My Five-Year-Old Daughter Was Driving A Car, And My Nuclear Explosion On The Moon Was Exposed

Chapter 026: Air Flow Simulation Window? What Kind Of High Technology Is This?

Following the high-definition footage, countless viewers in the live broadcast room of the [Safe Traffic] program saw Su Xiaoke in the driver's seat.

This scene, which lasted less than 10 seconds, took them a lifetime to heal.

Because even if they saw this with their own eyes, the audience would feel... outrageous!

It is basically certain that the driver who drove this BMW 5 Series to a speed of 300km was five or six years old.

This is a little girl who is still in kindergarten.

The black technology carried by this car has refreshed the audience's understanding of the road that has never been imagined.

The BMW 5 Series, positioned as a 'family car', can be equipped with a fighter jet engine!

As for the fact that you don't need to step on the accelerator, it's easier to understand. A cruise control system is set for the vehicle.

But whose cruise control system can stabilize the vehicle speed at 300km has subverted human cognition...

And what shocked them the most.

The window in the main driving position is fully opened, as long as you drive through the car with some common sense.

We all know how much air will flow in after opening the car window when driving the vehicle at a speed of more than 100km.

It was accompanied by wind noise and tire noise that sounded like tearing eardrums.

Basically, no driver will fully open the window while driving at high speed, which is completely torturing themselves.

But now...

The BMW 5 Series, which could fly as fast as a police helicopter on the highway, had all the windows open.

Even the head of the little girl in the car was not blown up. What this meant was clear to many netizens in the live broadcast room.

A perfect piece of black technology!

"I wonder, the black technology this car is equipped with is a bit outrageous, isn't it? It can reach a speed of 300 kilometers per hour..."

"Can you open the window in this case?"

"The key point is that the little girl in the car didn't seem to be impressed at all. Could it be that I saw it wrong?"

"The holographic projection technology is probably along with the windows, and the adult driving the car can no longer see it."

"Definitely open the window!"

"Are there any brothers who are big enough to come out and educate us on what kind of black technology this is?"

When many viewers in the live broadcast room were confused about whether the windows could be opened while driving at high speed, accidents suddenly happened.

The BMW 5 Series, which travels at a speed of up to 300km, has a huge airflow.

Small gravels and twigs on the road will cause great damage under this huge air flow.

Under this general premise, the tree branch that bounced over the wheel of the BMW 5 Series suddenly shot towards the open window.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room felt an indescribable feeling of distress. Damn it, something is going to happen!


When countless people thought that the extremely fast branch was about to shoot into the car, causing an irreparable tragedy...

The dead branches were bounced away by the invisible airflow from the car window!

Witnessed by the ultra-high-definition cameras of the program team, everyone including Tan Qiao and Zhou Shuyi were all buzzing.


The moment he was about to fly into the car, he was suddenly bounced away? !

It's impossible. The dead branch saw that the little girl in the car was too cute, and couldn't bear to hurt her, right?

It is definitely a black technology that has never appeared before!

Zhou Shuyi's face was full of disbelief. She asked weakly: "Officer Tan, what kind of black technology is this?"


After hearing this, Tan Qiao rolled his eyes secretly. If he was so knowledgeable, why would he be a traffic policeman...

After a moment of silence, he slowly said: "I think this is likely to be some kind of unannounced black technology."



After Tan Qiao finished speaking, everyone was silent. Anyone who wasn't a fool could see that, right? !

And in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room.

The netizen who previously explained the holographic projection technology was blown away again after seeing this picture.

[Not interested in technology]: "The speed of this car has reached 300km. It is definitely unrealistic to open the windows."

"Strong airflow may cause a decrease in vehicle stability."

"I also saw the scene just now. It's very possible... that the dead branch hit the wall of stronger air flow and was bounced away!"

After the netizen with the ID "not interested in technology" made a comment, countless viewers in the live broadcast room did not interrupt.

I am naturally interested in this technology.

The big boss finally got a clue. He can't mess with the other party without permission at this time, right?

The entire show live broadcast room felt unusually weird at this time, with only sporadic barrages appearing.

[Not interested in technology] This netizen finally lived up to expectations after searching for relevant information.

He continued to popularize science in the live broadcast room: "I know, this is to use airflow to simulate windows, so that the vehicle can tell the driver..."

"Being able to open the car windows!"


After learning about this black technology, this netizen [not interested in technology] felt numb all over.

Several years ago, someone published a paper of this type. At that time, the scientific and technological level was not that advanced and it only existed in theory.


This technology looks awesome by using airflow to simulate windows, but in actual use it is simply not as good as a windshield.

It is for these many reasons that the research and paper on this [Air Flow Simulation Window] was completely shelved.

[Not interested in technology] This netizen did not expect to see it on a traffic program...

The day the technology comes true!

He did not forget to continue popularizing science: "This technology is difficult to see even at the current level of technology."

"It can only exist in theory. Why can it be implemented in this BMW 5 Series? I can only ask the car owner..."

Many netizens in the live broadcast room saw the additions of netizens who were "not interested in technology".

Instant clarity.

However, what it brought to them was an overwhelming sense of shock.

[Airflow simulation windows] that only exist in data and theory are actually on this car...

Achieved? !

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