My Fintech Empire

Chapter 879 [Douyin]

The person in charge of Toutiao and the short video track has just been decided. Wu Cheng will be responsible for taking charge of this sector. After listening to Wu Cheng’s opinion, Fang Hong can safely fire the original founding team of Toutiao without worrying about the founding team. The departure will cause Toutiao to be unable to appear.

"If Neihan Duanzi is to be shut down, there must be a new substitute. In addition to Neihan Duanzi, Yuan Toutiao also has several short video platforms. I have looked at them all. Generally speaking, it is embarrassing." Fang Hong looked at Wu Cheng and said : "Let's launch a new APP, and its name will be Douyin."

Tik Tok?

Wu Cheng and Qiu Guangcheng looked at each other. The big boss had already thought of a name. It was rare to see him be so caring.

After a while, Fang Hong said: "The three things Lao Wu just said are the core, and how the brand promotion strategy is developed determines the operational tone of the product. I summarized that Douyin's future brand promotion strategy will only focus on two points, focusing on a young and It’s fun.”

“The main content tonality revolves around two factors. When creating content, you must work in these two core directions. Although there are some very niche tracks that are different from mainstream content, the details are The overall traffic proportion of the sub-tracks is very low.”

At this moment, Wu Cheng took out his mobile phone and clicked on the recording function. He might not remember everything, so he would sort it out later after recording.

Fang Hong came here this time to set the general direction and basic ideas. As long as he follows the planned route, he will be 100% successful, because Mr. Zhang has already verified it in his previous life.

"After a large-scale and heavy-weight product promotion, there will definitely be a large number of young people pouring into Douyin, a brand-new APP. How to retain these young people at this time depends on product and operation strategies. .”

"On the operational side, Douyin's content should be pushed forward one by one, which means that it may be within a month or half a month, and a large amount of its content will be a gameplay."

"After Douyin went online, I went to Yixing Media Group to look for those unknown trainees in the 18th and 28th tiers. There were a lot of young guys and girls who wanted to enter the entertainment industry, and they were looking for about 3,000 to 5,000 people. For young people who can sing, dance, and have good looks, let them publish exactly the same content in Douyin according to the guidance of the operation end.”

Why did Fang Hong choose Wu Chenglai to take charge of this sector?

Because the rise of Douyin requires resources from multiple subsidiaries of the group company, traffic support from WeChat and Weibo, support from artists, music copyrights, and film and television copyrights from Yixing Media, as well as technical support from companies such as Quantitative Capital etc.

If you want to be able to quickly integrate and schedule these resources and tilt them, if you randomly choose one person to take charge of this matter, you will inevitably have to talk about it. You have to report it to the parent company to request other subsidiaries to tilt resources. Talking about words is secondary and the most important thing. Affect work efficiency.

Competition in the Internet industry is often determined within one or two years. Once someone breaks through, it will be difficult to subvert.

Wu Cheng's identity is very important. He is a member of the board of directors of Qunxing Capital. He can coordinate various resources under the group company, which improves efficiency. The parent company directly notifies the subsidiary, and the other side cooperates.

At this time, Wu Cheng was surprised: "Gathering so many people together to publish exactly the same content?"

Fang Hong said with a smile: "Haha, when young people watch exactly the same content every day, they will have a very strong impulse to imitate and copy. At this time, the ability of the product side will be tested. Why? Because if I I have been brainwashed by your content and I try to imitate and learn, but if I can’t do it as well as you, then my enthusiasm will be dampened and I will stop doing it.”

“So after Douyin is launched, its product logic must be different from other competing products. It must be able to record in segments. You can record a segment to pose, and delete the segment if you feel it is not good. This completely saves the editing work and focuses on one convenient."

Having said this, Fang Hong thought for a while and added: "In addition, a powerful filter system is also needed. The result is that no matter whether you look good or not, the videos you shoot through Douyin will be the same. If you look good, you are all beauties and handsome guys. Filters can give content creators confidence. If they look good and are easy to use, what they will bring to users is a completely positive incentive, and they will produce and publish more content."

"Let's talk about why we need to publish consistent content. It's the same as Melatonin's advertising bombing. The content is consistent, but iterations must be high-frequency, which means that it changes every ten days and a half. This pose is very popular today. Everyone was following the trend, and ten days and a half later another style change became popular, and a large number of people followed the trend and imitated it, and it just progressed one after another.”

"With such a combination, the richness and iteration of Douyin's content will be very powerful, and its content production capacity will be very high, so it will definitely be able to retain users."

Wu Cheng suddenly realized after hearing this that the big BOSS is the best product manager. The arrangements were clear, but his identity made it impossible to arrest him personally. Many places in the huge galaxy need him to make decisions and control the general direction. .

After a while, Fang Hong continued: "After the above execution is in place, the next step is the problem of traffic distribution. Users are attracted to the Douyin platform by the publicity, and users create content, but no one publishes content. Look, if no one likes or comments, the user’s enthusiasm will be greatly frustrated, so the key to solving this problem is the distribution of traffic.”

"Douyin's traffic distribution system must be balanced. On Douyin, every creator has the opportunity to create hits and gain huge traffic. As long as your content is good enough, you can quickly attract a large number of People have seen that the traffic distribution model recommended by the algorithm can give everyone a chance to become a hit, and the probability is very high."

The original headline system is working on algorithm recommendation, but it is not good enough.

This requires Chen Yu's quantitative capital to provide powerful AI algorithm technical support to Toutiao. This shows the importance of Wu Chenglai taking charge. If another person were to go to Chen Yu for technical support, they might not be jealous of you. If the core technology is open to you, what benefits can I get? Besides, who are you? Do you think you are the big BOSS?

But at this moment, Fang Hong said clearly: "Before talking about algorithm recommendations, I would like to first talk about how people obtain information in their daily lives."

Fang Hong raised three fingers and said: "There are only three ways, follow, search, and be recommended."

Immediately afterwards, Fang Hong said: "Following is very typical of public accounts on Weibo or WeChat. After you follow an account, you can continue to see the content posted by this account and get the information you want."

"Search, Spirit Realm Search, Baidu Search, etc. When your needs are very clear, you can get the information you want by searching with keywords and search engines."

"Being recommended is the model of Douyin and Toutiao products. After you open the APP, you can read a few articles and click a few likes. You don't need to worry about the rest. The algorithm will recommend content to you based on your reading behavior. You just lie down and the system will feed you content, exactly what you want.”

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