundred years...(potexiao.jpg)]

[Let me talk about something that everyone is almost ignoring, that is the age of God K. He is still so young now, it is really scary. ]

[Isn’t this a good thing? ]

[But for some people, this is a huge bad thing. If they can’t survive it, they may be sent away early, haha! ]

[Good to hear! ]

[In the history of five thousand years of splendid civilization, fierce men will appear in every era. For example, Huo Qubing in history was so young. He bravely championed the three armies and was a wolf. ]

[Fang Hong’s name will definitely appear in future history textbooks. ]

[definitely. ]

[I was really hesitant before. After reading K God’s latest Weibo updates, I no longer hesitated. I have made up my mind to get 1 million. I can take out 700,000 myself and get the remaining 300,000 as a loan. ]

[Congratulations, you have caught this overwhelming wealth. ]

[By the way, do you really believe that the wealth management products of this wealth fund are 100% guaranteed to make money? How can there be any good thing in the world that guarantees profit without loss? ]

[It is true that what you said makes sense, but it is an irrefutable fact that God K has never failed. Or do you think your investment ability is better than that of God K? Anyway, I am full. This incredible wealth is rare in ten years. If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life. ]

Fang Hong updated the Weibo news and did not go offline immediately. Instead, he visited the comment area and interacted with netizens who left messages from time to time.

After a while, a message caught Fang Hong’s attention: [God K, I think there is a very unreasonable design of the wealth fund. Why can everyone only subscribe once in their lifetime? God K, have you ever thought about how uncomfortable it would be if ten or eight years later I need money urgently due to an emergency and have to redeem it. I will buy it back later but cannot buy it or cover my position. ]

There were many comments on this message, and it also received a lot of likes.

Obviously, many people are not satisfied with this mechanism of wealth funds. According to the current agreement, subscribers must be real-name, that is, a family can only subscribe once in a lifetime, and no further subscriptions will be accepted in the future. .

If investors want to obtain sufficient returns from buying this financial product, they must hold it for a long time. The longer they hold it, the greater the compound interest effect will be. The rate of return in the first few years is relatively small. By ten years In the future, the income will increase dramatically. Twenty years later, a principal of 1 million can bring a net income of more than 15 million.

But no one can guarantee that they won’t be able to keep this money for twenty years, especially those from the middle and lower classes. Once you have money, you will definitely have a need to improve your life, and it is a rigid need, which requires money.

Forget it if you don’t have money. If you have money, even tens of millions, but you can’t spend it, it’s like you have a golden mountain that you can only look at. What’s the use of it?

This is also what many people think is the biggest pitfall of this financial product.

After Fang Hong read this message, he immediately edited a long text reply.

[K3478’s reply//: We don’t want to make any detours to deceive people. We just tell the truth. This regulation encourages investors to hold it for a long time without redemption. If they buy it, they can hold it for ten, twenty, or three years. Ten years or more. Why do you do that? To ensure stability.

With such a large amount of funds, if someone deliberately creates panic and leads to redemptions by investors who do not know the truth, triggering a large-scale run-like redemption, some long-term investment projects of wealth funds will have to be suspended and shelved, or even sold at a low price for cash. Respond to widespread redemption pressure.

This will affect the interests of everyone. Just because you were deceived, the redemption will harm the interests of more people. The fact that you were deceived means that you don’t trust me, and it has also harmed everyone’s interests. Do you have to bear some responsibility? What about a certain price?

And the price is that you can’t get on the bus again. Since you choose not to trust me, from a personal emotional point of view, I don’t want to do wealth management for you anymore. From a risk management point of view, you may be deceived again in the future and follow the trend of redemption. , you must be isolated as a risk. 】

After Fang Hong replied, the comments on this level immediately became lively.

Soon a netizen left a message asking: [K God, what you said makes sense, but have you considered that we will need this money to redeem emergency relief one day in the future? It’s not that I don’t trust you, but I really need this money for an emergency. If I can’t use it, what’s the point of my investment? What is the use of buying this financial product? ]

This comment also resonated with many people and they enthusiastically left messages.

Fang Hong couldn't help but laugh silently when he saw this comment, and immediately started to edit the text and post:

[K3478’s reply//: It seems that I want to share with everyone how to use financial tools to facilitate my life. There is a solution to the problem you mentioned. There is a best-of-both-worlds approach that can solve the problem. You can always maintain it. If you can't move, you can get money to save money.

What should you do if you need money urgently but don’t want to redeem financial products? You can take the asset certificate of your financial product to a financial institution to pledge it. For example, if you are in urgent need of 1 million in cash and your financial product is worth 5 million, you can exchange it for 1 million according to the corresponding pledge ratio. Thousands of dollars in cash.

During the pledge period, you pay the corresponding interest to the financial institution, and then relieve the pressure when you get through the difficulties. In this way, you not only solve the emergency problem, but also do not need to redeem the financial products. The cost is to pay some interest to the financial institution. . 】

Netizens who were watching and people who were concerned about this issue suddenly realized what they were seeing when they saw Fang Hong’s latest reply.

Is this kind of operation possible?

This is actually a very common basic operation in the financial circle, but the vast majority of the general public know very little about it and do not know that it can be done in this way. Many people have learned about it for the first time.

When Fang Hong said this, he suddenly felt like he was waking up from a dream, and someone quickly drew inferences.

In the same way, you can also use this kind of pledge operation to not only redeem the wealth management products of wealth funds, but also to use the pledged front-loaded cash flow for consumption, such as buying a house or a car.

It's nothing more than paying a sum of interest. As long as the financial products there generate positive returns every year and their investment returns can outperform the interest paid, there will be no pressure.

In this way, you can have money to spend and continue to grow your wealth without having to redeem it, which is the best of both worlds.

Netizens forwarded it one after another and spread it. After Fang Hong's little advice, those who originally had concerns about it were completely given up. There was no need to worry about the uncomfortable thing that would happen if Kong Shou Jinshan couldn't use it.

Everyone no longer objects to the rule that there is only one subscription opportunity in a lifetime.

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