My Fintech Empire

Chapter 912 [It’s not about too much or too much, it’s about just being right]

It is worth mentioning that Fang Hong estimated that 5 million families would be able to raise 2 trillion yuan in the first phase. The final figure is 3.59 million families, which is nearly double the leverage level. If there are no additional factors, this leverage The rate will definitely drop.

The so-called additional factor is the bank. Not leveraging means no loans. Without loans, the bank can only earn some channel fees. The appetite of banks is obviously not satisfied with just earning some channel fees.

This special loan business is more profitable than a home loan. For example, a 1 million home loan with equal principal and interest for thirty years, the interest is almost 1 million, but this special loan has an interest rate of 5.15, and the same 1 million loan funds are also available for 30 years. , but the interest generated is 1.545 million yuan, which is 545,000 yuan more than the interest on the mortgage.

Banking institutions have spent a lot of effort to provide investors with loans. They wish that everyone could directly borrow money like Mr. Liu. It is precisely because the bank spared no effort to promote loans that the first phase of 3.59 million was obtained. Households as a whole have nearly doubled their leverage ratio.

In other words, of the 2 trillion yuan raised by the wealth fund in the first phase, 1 trillion yuan is loan funds, which is additional leverage funds.

Even if the bank does not count the channel fees it earns, it will steadily make huge profits of more than 50 billion from these 3.59 million families every year in the next year. In ten years, it will be 500 billion, and in twenty years it will be directly covered. After all the loans were taken out, there was still a small balance.

The bank said that this profit is very good.

On weekend afternoons, enjoy the indoor heated swimming pool in Jingxinju Villa.

Fang Hong swam back and forth in the swimming pool for a few times and then came up. Tian Jiayi was also here. When she saw Fang Hong coming, she talked about the wealth fund: "The bank has become the biggest winner among them, and there is almost no risk." If you win, you will make more than 50 billion in profits every year."

Hearing the complaint from the beautiful assistant, Fang Hong sat down on the lounge chair next to him and said with a smile: "After all, Guo Jia team is one of the four major industries. People use their skills to leverage the public. It's not easy for us to say anything." , not to mention that there is in-depth cooperation in many aspects, so just turn a blind eye."

Tian Jiayi immediately said: "You decided to establish a wealth fund to provide exclusive investment and financial management channels for the middle and lower class people. Its original intention is to use this to alleviate the increasingly widening gap between rich and poor in society as a whole. This fundraising plan is the 2 trillion It can allow 5 million families to get on the bus, but the bank has lost 1.4 million families in order to expand its profits. This is not a small number. I would say that you should have set the upper limit at 500,000 instead of 1 million. "

Fang Hong shook his head and laughed. After a moment, he said slowly: "Do you know why I set the upper limit at 1 million instead of 500,000?"

The beautiful assistant subconsciously said: "Why?"

Fang Hong said methodically: "Because whether the upper limit is 1 million, 500,000, or 300,000, the bank will get a loan quota of 1 trillion. If we lower the upper limit to 500,000, the bank will just let The number of loan groups has doubled.”

Hearing this, Tian Jiayi said: "But millions more families will get on the bus. Wouldn't that be better?"

Fang Hong said calmly: "The cake is so big. If 10 people share it, they can all be well-off. If 30 people share it, they can only have food and clothing. If 100 people share it, they will go hungry. If I set the upper limit at 500,000 yuan, then everyone A family can only buy one or two hundred thousand dollars, so what will be the consequences?”

After a moment of pause, Fang Hong and the beautiful assistant looked at each other and said: "The result is that it takes a long time for everyone's consumer confidence to be activated, because it takes longer for the assets to increase in value to a considerable extent. Let me do the math for you, assuming When a family's net worth is less than 1 million, they lack confidence in the future and will restrain consumption. Only when the net worth reaches more than 1 million will they have the confidence to consume."

"Now he has bought 200,000 yuan of financial products. Based on an annual return of 15 percentage points, it will take 12 years of rolling compound interest to reach more than 1 million; but what if he buys 500,000? The time required to reach 1 million will be shortened. By five years, plus the family’s salary income from work can be reduced by another one or two years.”

"The result I want is that as long as the families who get a car can quickly activate their consumer confidence in the next two or three years, the most powerful thing that can bring about consumer confidence is considerable and stable wealth growth. When you know that you When you will make more money in the future, and you can calculate how much you are likely to make, you dare to spend now, and you can even spend appropriately in advance, because you have the confidence and you know that your future income will give you You tell me now."

"The hundreds of families who boarded the bus this time are all middle- and lower-class people. Most of this group is just shy of reaching the middle class. It itself has strong consumer demand. To improve their lives, we should look forward to the future. When you are confident, you can’t suppress the current consumer confidence and motivation even if you want to.”

Speaking of this, Fang Hong added again: "What I want is not that after all the hard work, 100 people are still hungry. What I really want is to first ensure that every family who gets on the bus can quickly get food in the next two or three years." Activate consumer confidence within this year instead of waiting for ten years. Ten years is too long and the day lilies will be completely cold."

Fang Hong concluded with a smile on his face: "So it's not about too much or too much, but it's about being just right, being impartial and just right. You can't become a fat man by eating in one go, you have to eat it one bite at a time, step by step."

If the wealth fund has one phase, then there will be a second phase and a third phase later.

In the first phase, 3.59 million households were activated, thereby activating the consumer market with a population of more than 20 million. This is not a small number. It can provide impetus for the overall economic growth of society. This part of the space opened can feed back the funds raised in the second phase. Enter the market, thus forming a virtuous positive cycle.

The oversubscription for this round of fundraising is 7 trillion. If all the money is accepted at once, the result will definitely be that most of the funds are idle in the financial system and cannot become living water to nourish all walks of life. Not only will it not be able to achieve great positive results Instead, it will accumulate systemic risks.

Not to mention anything else, the astronomical 7 trillion yuan of funds will generate a lot of interest just for one day. In the long run, wealth funds will also face huge pressure. When no money is made, the public will become emotional. Moreover, when bad things happen, disasters often come singly. If there is a little trouble, trouble will often follow.

It can be seen that when everyone comes to send money, how much do you plan to receive? When will you pick up? How to pick up? Whose money should be received? Whose should not be accepted? These questions are all demanding.

Of the 2 trillion yuan raised in the first phase, each family contributed an average of 555,800 yuan, which is the right range.

As long as the income is increased in the future, the consumer confidence of these nearly 3.6 million families can also be increased at the same time. They can see the income of the financial products they buy increase greatly and their wealth grow rapidly. When they have needs, Under such circumstances, the desire to consume is difficult to suppress.

Moreover, this boost of confidence will also affect people waiting to get on the bus in the second and third phases. Because with Zhuyu in front, those who get on the bus later will be more trusting and look forward to it.

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