My Fintech Empire

Chapter 96 [The layout can't be discussed, it's just a matter of looking for foreigners]

The next day, morning.

Fang Hong came to Qunxing Capital with the materials of Quantum Beat’s Pre-A round of financing.

In Huayu's office, Fang Hong handed him the materials he had brought and said, "This is Quantum Beat's Pre-A round of financing, and the first tranche of 10 million will be transferred next week."

After taking the materials and browsing through them, Hua Yu nodded and said, "No problem, oh yes, the last fund of 4 billion is in place today."

The third tranche of funds is in place, which means that all 10 billion funds are in place.

Fang Hong nodded: "Well, just pursue the position according to the plan. There just happened to be a good intervention price these few days."

Huayu looked at him and suddenly smiled and said, "Brother Fang, you asked for the funds to be in place at the end of the month. I guess you have already judged that the market will fall into a deep pit before now, right?"

Hearing this, Fang Hong smiled dumbly, shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't be too mythical, it just happened that the market fell sharply at this time, I am very sure about the overall trend, because it does not depend on people's will, but If you want to accurately predict the rise and fall of each day, even God can’t do it.”

Huayu didn't say anything when he heard him say this, but he also felt that Fang Hong's words were reserved. In fact, Huayu secretly registered a Weibo vest account and only followed the account K3478 to observe secretly.

Recently, he took a break from short positions the day before when he fell sharply from 2000 points, and shared his previous trading records on Weibo. These are all accurate judgments of the intraday rise and fall.

And he also saw Fang Hong's crazy arbitrage from it, and the account funds have reached more than 71 million.

It is said that Fang Hong escaped the sharp drop in the past few days by accident, it was just luck, Hua Yu expressed his disbelief, is it really a factor of luck to be able to be lucky all the time?

Moreover, Huayu has not forgotten that at the beginning of this month, the country officially issued a document announcing that from February 2009, home appliances to the countryside will be promoted nationwide to counteract the rapid decline in consumer electronics export demand caused by the global financial tsunami that began in North America. Expand the domestic market.

The product category has changed from four categories of color TV, refrigerator, mobile phone and washing machine in the small-scale pilot to eight categories of products, and motorcycles, computers, water heaters and air conditioners have been added.

It is foreseeable that in the past few years when the policy of home appliances going to the countryside and the follow-up home appliance trade-in, energy saving and benefiting the people have been stimulated by multiple policies, the domestic home appliance market has shown an "unprecedented" explosive growth.

Fang Hongyue highlighted his amazing strategic foresight and his ability to harvest terror in the capital market. Hua Yu and Hua Yongming were all happy to see it, which showed that the decision to bet on him was wise. The probability of overturning is getting smaller and smaller, which also means that the risk is getting smaller and smaller, and more peace of mind.

Not to mention Fang Hong's forward-looking strategy, as far as his current harvesting ability in the capital market is concerned, if this state is maintained, it is absolutely conservative to harvest 300 million yuan in profits from the stock market a year.

At the end, Huayu thought of another thing and said by the way: "Xincheng has settled the matter of opening an official account on the Weibo platform, and it should open an official blog account in the next few days."

Fang Hong nodded.

Xincheng opened the first Zhengfu Weibo account, which is very positive for the Weibo website platform. This account does not bring many new users to the platform, but Xincheng was able to open an account, which shows the momentum The development of Weibo has won the support and trust of government departments, and what is valued is its intangible value.

Fang Hong looked at Hua Yu and said: "Another thing, within two months, withdraw 2 billion funds to exchange 300 million US dollars offshore, and then set up ten North American brokerage agency accounts, pay attention to nesting more It has several floors and cannot be easily penetrated. Qunxing Capital established an office in Hong Kong and a trading room in this institution, which is only responsible for trading in the international capital market.”

Huayu was surprised when he heard that: "Brother Fang, are you planning to deploy overseas markets?"

Fang Hong said with a smile: "It's not about the layout, it's just a matter of looking for foreigners. I'm short of money. I'm really short of money. Especially next year, there will be too many places to spend money. I can only go to the US stock market to get a piece of it."

Lack of money to spend, so go to the US stock market to harvest, and use the global capital market as a cash machine? How much self-confidence does this have to have?

Hua Yu who heard the other party's words was also deeply ashamed.

There is no longer any doubt about Fang Hong's harvesting ability in the A-share market, but he can't help but put a question mark in his heart whether he can go overseas.

Hua Yu couldn't help asking: "Brother Fang, is it really so short of money?"

Huayang Group raised tens of billions of funds for him, and then pre-approved more than 10 billion funds through cyclical pledges. Now Qunxing Capital has mobilized more than 23 billion funds.

He still doesn't hate it enough? This appetite is probably not the reincarnation of Taotie.

In the strategic map in Fang Hong's mind, there are simply too many areas to be subdivided, but the main context is extremely clear, that is, "finance + Internet + entity", and the entity is oriented to high-end manufacturing, such as high-end chips, Aerospace, nanotechnology, quantum computing, new materials, and more.

These three main lines complement each other, complement each other, and develop together, forming the ultimate strategic vision in Fang Hong's mind.

It can be seen that this requires a huge amount of funds to be invested. The most important thing is that time is not abundant or even urgent. All major fields are developing at the same time. It is impossible to start slowly one by one. To complete the settlement at key time points in many key fields, and to ensure that it will not collapse under such a situation of attacking everywhere, it requires strong financial capital support.

Simply put, it requires a lot of money and a lot of liquidity.

Fang Hong didn't tell anyone about these things, and he absolutely couldn't tell them, otherwise everyone would be shocked.

Especially if Huayu knew what was going on in his heart and saw Fang Hong taking such big steps, he would definitely scare Huayang Group, and then decided to withdraw the capital, leaving a sentence: Madman, I will not accompany you played.

At this moment, in the face of Hua Yu's inquiry, Fang Hong only picked a partial point, and it was not a lie to him. Fang Hong said indifferently: "Not to mention anything else, Qun Xingguang wants to create a Speaking of the whole entertainment industry chain system that can be counted, the three major fields of film, video, and music have layouts from producers to distributors, theater channels, etc., and 20 billion is only enough to make a foundation. What do you think is lacking? Is there no shortage of money?"

Seeing that Huayu didn't say a word, but the worry on his face was obviously that he was afraid that Fang Hong would take a big step and talk nonsense, Huayang Group would also be dragged into the water by him, this is what Huayu was really worried about.

Obviously, Fang Hong could see what he was worried about, and immediately said with a smile: "Brother Hua, I know what I'm doing, you just need to remember that I, Fang Hong, am not a gambler. Will make it easy."

Hua Yu nodded silently. So far, Fang Hong has not had a car rollover, and Hua Yu also remains cautiously optimistic.

Fang Hong then ordered: "In addition, the private equity business can be started. In short, you will do everything possible to raise funds, raise money, and raise more liquid funds. The more the better."

The essence of finance is to borrow money. To put it bluntly, it is fundraising and financing.

In fact, it is to fool your money over for me to use, and then I will draw you a big virtual cake. If the cake becomes real in the end, everyone will be happy. Otherwise, those who should run away will run away, and those who step on the sewing machine will go to the sewing machine team check in.

Qunxing Capital also needs to raise further funds, but there are not many people as courageous as Hua Yongming. When Qunxing Capital has nothing, it dares to invest 1 billion and only take 5% of the equity. crazy.

It's about finance, that's all.

But Fang Hong is obviously very short of money. The best way is to use other people's money to do his own business, that is, to exchange the equity of Qunxing Capital for money, and to exchange less equity for larger funds. Up to this point, he has achieved a strong record level.

Only by making an astonishing record will the industry be shocked, and people will come to them with money. Fang Hong chose to make a ticket in the international market and make a record.

At this time, Hua Yu thoughtfully said: "Among the network resources of my Hua family, I know quite a few mine bosses and coal bosses, and I have saved a lot of money, and I feel anxious when I have more money."

Fang Hong was quite surprised. He didn't expect that the Hua family had such a wide network of contacts, and even the coal boss knew a lot of people.

Hua Yu saw the surprised look in his immediate boss's eyes, and he smiled and said, "Brother Fang, to be honest, our family's ancestral home is in Sanjin, but now it's rooted in Xincheng."

Hearing this, Fang Hong couldn't help but suddenly realized that the Hua family should have the blood of Shanxi merchants, so it is not surprising that they know a lot of coal bosses.

After a while, Huayu said again: "After these coal bosses got rich, they also wanted to play capital, but the problem is that the cross-border is too big, but after they get rich, their investment generally likes to do two things. One is to buy in Beijing. house, and the other is to invest in movies and TV shows and meet some female stars.”

Fang Hong couldn't help being amused by Huayu's "encounter with a female star" when he heard this, Mr. Hua's rhetoric is beautiful.

But there is one thing to say, the coal bosses investing in the film and television industry are definitely not rushing to meet a female star. The coal bosses are not stupid, just to invest in a movie just to meet a female star, at least they have to pay a few hundred Ten thousand or even tens of millions is just a one-time encounter. What kind of female star is worth this price?

It can be seen that encountering female celebrities is just incidental. The reason why coal bosses are keen to invest in this industry is mainly to get rid of the outside world's impression of them as "upstarts". Being bold but not earthy is also a signal of understanding art and loving art.

At the end, Fang Hong smiled and said, "I can talk about it when I find an opportunity, but the focus right now is to quickly get through the overseas layout for me."

Huayu nodded: "No problem, I'll deal with it."


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