My First Time Is Invincible

196 Whipping Princess Manshu (Please Subscribe 4)

Yang Chu looked down at the being in front of him, wearing a close-fitting soft armor that covered his whole body like scarlet snake scales, perfectly outlining the lines of his body.

This is Princess Manshu, who is famous and frightened by the Immortal Dynasty.

The top genius among the demon snake clan was once from the Chixuan Ancient Snake clan, and his bloodline contained the blood of the Heaven-Swallowing King Snake.

He was originally a terrifying genius who was expected to return to his ancestors and activate the bloodline of the King-Swallowing Snake, but it was a pity that he eventually fell into the hands of the Immortal Supreme.

The Heaven-Swallowing King Snake was a terrifying and vicious snake from the ancient times. Its power and strength were not inferior to those of the Ancient Heavenly Dragon King.

Princess Manshu was the first genius to be abducted by the Immortal Supreme. She has practiced to this day and has completely converted to the path of immortality. There is no way to turn back. She is the absolute confidant of the Immortal Supreme and has obtained the true inheritance of the Immortal Supreme.

In the Immortal Immortal Dynasty, Princess Manshu was extremely famous and her strength was unfathomable. She had already become an Immortal Emperor, comparable to the most powerful Immortal Emperor in all the realms, "080".

Otherwise, it would be impossible for this clone of the Immortal Supreme Jade Capital to be rescued.

Unfortunately, she encountered Yang Chu.

Staring at Yang Chu was the biggest misfortune in her life.

Of course, it may also be the greatest luck in life.

The fear caused by the cruel methods, coupled with Yang Chu's sudden aura of apathy towards life and death, finally shocked Princess Manshu's mind in one fell swoop.

The monks of the Immortal Dynasty are not really immortal.

They practice immortal blood, and their lifespan is incredible. It is true that they break the laws of nature.

It is human nature to be greedy for life and afraid of death.

What's more, there is no shame in bowing down in front of Yang Chu, a being who possesses the body of life and death.

"Keep your head up!"

Yang Chu looked down and ordered Sensen.

Princess Manshu's body couldn't help but tremble a little, coming from Yang Chu's momentum, which really made her breathless.

Slowly raising her head, a strange, extremely cold and handsome face suddenly came into her eyes. Although the immortal power in her body was not very strong, its power was too terrifying.

Princess Manshu's eyes widened, her teeth chattered slightly, and she couldn't help but ask: "Who are you?"

Yang Chu showed a sneer and said: "I govern the two realms of immortality and inanimation, I, the Immortal of Life and Death!"

Yang Chu made up a new identity for himself, similar to that of King Yama.

In the future, when dealing with the Immortal Dynasty, they will mainly appear in this capacity.

"Life and death, no god?!"

Princess Manshu's eyes were filled with shock. For a moment, she was thinking a lot.

As far as she knew, the only two great deities that came into being were the immortal and the inanimate ones. How could there be another inanimate deity?

She is no stranger to the two auras of immortality and lifelessness.

Feeling the breath on Yang Chu's body, she could feel that the two breaths of immortality and lifelessness were very harmonious and integrated, and could never be faked.

Could it be that the existence in front of me is really superior to the two great deities, the immortal and the inanimate?

Just as thoughts flashed through Princess Manshu's mind, a cold and domineering voice sounded: "From now on, everything about you belongs to me!

Your body, your soul, and your loyalty!"

When Princess Manshu heard this, her eyes showed horror and humiliation, but deep down she breathed a sigh of relief.

Because according to Yang's wishes, he didn't intend to kill her.

As long as you are alive, there is always a chance to turn around.

As long as you leave from here, contact the Immortal Supreme immediately...

She believed that the Immortal Supreme would be very interested in such an existence, this life-and-death Supreme who had not yet fully fledged his wings.

I am ten times, a hundred times more interested than the Inanimate God!

"You have murderous intentions for me!"

Yang Chu's eyes turned cold, and he suddenly pinched Princess Manshu's neck. The terrifying power violently suppressed it. In his eyes, the huge spirit was wrapped with the pressure of the body of life and death.

The arrogance and indifference collided with Princess Manshu's heart.

Wanting to conquer such a powerful man who is comparable to the Immortal Emperor is not as simple as dealing with Yin Yue.

In Yang Chu's body, the immortal power and Tao Fruit gained from killing many undead immortal dynasty marquis and dukes began to merge.

"Ding, the host Yang Chu has been detected to have cracked the Tao Fruit for the first time, and the reward ability is: Tao Fruit Fusion!"

This ability of Tao Fruit Fusion is a series with Tao Fetus Fusion and Nascent Soul Fusion.

Under the influence of this ability, all Tao fruits are integrated, and other people's Yuanying becomes one's own Tao fruit, which is equivalent to being perfectly transferred to oneself, as if it was cultivated by oneself.

Yang Chu's cultivation level began to rise steadily, skyrocketing crazily. Under the endless power of the mind, all kinds of magic were running crazily.

Seeing this scene, Princess Manshu's soul trembled, and uncontrollable fear emerged from the depths of her soul.

Yang Chu sneered: "Princess Manshu, I'm giving you a chance, but how dare you not appreciate it?

Do you want to be like those dukes and marquises and become the nourishment for my cultivation?"

"No no no......"

Feeling the murderous intent in Yang Chu that was terrifying enough to penetrate her soul, Princess Manshu shook her head repeatedly and begged in fear: "Tianzun, please forgive me, I don't want to die, I will never be half-hearted again...

This is the sorrow of monks in the Immortal Dynasty 0

Because the rule created by the Immortal Supreme Jue Wutian is full of strict hierarchies. Jue Wutian, who is at the top, can control the life and death of everyone under his command, and can take life and death with just a thought.

What this kind of absolute power dictatorship has established is unprecedented hegemony.

Of course, if Jue Wutian dies, then the entire Immortal Immortal Dynasty will also collapse and vanish into thin air, leaving no place for burial.

Therefore, his subordinates will protect Jue Wutian at all costs.

As for Yang Chu, the life and death body obtained from the immortal blood of the Immortal Immortal Dynasty is naturally a bug. Jue Wutian has the power of life and death in the Immortal Immortal Dynasty. Yang Chu can also use it, as long as Yang Chu obtains the Supreme Way of Immortality. True blood.

Yang Chu said sternly: "Princess Manshu, if you follow Jue Wutian, you will always be just a pawn in Jue Wutian's hands. You cannot control your life or death, and you will never be free.

And by following me, I can give you the greatest freedom, give you everything you want, and even overthrow the rule of Jue Wutian and replace it with you!

Do you want to be a slave forever, or become the top powerhouse that dominates an era?

Think about it, what has Tiantian turned you into?"

Under the wonderful sounds of Yang Chu, every sound touches the soul of Princess Manshu.

Princess Manshu's Taoist heart was finally touched, and her eyes fluctuated when she looked at Yang Chu...

This means 2.0 is the opportunity Yang Chu wants.

Princess Manshu's guard was loosened!

Seeing this, Yang Chu unleashed his long-planned smile and showed a smile of appreciation. With his other hand, he gently caressed Princess Bishu's cheek...

A little bee is out~

Princess Manshu couldn't bear it anymore, her legs couldn't help but bend slightly, her body trembled slightly and she said: "Tianzun, what do you want me to do?"

Yang Chu smiled and said: "Your body is very complete, you can do mine first..."


There is only one person in heaven and earth that I must kill.

His name is the Immortal Supreme!

Manshu, I, the Supreme Lord of Life and Death, need your cooperation..."

On Princess Manshu, the strange scales faded away...

Princess Manshu, who was entangled with Yang Chu, suddenly took out a small leather whip and said: "Tianzun, please...whip Manshu..."

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