My Fintech Empire

Chapter 922 [Kill two birds with one stone]

Soon there were other comments saying, you can think of the problem, how could you not think of Star Capital with such a luxurious team lineup? Not only have people you can think of thought of it, but people you can't think of have definitely thought of it as well.

Fang Hong also said with a calm smile: "Of course we have found a solution to the water problem. In fact, I have consulted scientists in related fields very early and learned about the geological structure of the Northwest, such as some underground water layers under our feet. The structure has a lot of salt layer geology. When water seeps into this layer, it becomes salt water and salt water. This kind of water source cannot be used for agricultural irrigation. Plants will die instead, so the water needs to be desalinated before it can be used for irrigation. "

"In fact, if we can pump out the water that has penetrated into the salt layer structure, it will be beneficial to environmental protection. Some people may not understand, why do you say this? The Yellow River is a bit far from here, but geographically speaking, the Yellow River is actually not far from here. Master Those with a certain knowledge of geography should know that a section of the Yellow River flows through the Neimeng area."

"If the groundwater layers that seep into the salt layer structure break and collapse, and then continue to seep deeper, and finally enter some underground rivers, and then merge into the Yellow River, then there will be big problems with the water sources in the entire middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, affecting This is a major issue for hundreds of millions of people to drink water.”

Fang Hong has not mentioned another issue in the live broadcast room, that is, the main producing areas of coal are concentrated in the central and western regions. When digging coal underground, it is easier to dig out the water layer in the underground salt layer area.

Not only will this cause major accidents such as coal mine collapse, but if the salt water leaks and flows along the underground river into the Yellow River, thus polluting the water sources in the middle and lower reaches, the losses will be immeasurable.

The most important thing is that once something like this happens, it is irreversible and cannot be repaired. There is no chance to make amends. Once it is damaged, it will cause permanent and irreversible environmental damage.

The actual situation is that there are actually many coal mines here that are not standardized. In the past, many coal mines mined first and then issued certificates. The assessment of environmental impact was insufficient, and the potential risks were huge.

There are even some who know the risks, but try to take chances in the face of huge benefits and choose to turn a blind eye.

This has really caused irreversible serious pollution and damage to the hydrological environment of the entire middle and lower reaches. Let alone ten heads, even a hundred heads will not be enough.

At this moment, Fang Hong tilted his head and glanced at the live broadcast camera and said: "We support the agricultural development here through the innovation of new energy technology. We have enough low-cost energy acquisition in the agricultural planting areas of the northwest to support us. To pump out the water from the salt layer below, desalinate it and use it for agricultural irrigation.”

After hearing what Fang Hong said, even the non-professional viewers in the live broadcast room suddenly realized that this can not only solve the potential hidden danger of underground salt water contaminating the Yellow River, but also provide a water source for agricultural planting and irrigation in the northwest. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

Although ordinary viewers in the live broadcast room are not professionals, they also know a very simple truth. The person doing this is Qunxing Capital. They decided to promote modern agriculture in this barren land with a lot of money. They must have gone through sufficient research before doing so. After inspection and research, the input-output ratio is carefully calculated, and the final demonstration results are obtained before implementation.

Now that it has been promoted, it shows that the output is definitely greater than the investment, and it is definitely cost-effective to do this.

At this time, another barrage caught up and talked about the issue of water evaporation and consumption: "If you develop agriculture on a large scale in a place like the Great Northwest, even if you drain the groundwater, it may not be able to support your large-scale water consumption. . ]

When Fang Hong saw this barrage, he was also murmuring in his heart, wondering if these barrages criticizing each other were the same person or the same group of people. However, the other party's fault-finding behavior was exactly what he wanted, and he could use this to rectify the source and dissuade future consumers. and public concerns.

After a moment, Fang Hong said with a smile: "There is no need to worry about the evaporation and consumption of water vapor. Give the audience a lens to shoot the greenhouse over there."

The director carrying the equipment immediately did what the big boss said, and Fang Hong continued: "Did you see it? There are a large number of greenhouses in Wuyang over there. They are all fully enclosed greenhouses, and there is no moisture at all. Can’t run away.”

"According to what I learned from Professor Zhang, they have also made a waterproof layer under the soil layer in the greenhouse here. The water entering the greenhouse cannot continue to seep into deeper layers, and on the ground, when the water vapor After evaporation, it is restrained by greenhouses, and the temperature difference between day and night in the northwest is large."

“The evaporated water vapor will condense into water droplets inside the greenhouse, and part of it will fall directly back to the soil layer inside the greenhouse, while the other part will flow along the curved surface of the greenhouse to both sides and eventually converge into a reservoir. This results in maximum water recycling.”

Fang Hong looked at the green greenhouse in front of him, paused for a moment and then said: "If we say that the water in the greenhouse is lost, it may be that the water carried by the fruits and vegetables produced here is taken out. These greenhouses After replenishing water once, there will be no need to obtain more water from the outside for quite some time.”

"Coupled with the use of many innovative technologies and intelligent fine-control data monitoring, the utilization rate of water resources in plant factories and greenhouses is unmatched by any outdoor field planting model."

As time goes by, no one in the live broadcast room gradually finds fault with Qunxing Capital’s northwest energy agriculture model, because all the faults that can be found have been found by Qunxing Capital’s energy agriculture research team and provided with accurate and feasible solutions.

However, there are also many netizens who once again realized that Fang Hong’s modern confidence agricultural technology in the northwest is an important front-end technology for exploring space. In plant factories and greenhouses, a series of advanced technologies are applied to them. Once the venue is changed, Can it also be used on lunar bases? Will it even be used on Mars in the future?

There is no doubt that as long as the energy supply is guaranteed, it can be applied in outer space, the moon, and Mars.

To describe it using the four words "energy agriculture" is indeed concise and comprehensive.

The modern new agricultural technology developed by Qunxing Capital in the northwest region is indeed an important pre-technology for the deep space. It has illuminated this technology. From then on, it will become a way for other planets to establish long-term residence or even permanent bases. possible.

For example, the "Orbital Reef Space Station" project has been approved. In the future, several plant factory-level cabins will be launched to connect to the space station, so that these cabins can be dedicated to growing vegetables, rice, etc., especially the dwarf rice developed by Professor Zhang's team. Being able to cook 6 crops, the space utilization rate can greatly increase the absolute production capacity by 20 to 30 times.

In the future, astronauts staying in the Orbital Reef Space Station for a long time will be able to consume 80% of their daily supplies without relying on ground launches, which can save a lot of launch costs for material supplies.

In addition, plant factories are also indispensable for landing on the moon and even taking root on the moon.

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