My Fintech Empire

Chapter 917 [Some are happy and some are sad]

The "Sky Mirror" scientific team led by Ning Xingqing officially announced the authoritative results today. For the first time in human history, gravitational waves have been detected, which are space-time ripples caused by the merger of two black holes in a binary star system 1.3 billion light-years away. .

This major discovery also confirmed a major prediction in Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity published in 1915.

Ning Xingqing, who was speaking at the press conference, said: "The discovery of gravitational waves is a pursuit that spans a hundred years. Einstein used his wonderful field equations in 1915 to reveal the mystery of gravity: space and time tell matter how to move. Matter tells space-time how to curve. Einstein naturally imagined how space-time would change when matter moves through space-time. Soon, he had a mathematical solution he called gravitational waves... "

After this news was announced, it quickly hit the news again, and many melon-eating people also gathered to watch. Although this kind of thing has basically nothing to do with the general public, the main focus of melon-eating netizens is to participate and talk about this. It's very cool to plant high-end things, not to mention everyone is talking about it.

Long before this, Fang Hong had already "broke the news" in advance, and now it is confirmed.

Humanity has detected gravitational waves for the first time, and this has opened the door to a new field, namely gravitational wave astronomy.

The Sky Mirror is an extremely sensitive device that can detect the smallest ripples in space-time. Only the most spectacular cosmic activities will produce gravitational waves, such as the collision of two black holes and the merger of two neutron stars.

Now is the highlight moment for Ning Xingqing's team. With this scientific research result, his academic status in his academic field has ushered in a qualitative leap.

Xincheng University is also happy because Ning Xingqing teaches at Xincheng University, and the "Mirror of the Sky" is a project led by Xincheng University. This time it also became famous in the global academic community.

It is very difficult to build a first-class university because it requires accumulation of foundation.

The Chinese people were happy to hear this news. In fact, many people did not care much about the birth of a new field, gravitational wave astronomy, and cared more about the fact that it was pioneered by domestic scientific teams.

Don't underestimate this, it will have a great boosting effect on the self-confidence of the entire country and nation, making the Chinese people firmly believe that what foreigners can do well, Chinese people can do the same, or even do better.

Some families are happy and some are sad. There is joy here at home, but it is a different scene abroad.

The LIGO project team was hit hard. Although they knew that the "Sky Mirror" team would be the first to arrive and were mentally prepared because of Fang Hong's earlier revelations, they were still extremely uncomfortable after seeing the authoritative results today.

For a moment, I felt like I had been plucked from the peaches but I had no choice. Scientific research always only recognizes the first place. Even the LIGO team later discovered gravitational waves, but it was far behind the "Mirror of the Sky" team.

However, the National Science Foundation of North America is also putting pressure on the LIGO team, constantly urging it to advance the project and quickly discover gravitational waves.

The outside world is hotly discussing gravitational waves, discussing "Sky Mirror" and Ning Xingqing's team and other related topics, but Fang Hong only paid attention to it and did not come out to make critical comments again.

Because at the moment, he is busy with other things.

In February, which has just entered the new year, Fang Hong took his private plane and flew to the Neimeng area in the northwest of the country to inspect and investigate the development of modern new agriculture.

On Sunday, February 3, after arriving at his destination, Fang Hong began to "grab" hot searches.

As soon as he arrived at his destination, he posted a live broadcast on Weibo, which immediately attracted hundreds of thousands of people to rush to the Lingke TV live broadcast platform and to K God's live broadcast room. As time went by, , people forwarded and spread it to each other, and the number of melon-eating netizens watching increased rapidly.

Fang Hong's live broadcast room quickly exceeded the one million mark easily, and he was the number one anchor of Lingke TV. When the audience came to the live broadcast room, they found that God K had gone outdoors, and there were many people there. Accompanying him, there was soon a barrage asking God K where he was going.

At this moment, Fang Hong was holding a tablet in his hand and watching the barrage. Someone was carrying the live broadcast equipment to keep the camera following him. Fang Hong turned around and glanced at the camera and smiled: "We are now at Neimeng's side, come on. Look at the northwest part of the country.”

Hearing what he said, many people in the live broadcast room were surprised. Why did God K suddenly go to the northwest?

However, some people have guessed the answer and remembered some of the arrangements of Qunxing Capital in the northwest, and there are quite a few, including a hundred million acres of afforestation projects, new energy strategic layouts, and modern new agricultural technologies, etc.

At this time, Fang Hong said: "A few days ago, I heard that there have been many breakthroughs in new agriculture in the northwest. This time I came over to take a look. What we are going to now is the smart plant factory located here. It should be done soon. arrive."

At this time, the agricultural planting sector in the A-share market rose sharply, and the big A was opening.

Fang Hong mentioned something related to agriculture in the live broadcast room, and the agricultural planting section of Big A took off, which was outrageous. Fang Hong also checked the barrage messages from time to time while walking, and also saw someone saying in the barrage that the agricultural planting sector had moved up.

Seeing these barrages, Fang Hong also opened the market software APP on his tablet and took a look. The agricultural planting sector really rose rapidly. He immediately glanced at the camera and said, dumbfounded: "I just mentioned agricultural planting." Things have happened, the stock market has started to rise, some of you are consuming me, if you continue like this I will shut down the broadcast!"

The live broadcast room suddenly became happy. Some stock investors said that everything in Big A can be speculated, let alone the existence named by God K.

However, Fang Hong didn't pay much attention to this. He complained and didn't pay attention to the capital market. The group quickly arrived at the smart plant factory. The audience in the live broadcast room also saw greenhouses and some square boxes through the lens. It is a low-rise building with a large number of solar photovoltaic panels surrounding it.

There was already a group of people waiting here. When they saw Fang Hong’s group of people coming, a middle-aged man wearing a white lab coat and a group of people came up to greet him. He was a researcher at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and also the intelligent person. The chief scientist of the plant factory is named Zhang Qiyang.

After the two parties exchanged a few simple greetings, Zhang Qiyang led Fang Hong and others into one of the low buildings. The audience in the live broadcast room quickly saw the scene inside through the lens.

This should be an indoor plant cultivation base, with rows of rectangular shelves with six or seven levels, cultivating various plants.

And there are many control panels next to it, displaying various data, such as environmental temperature, humidity, luminosity and other indicators, to closely monitor the growth status of these plants.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room couldn't help but joke when they saw this scene. From now on, farming will be all about technology.

In fact, even without the support of these modern technologies, traditional farming itself is a technical job. It does not mean that you can grow crops by throwing seeds into the soil. There is a lot of knowledge involved in the entire cycle from spring plowing to autumn harvest.

I really want to say that the younger generation who grew up in the city have never been allowed to farm. Without the hands-on teachings of the old farmers, they may not be able to cultivate the land well and support themselves by exploring on their own. .

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