My Fintech Empire

Chapter 92 [Sorry Mr. Cheng, Quantum Beat has no intention of selling! 】

At the same time that Fang Hong opened the night market to speculate on new stocks, there were many comments on the latest update of his K3478 Weibo account. Many retail investors who followed his account were shocked by the asset size of his account.

[Wow? Already achieved more than 70 million? Last week it was more than 50 million! ]

[As expected of the patriarch! ]

[I thought God K was resting in a short position this week, but he secretly got into the car...]

[Niubao! Patriarch's pan-making skills are really amazing, one Yin line does not touch, one Yang line does not pull, this technique is outrageously strong! ]

[Hitong Securities still dared to take a shot to get it like that, what's more, it got a daily limit as soon as it made a shot, and opened lower the next day, perfectly avoided the fall, perfectly caught the rise, and Zhongguo Ping An, Shan Qi Coking coal... God K is all manipulated by God, take it! ]

[It seems like it’s been less than a month, watching God K’s account soar from more than 30 million to more than 70 million now. ]

[Master Patriarch, please accept the supernatural powers, you have lost all the money in the market...(cover your face.jpg)]

[K Why didn't you update this week, I feel like I missed a hundred million! ]

[Is there no one discussing the meaning of God K's picture? Can this picture of market outlook explain some problems? What's the problem? Does anyone understand? ]

[The picture is not bad, God K is exposed, so I like this type... (manually funny)]

[Finally found something in common with the patriarch, I also like this type...(dog head)]

[Me too...(dog head)]

[Me too...(dog head)]

[The picture is not very good, but it will be mine in the next second. ]

[Can we have a serious discussion? A group of LSPs really can't stand it (picture has been saved)]

[The bad omen has already appeared, and there is another wave. My understanding is that the first four words should mean that God K feels that the market is dangerous in the near future, but the last four words are not easy to understand. There is another wave, which means there is another wave of this rebound? Or is there another wave of decline after the previous wave of 2100 points falling below 2000 points? ]

[Fuck, if this is misunderstood, it will make a huge difference! ]

[Master Patriarch, can't you be more straightforward? What a pain in the ass...]

[If you don’t understand, just wait and see. As long as you believe in God K, then these eight words at least reveal a very important message to you. If you can't make money, at least you can avoid a loss. ]

[It makes sense, I choose to believe in God K, and wait and see next week. ]


It's Monday, December 22nd.

At the opening of the first trading day of this week, A-shares ushered in a sharp drop, because there was a major negative news.

As for the six meetings held this week, people familiar with the matter revealed that the draft of the Criminal Law Amendment (Seven) to be considered will criminalize other undisclosed business information other than insider information obtained through the convenience of the position, that is, "rat warehouse". The behavior has been revised and improved, and the scope of parties involved in the behavior has been expanded to non-financial institution staff.

As early as April this year, a fund "rat warehouse" case was revealed, which aroused great concern from the society.

Relevant departments issued fines to the two involved and banned them from entering the market. However, it is difficult to pursue the criminal responsibility of the parties because there are no provisions for relevant behaviors in the criminal law.

In view of this, the draft amendment (seventh) of the Criminal Law under consideration adds a provision: the staff of fund management companies, securities companies, commercial banks or other financial institutions, use the convenience of their positions to violate regulations, engage in related illegal trading activities, or advise others Engaging in relevant trading activities, if the circumstances are serious, shall be triggered in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.

According to this clause, the party involved in the "rat warehouse" behavior, if the circumstances are particularly serious, can be sentenced to up to ten years in prison.

In the long run, this news is a good thing. The market has been relatively further regulated, so that the "rat warehouse" behavior will not be so rampant, and it has a curbing effect on the random thinking of the capital market.

But in the short term, it is obviously a negative factor, which means that some "rat warehouse" behaviors that have not been detected will speed up tail-docking to survive at the moment, or speed up running when they know that their situation is serious.

It is reflected in the market that even if the funds flee, the off-market funds of the chicken thieves will also be controlled, because they know that someone is eager to cash out and go ashore, and there will be cheaper chips later.

Today's broad market index once fell by more than 2.5 percentage points in the intraday session, rebounded in the afternoon, and finally closed down 1.52%, but it also fell below the 2000-point mark again.

This decline is obviously not in place yet, and off-market funds still have not made a move. The shrinking market is the most direct signal.

If it does not fall in place, it must continue to drop.


On the next Tuesday, the A-share market opened and fell sharply. The market index plummeted -4.55% and closed at 1897.22 points. After falling below the 2000-point mark yesterday, the 1900-point integer mark also fell today, with almost no resistance.

This big negative line directly swallowed up last week's rebound, and it has also gone out of the recent low, and the closing price is almost at the lowest point of the day, which shows that it is a high probability that it has not fallen through, and we have to continue tomorrow fall.

As soon as the market closed today, Fang Hong's K3478 Weibo account posted the latest news last Friday, and a large number of retail investors who followed it came to leave comments under this news.

Statistics show that the cumulative number of messages on this post has reached more than 3,700, and the latest messages and comments are basically wailing.

[The ominous sign has come, there is another wave, it turns out that there is not another wave of rise, but another wave of plummet! ]

[I'm betting that there will be another wave of rises, and then I will lose money directly into Muggles in the past two days. ]

[The blogger is playing tricks, and his words are so ambiguous, no matter whether it is up or down, he will be right, hehe~~]

[There is no need to be eccentric here upstairs, God K is obviously bearish on the market outlook, you can't judge from these eight words, wouldn't you look at the screenshot of the account that God K posted when he posted this blog post last Friday? God K took a short position last Friday, isn't his bearish signal clear enough? ]

[That's right, if God K means that he is optimistic that there will be another wave of rise and short positions? God K caught the rebound last Friday and directly raised the funds in the account to more than 71 million. ]

[Unexpectedly, there are still people who question the strength of the Patriarch. ]

[Haha, I saw that the patriarch had a short position last Friday, and he ran away at the opening of the market yesterday, and successfully escaped this wave of plummeting, K God Niu! Patriarch Niubi! ]

[Waiting for God K to enter the market again, it means that the market should be in the end, at least God K thinks the market is in the end. ]

[No way? Up to now, there are still people who question the strength of the patriarch? I watched it on my knees this month. If I have one-tenth of the level of my grandfather, no, one-twentieth of the level, I can kill people in the market! ]

[Following the rhythm of God K, even if you don’t make money, at least it’s okay to avoid the market crash. I didn’t enter the two short positions before God K took a break. This feels very comfortable! ]

[I don't care if the patriarch doesn't open a position, my scalp is numb due to loss today, I shouldn't take chances! ]


Fang Hong once again accurately avoided this wave of losses, and once again proved to everyone his level of precision in the market, and everyone had to be convinced.

It is worth mentioning that when he updated Weibo last Friday, the picture of "the omen has appeared, there is still another wave" really became popular in the circle. Race to repost.

Because this picture is so easy to use and the artistic conception is wonderful.

Everyone spread ten or ten, and it quickly became a new meme in the circle.

And Fang Hong's fame, or the fame of his Weibo account nickname "K3478" is getting higher and higher day by day, not to mention that everyone in the stock trading circle has reached the point where everyone knows everyone, at least he is also famous. up.

This also made the fan attention of his Weibo account break through the 2 million user mark for the first time after the market closed today. More newcomers came here attracted by the name, and the motivation to stay and register an account to follow is obviously for money. .

Everyone who stays and pays attention to the wave is nothing more than hoping to get the wealth code from "K3478".

And this also promoted the soaring number of user registrations on the microblog platform. Its user growth can be said to be astonishing, and some bigwigs in the Internet circle have noticed the amazing growth of this little-known microblog platform.

Of course, it was also favored by more capital.


At the same time, when Fang Hong was living a comfortable and carefree life on the university campus, several roommates were busy with their studies and taking care of the company's affairs at the same time. They had no time for leisure activities at all. He said he just wanted to do business.

At this time, Xu Jingren, who was working in the company, received a call from the head of Qianxiang Group. Cheng Yizhou, the head of the company, is also known as one of the top ten Internet founders in China, and is also the current owner of Xiaonei. Under his impetus, changed its name to "Renren" next year and successfully went public in the United States, once overshadowing Penguin in the limelight.

"I'm sorry Mr. Cheng, Quantum Beat has no intention of selling, and there is no plan to refinance at present." Xu Jingren, who was sitting in the office, responded in this way. The other party called and proposed to acquire Quantum Beat. If Xu Jingren nodded , He said that he would come over in person immediately to discuss specific acquisition matters.

At this time, Xu Jingren responded politely, but his expression was full of disdain.

Because Cheng Yizhou’s offer for the acquisition of Quantum Beat was 18 million yuan, it’s no wonder that Xu Jingren would be disdainful of this offer, and Quantum Beat’s angel round financing gave a valuation of more than 60 million yuan.

Now the number of registered Weibo users under the company has exceeded the 3 million mark. Even without Fang Hong's words, Xu Jingren himself knows how impressive this growth rate is, enough to kill the original campus network in seconds.

If it is said that the valuation of more than 60 million given by the previous angel round financing is illusory, but now that the number of Weibo users has exceeded the 3 million mark, the valuation of more than 60 million can not only be realized, but even hundreds of millions can be estimated. worth it.

Farewell to three days, Xu Jingren is no longer the kid who is excited when he reaches the 5 million angel round of financing. As the head of Quantum Beat, he manages the company on the front line. He has also been in the past few months fast growing.


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