My Fintech Empire

Chapter 897 [This move is a bit damaging]

In the office, Fang Hong was talking to Chen Yu. The latter looked at the big boss and suddenly said: "I have an immature idea recently. If implemented, it may not be possible to instigate the old and Americans to fight with each other. It is not even ruled out that it will lead to Come to greater harvest.”

Hearing this, Fang Hong tilted his head and looked at him with interest: "Let's talk and listen."

Chen Yu immediately responded: "In the context of the high-end chip blockade of Xingyu Technology by the United States, what will happen if a batch of high-end chips appear? What does it mean if this batch of high-end chips are made in China? What if this batch of high-end chips appears? What does it mean if high-end chips are not made in China?”

Hearing Chen Yu's three questions, Fang Hong looked at him in slight surprise. Chen Yu, who looked at him, also put on a meaningful smile.

After a moment, Fang Hong withdrew his gaze and said slowly: "If it is made in China, it means that the technology blockade of the United States has failed; if it is not made in China, it also means that the technology blockade of the United States has failed, and this one is even more exciting, and the United States will definitely Angry and angry, he turned back to stare at his subordinates, which traitor secretly betrayed him and secretly sold high-end chips to us."

Fang Hongkan smiled and added: "Your move is both damaging and poisonous."

This is a tactic to drive a wedge between each other. Tell Lao Mei that your family's system is already haunted. Be careful and find the mole as soon as possible.

But Fang Hong turned around and said: "It's a good idea to alienate people. As long as the people on the American side don't lose their minds, as long as this card is played, to say the least, there really is an insider, and the American side is really good. If you find out, you will never admit that there is a mole, but will insist that you are made in China and not provided by them."

If Lao Mei really does such a stupid thing, the situation will be even worse. The younger brothers below will no longer be able to control it, and the team will be even more difficult to lead. If Lao Mei is really angry, he will immediately go to liquidate the so-called The inner ghost, Fang Hong would wake up laughing at night.

If he does this, Fang Hong will definitely play the next card without hesitation. The chips behind will be crazily printed with the trademarks of various international semiconductor manufacturers, including Intel, Samsung, Hynix and other brands of various major manufacturers. , they all provided me with support. Lao Mei, guess which one of them was wrongly accused? Who is the real mole? Just clean it up. As for how large the accidental damage area will be, we can't say.

By then, it can be foreseen that everyone under him will be in danger, and the entire team system will be in chaos, and it will be in dire straits.

As for this kind of behavior that may lead to international lawsuits, just kidding, you have been suppressed and blocked by you. Passing a lawsuit is nothing in Fang Hong's eyes, not even as good as a piece of toilet paper. Who knows? Do you care? Do you care?

You already broke the rules and turned the table over, but you still want me to abide by your game rules. What kind of international joke are you kidding me?

At this time, Chen Yu also said: "It makes sense, I think so too. If he does this, Lao Mei will definitely not admit it. Even if he suspects or even believes that there is a mole in his heart, he has to admit his outward appearance." This is a domestic technological breakthrough independently developed by us.”

Fang Hong smiled and said: "This idea of ​​yours may be useful. Even if it doesn't work, it can severely defeat the opponent. We can't always be passively defensive, and we really need to take some initiative. This At the very least, it can mobilize the opponent, so that part of his energy has to be dispersed and consumed internally, so that he cannot deal with us with all his strength."

Chen Yu nodded repeatedly and said: "Heroes see the same thing."

Fang Hongyou turned around and said: "However, the main premise of this strategy is that we need to have a batch of new high-end chips to make it an established fact. Either we can achieve technological breakthroughs ourselves, or we can really mobilize a group of international manufacturers to provide them." We supply. But in the final analysis, these are all operations at the tactical level. No matter how brilliant the operations at the tactical level are, they cannot change the fundamental overall situation. Only breakthroughs at the strategic level can truly reverse the situation, and the strategic level is to achieve true technological independence."

Chen Yu nodded again: "Understood."

At the same time, people from all walks of life in the IT industry rushed to Xiao Ling's live broadcast room on Lingke TV one after another, including some big names in the industry.

Now Xiao Ling’s classmate has become famous in the circle, and professionals and non-professionals are all watching and discussing.

Practitioners in the IT industry are not like the majority of netizens who come to watch the excitement, but they want to witness, see, observe and analyze with their own eyes.

There are people who make games, people who do special effects, people who do voice acting, etc.

They each examined and analyzed from a professional perspective in their own professional fields, and finally came to an amazing consistency. Two down-to-earth words can be used to describe it: awesome!

For example, people who are engaged in speech technology research and development were extremely shocked by Xiao Ling's artificially synthesized voice. Xiao Ling's voice sounded very natural, and you could even hear her breathing and drooling when she spoke. Such extreme detail performance.

Of course, Xiao Aya herself cannot produce sounds, but her text output can be converted into sounds by advanced speech technologies. These technologies have been developed and trained through several iterations to imitate human speech characteristics, including intonation, tone, breathing, etc. wait.

This makes the voice output by Xiao Aya sound more natural, real and full of emotion. After this round of epic major version updates, the voice output by Xiao Aya that imitates humans has reached the point where it looks real.

When an uninformed person hears it, he or she cannot tell whether it is a real person speaking or a synthetic voice. Let alone the lay public, even people in the industry may not be able to tell.

In terms of voice technology alone, it is already more than one position ahead of all voice technology R\u0026D companies in the world.

Not only is she able to imitate human voices to the point of being fake, but Xiao Aya has also shown an even more amazing level of "talent" in the live broadcast room. She can speak English, German, and French easily and fluently. Languages ​​in more than 50 countries and regions.

He is simply a super translator. People in the industry have also seen this. This application alone has huge prospects. Quantitative capital only needs to peel off this technology to create an application with powerful translation functions.

In this era, cross-border exchanges are extremely frequent. If nothing else, a large number of people from the mainland travel abroad every year.

In a foreign country, communication is a difficult obstacle to overcome. Not everyone is multilingual, so sometimes you have to spend extra money to hire a local guide to solve communication problems. Not everyone People can afford or part with this money.

But every tourist traveling abroad must have a smartphone. If the phone has such a powerful translation application, it is comparable to carrying a translator with you. It is also extremely convenient. You can just take out the phone and use it. .

Then, the language communication barrier of cross-border communication can be solved at a very low cost. At least the cost of using such a translation software must be far lower than hiring a manual guide.

And such a voice technology is just the tip of the iceberg of many advanced technical supports for Xiao Aya's first anthropomorphic image to leave the country. This is what makes many people in the industry feel so frightened.

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