My Fintech Empire

Chapter 951 [As expected of a boss, his thinking is extraordinary]

When Fang Hong said this, he nodded and put the microphone aside to indicate the end of his answer.

Whether it is an offline audience or online, everyone found that the three elements of health mentioned by Fang Hong are not just words, Qunxing Capital is actually doing it.

For example, the modern agriculture that is being vigorously promoted and the agricultural supermarkets that are expanding in major cities are providing safe and secure food to the market. The entire supply chain can be traced back to the origin, and there are not many in this regard. It can be done, which is why the stars have pushed agricultural supermarkets to become more trusted by the public, all relying on the support of their peers.

Another example is the medical services that Qunxing is vigorously promoting. Many people are reminded of last year’s live broadcast of Fang Hong’s full-scale output in the medical field. Qunxing Capital is spending a lot of money to promote the construction of thousands of Chinese and Western hospitals, including supporting domestic medical device manufacturers. .

There are also innovative models such as "diagnosis and treatment first, payment later" using WeChat payment credit rating, and a series of measures such as establishing a special public welfare fund for medical care to reduce patients' medical costs.

The public can see whether these things are beneficial to the public, so the public is eagerly looking forward to the day when more than a thousand benchmark tertiary hospitals in the galaxy are officially put into operation.

This is why Fang Hong is so rich, but it is rare that the public does not hate the rich at all but wants him to be richer and better.

Because the things he does include both grand narratives of looking up at the stars and microscopic descriptions of people's livelihood and livelihood; they both look forward to the future and are based on the present. Every one of these things is watched by the public. Everyone can feel whether it is beneficial to society and whether it benefits the general public.

The public knows that the richer he is, the more he will do these things and take the initiative to assume more social responsibilities. Naturally, it is impossible to hate his wealth.

But at this moment, the second person soon got the opportunity to ask questions. He was a man in his thirties.

He stood up and asked: "Hello, Mr. Fang, you are also my super idol. I want to ask a question, because you said that the health field definitely has prospects in the future, but in the countries and regions along the 'One Road, One Belt' initiative, they The degree of population aging may be different. When we look for "One Road, One Belt" project targets, we may focus on infrastructure construction, such as ports, railways, airports, etc. Mr. Fang thinks that if we look for "One Road, One Belt" projects, Are there any areas and challenges that need attention? Thank you!”

Fang Hong picked up the microphone and was silent for two seconds before saying: "People often have path dependence. They like to walk the same path they walked yesterday and do the things they did yesterday. The paths they walked yesterday and the things they did yesterday. It will make him feel more confident."

"This kind of empiricism is not necessarily wrong, but it will also lose opportunities. When you encounter a new opportunity or an opportunity for innovation, you should try your best to take a different path and do something different. Don't take it for granted. If you are in a tight frame, sometimes hesitation will lead to defeat. When necessary, take action when necessary."

“I personally think that everyone’s eyes should shift from the field of infrastructure construction to new fields to look for new opportunities, such as digitalization, artificial intelligence and other new things, or even shift from state-owned enterprises to the private economy, and even use their own expertise to do the opposite. Help countries along the 'One Road, One Belt' initiative to deal with the mainland."

"I think specialized talents are one of the most important factors in future cross-border trade. We are actually relatively short of these talents. This is my opinion. How can you negotiate with others without an excellent team of lawyers? Without excellent accounting and auditing How do you match others’ standards?”

After Fang Hong finished answering, the host chose the next person to ask questions. The man who got the opportunity to ask questions immediately stood up and asked: "Hello Mr. Fang, I am engaged in cross-border trade, and we are also very concerned about the 'One Road, One Belt' initiative, but We also have a doubt. The countries and regions along the "One Road, One Belt" are basically backward third-world countries. They are often synonymous with poverty. Some of them can't even eat and are suffering from famine. Do such markets really have purchasing power? ?Thanks!"

Fang Hong, who was sitting on the stage, nodded to himself after listening to his question, then picked up the microphone and said with a smile: "There is a saying in Laozi's Tao Te Ching, 'The opposite is the movement of Tao. The weak use Tao, everything in the world is born from being, and everything is born from nothing.' What does it mean? From the level of 'Tao', it is precisely because of the poverty, backwardness and lack of food in the countries and regions along the route that there is famine. So they need to change so that there is room for us to play a role. Europe and the United States are developed and have purchasing power, but do they have the opportunity for you?"

Everyone in the audience was stunned when they heard this. If you think about it carefully, it does make sense. People in developed areas of Europe and the United States have already eaten up the market, and it is not your turn at all.

He is indeed a boss, his thinking is extraordinary.

Fang Hong continued: "I found that there are many foreign friends sitting in the audience. When I had a private chat with the host, I learned that the foreign friends in the audience include media reporters and entrepreneurs from countries and regions along the 'One Road, One Belt' initiative. I took this opportunity to In answering that friend’s question, I also want to clarify one fact again.”

"The 'One Road, One Belt' initiative proposed by our country is by no means about driving cargo ships to engage in commodity dumping. We are fundamentally different from the colonial logic of the West. What we uphold is the concept of joint construction and sharing of development results. To take a step back, Are you really going to dump goods in an area that is so backward that you can’t even afford food? Or do you want to provide zero-yuan shopping services to the local area? That’s not called dumping. It should be called dumping. Selfless humanitarian aid.”

The people in the audience couldn't help laughing when they heard this, especially when they heard the words "zero yuan purchase". It was the first time for everyone to hear this word, but there was nothing wrong with what the boss said. , the foreign media people from the countries along the route couldn’t help but nodded after listening to the translation.

Everyone also deeply agreed with what he said. It is okay to engage in product dumping in the markets of developed regions, but in those third world countries that are poor and backward, have no food to eat and are suffering from famine, the only way to engage in product dumping is to "buy for zero yuan". "Only then can it be dumped.

This is already "purchased for zero yuan", can it still be called dumping? It is clearly free humanitarian aid and an act of kindness.

Fang Hong continued: "Isn't your place poor? Well, we will build roads for you, build power stations for you, and help you industrialize. Your people have become rich, and they have both the need and the ability to improve their lives. Material needs will naturally increase, and market demand will also increase, eventually forming a situation of mutual benefit and win-win, and sharing of development results. In this way, doesn’t it sound good?”

His last rhetorical question, combined with his expression and body language as he spread his right hand, once again made everyone in the audience laugh, and the atmosphere of the symposium became relaxed and pleasant.

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