My Fintech Empire

Chapter 935 [Competitors are panicking]

Several major domestic Internet companies learned that Fang Hong had announced that he would use the astronomical figure of tens of billions to grab red envelopes for people across the country. They were not calm when they learned that the WeChat team had launched a red envelope system, especially Ahri and Zhifubao.

Just as the news was fermenting, Zhifu Bao's operation planning team held an emergency meeting. Many colleagues, including Goose Factory, were shocked to see that the WeChat team had prepared more than 316 million red envelopes, because behind this number, people These colleagues have glimpsed the staggering ambitions of the WeChat team this time.

Since it is stipulated that a single WeChat account can only grab it once, if all the more than 300 million red envelopes are sent out, it means that the number of users who have opened WeChat payment will increase by more than 300 million, which is something that people in the industry would never dare to dream of. growth rate.

An increase of 10 million users in one month is an incredible achievement, and the WeChat team is obviously not satisfied with this.

It is said that Mr. Ma, the founder of Ali, was very angry after learning about the WeChat team’s tens of billions of red envelope activities. He secretly complained that the Zhifu Bao team could not think of the idea of ​​a red envelope system?

Teacher Ma is really a little impatient, because according to the analysis of his subordinates, he has come up with a very scary data expectation. WeChat Pay is likely to use the popularity of this tens of billions event to create an incredible increase in users.

I also realized that the WeChat team can win over the middle-aged and elderly people with just this trick. You must know that most of the parents of the younger generation today don’t even know how to use smartphones, let alone how to use online mobile payments. Well, this group of Zhifu Bao has not yet been captured.

But WeChat can win with this trick, which is this tens of billions red envelope event, because according to the participation rules, each WeChat account must open WeChat Pay and have a real name and can only grab it once.

As long as young people can surf the Internet, they will basically participate. It goes without saying. Who doesn’t want to grab a super red envelope with a denomination of 1 million?

Taking a step back, 1,000 yuan is also very attractive, and can produce 1.5 million thousand yuan red envelopes. Taking a step back, even if it costs 10 yuan, you can become a monthly member of Yixing Video, or you can eat two Breakfast.

But since each account can only be grabbed once, young people will definitely take their parents to register a WeChat account and activate WeChat payment at this time, so that they can have two more opportunities to grab red envelopes.

The moment young people do this, it means that WeChat has taken the lead in capturing the middle-aged and elderly people. The parents of young people may not even know how to use smartphones now, but society is developing and online payments are becoming more and more popular. It is already a trend, and one day in the future they will definitely be able to learn how to use it, and sooner or later their children will also teach them how to use smartphones.

And by that time, WeChat will have an unparalleled advantage among this group.

When he decided to use an online payment application, he could tell with his toes that between WeChat Pay and Zhifu Pay, the probability of them choosing WeChat Pay was definitely much higher than Zhifu Pay.

Because they have already opened WeChat payment and can use it immediately, but Zhifubao has not even registered an account. Why bother to get another Zhifubao instead of just using WeChat payment?

Originally, this group found it difficult to play with smartphones, so they definitely didn’t want to bother with other things.

And WeChat itself is the dominant mobile instant messaging social network. Its acquaintance social network relationship and social attributes are huge advantages that Zhifubao does not have. There is no doubt that there are more reasons to choose to pay with WeChat.

The general public is now discussing how to grab large red envelopes, but as a competitor, Zhifu Bao and its operation planning team have seen the terrifying power of WeChat’s tens of billions of red envelopes in advance, and have also felt the intimidation of Zhifu Bao in advance. How big the impact will be.

Therefore, as soon as this incident came out, Zhifu Bao immediately panicked. The opponent was already on the high ground, so why not panic? Teacher Ma was also annoyed. Why didn't the people under him come up with such a brilliant idea?

So infuriating!

This move of the WeChat team can not only open up the promising situation of WeChat payment in one fell swoop, but also detonate the favor society through the red envelope system, which in turn further strengthens the acquaintance socialization of WeChat itself, making the cost of people leaving WeChat becoming increasingly large, and in turn Come to think of it, WeChat's status will become increasingly difficult to shake in the future.

What's even more terrible is that now there is no chance of remediation. Zhifubao cannot launch a red envelope event at the same time to compete with WeChat, and it cannot get any traffic or attention at all.

Because there is simply no time.

Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. Red envelope grabbing starts as soon as the early morning of New Year’s Eve. There are less than 30 hours left until the full bonus is reached. It is impossible for anyone to launch a new function in such a short period of time, so they can only watch as WeChat exclusively enjoys all the features. With traffic and popularity, competitors can do nothing but stare.

At this moment, Teacher Ma also secretly cursed Fang Hong, Lou Gaoyuan and the other young disciples for being so cruel. The WeChat team actually held back such a king-level ultimate move until the day before New Year's Eve, and kept it confidential. He did it so well, but he obviously didn't want the opponent to have any chance to react, making it impossible for the opponent to receive any moves, let alone break them.

The next day, February 18th was New Year’s Eve.

WeChat officially launched a new version, and users updated the version without hesitation and opened WeChat payment.

As expected, the new version has a red envelope function, and many users are the first to experience it. There are lucky ones and ordinary red envelopes. You can send red envelopes or grab red envelopes. The denomination of red envelopes can be as low as 10 cents or as high as 1,000 yuan.

In order to have one more chance to grab red envelopes, many young people actually thought of using their parents’ ID cards to register a new WeChat account, complete real-name authentication and activate WeChat payment.

In short, try to find ways to get as many accounts as possible. I wish I could even use my grandparents’ ID cards. One more account will give me one more chance to grab red envelopes, and the chance of grabbing red envelopes with large denominations will increase.

Who doesn’t want to get rich overnight?

Everyone wants to get something for nothing. This is too attractive and gives everyone enough motivation to register a new account without bothering.

The number of new WeChat user registrations and the number of WeChat Pay activations has increased exponentially at an incredible speed just today, New Year’s Eve, and is creating a mythical record in the Internet industry.

That afternoon, Fang Hong came to the headquarters of WeChat's subsidiary. He did not return to his hometown this year and chose to spend time in the new city.

Most employees of WeChat's subsidiaries have taken annual leave, leaving a group of people working overtime at the company with three times the salary.

Fang Hong came to the WeChat headquarters today specifically to learn about the increase in users. When he arrived at a backend data management office of the company, he tilted his head and asked a senior director of the company accompanying him: "How is the increase in new users today? ?”

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