When the BMW 5 Series in front landed smoothly from a high altitude and drove a short distance on the highway.

Zhou Shuyi, who was in a dazed state, quickly regained consciousness and suppressed the horror in her heart.

She smiled at the live broadcast camera, and the cameraman holding the camera subconsciously leaned back.

He reminded in a low voice: "Um...Reporter Zhou, we only have this camera, why don't you eat it?"


Zhou Shuyi twitched her lips and wanted to ask the cameraman if he was serious about his little move of leaning back.

She took a deep breath to calm down. Even the shameless Zhou Shuyi felt hot at this moment.

In the past...

She didn't realize that her mouth could be so poisonous. It was impossible for her to fly over just after she said it, but the next second.

That furious BMW 5 Series gave me a 'surprise'.

As for the barrage of netizens in the live broadcast room, Zhou Shuyi didn't pay much attention and focused her attention on the gentle landing.

Enter the BMW 5 Series behind the wheel.

She said: "This car won't be the same as the holographic projection technology, which is also a black technology, right?"

"Just as the vehicle was airborne, I saw blue flames coming out of the exhaust pipe."

"Do you think there is a possibility that the game QQ Speed ​​is actually based on reality?"

If there is anything wrong with this car, even the smart Zhou Shuyi doesn’t believe it. Whose car can fly so high?

The exhaust pipe can also spray blue flames!

After Zhou Shuyi's words, the strange focus of many viewers in the live broadcast room gradually returned to the vehicle.

A five or six-year-old girl can drive and fly, although it is outrageous from all angles.

But even more outrageous...

Definitely this modified BMW 5 Series, which not only has the most advanced holographic imaging technology, but also...

There’s also a flight mode!

Regarding what kind of black technology this BMW 5 Series is, many netizens in the live broadcast room started discussing again.

"If you ask me to say that this car is definitely not simple, the holographic imaging technology is beyond recognition..."

"Damn it, which flying car is simple?"

"It's not just the blue flames in the exhaust pipe, but haven't you noticed the jet openings on the chassis of the vehicle?"

"Not only can it run on the ground, but it can also fly directly into the sky when there is a traffic jam. Isn't this the latest black technology developed?"

"I think it's very possible. You can't look at it from a normal perspective. If you can buy this car..."

"I'll be happy to spend any amount of money!"

After returning to the essence of things, many live broadcast room viewers became curious about this BMW 5 Series.

But this is also an extremely common thing. In everyone's perception, cars can only run on the road.

And this car...

Not only can it run on the ground, but it can also take off on the spot, and maybe even have the ability to go into the sea.

The technology displayed on the vehicle can be said to transcend the current era and is an epoch-making technological product!

"A black technology that transcends the times?"

Officer Tan murmured softly, looking at the vehicle that was about to disappear from sight, and instantly came back to his senses.

He looked at the police helicopter pilot and said quickly: "Master, follow that BMW at full speed!"


The pilot did not neglect it. He knew the importance of this matter and decisively adjusted the helicopter's performance to the best.

With full power, he drove towards the running BMW 5 Series at an extremely fast speed.


Tan Qiao's face was solemn, and he even didn't believe in evil. No matter how fast this car ran, it could fly in the sky.

Can it be faster than a professional helicopter?

As the helicopter continued to approach and after lowering its flight altitude, Zhou Shuyi even used a loudspeaker to persuade him to surrender.

"Little sister, driving on the highway is very dangerous. Please pull over quickly. We will never notify your parents!"


On the highway, the BMW 5 Series, which increases the speed to 160km, has excellent sound insulation inside the car.

Not to mention Zhou Shuyi's horn, even the wind noise and tire noise outside the car could not be heard at all.


The artificial intelligence "Wheat Classmate" at the core of the vehicle captured this news quite keenly.

It reminded on the central control screen: "Master, the helicopter that was chasing us just now is still behind us!"

"There is also an old aunt who is asking the owner to park the car. She said that she will never notify the parents~"


Su Xiaoke, who was sitting lazily in the driver's seat, rolled his eyes after hearing what Mai Xiao said.

Just lie to the children!

She could guarantee that her father would be on the way over the moment the vehicle pulled over.

Although there was no trace of the helicopter behind him, a sense of crisis quietly emerged in Su Xiaoke's heart.

No matter what, you can't be caught by the traffic police.

She turned to look at Classmate Mai and asked, "Is there any way to get rid of that helicopter?"


After receiving the instruction, Xiaomai on the central control screen did not reply immediately, but used a super-intensive reading algorithm.

Plan the current road conditions, wind resistance, and driving route to get the best solution.

It finally replied: "Master, it has been detected that the vehicle has entered the highway section, and there is very little traffic on the road."

"Can enter ultra-high-speed driving mode!"

After hearing this, Su Xiaoke did not hesitate at all and decisively ordered: "Then enter the super-high-speed driving mode!"


After receiving the instruction, Xiaomai lowered the vehicle speed to 160km and made initial preparations for the sonic driving mode.

The spoiler at the rear of the car is adjusted to an excellent angle, and various airflow kits even appear on the wide body of the vehicle.

It provides strong downforce to the entire vehicle and can firmly fix the vehicle on the road in sonic driving mode.

The core engine stalled instantly, and when it started again, the roaring and boiling sound of the engine was faintly transmitted into the car.


Start soaring!

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