The sunroof of the BMW 5 Series has been opened, and Su Xiaoke only needs to raise her head to see 15 armed helicopters flying high above.

This kind of oppression has never been experienced by a little girl who is only 5 years old.

She immediately turned her attention to the artificial intelligence and said quickly: "Can you speed up and get rid of them?"


After a moment, the slightly apologetic voice of the artificial intelligence sounded, and it said helplessly: "Master~"

"The flying speed of the armed helicopter is much faster than the top speed of our vehicles, so it is difficult to throw the opponent away."


"After wheat intercepted and deciphered the communication signal of the armed helicopter just now, we found that the other party was about to implement the gel rain strategy."


After hearing this, Su Xiaoke frowned slightly, not sure what the gel rain strategy was about.


The other party's intention was to catch her, and the tactics they used were definitely not much better, she asked quickly.

"What exactly is this gel rain, and will it affect our capture?"


Artificial intelligence does not answer immediately, but performs huge data calculations and analyzes various possibilities.


It explained: "If the other party uses the gel rain strategy, it may cause the vehicle's air intake and air outlets to be blocked."

"There is a 99% chance that our vehicle will lose its power system!"


When Su Xiaoke heard the artificial intelligence's explanation, her little face instantly became nervous and lost her power system...

It means the vehicle cannot run!

Then what is the fate waiting for you? You will definitely be caught by so many policemen, and you will be miserable!

She quickly asked: "Classmate Xiaomai, think of a way to make the gel rain have no effect on our car?"

Without thinking, classmate Xiaomai gave the best solution instantly: "Master~ you can enable the vehicle's protective cover function."

In terms of vehicle safety.

At the beginning of the modification, Su Hao basically included all the functions that could be added without omitting anything.


There is an energy shield function installed on the spacecraft to prevent the vehicle from receiving any threats from thermal weapons.

Not to mention that simple gel rain.

"Start quickly!"

Su Xiaoke didn't hesitate at all, although she didn't know what black technology this BMW 5 Series was equipped with.

But if you can deal with the police uncle's gel rain and drive to grandma's house smoothly, everything will be fine!



[Safe Traffic] Countless viewers in the live broadcast room also watched through the ultra-high-definition lens of the program team.

Seeing the 15 armed helicopters passing by at extremely fast speeds in the sky, I instantly counted them in my heart.

Gel roads.

Although it doesn't have much effect, it also proves that the gel is good for the power system of this BMW 5 Series.

It has a crucial impact!

Now if it is used directly on that BMW 5 Series, it may paralyze the other party's power system.

At that time, this BMW 5 Series can be directly intercepted for the final kill!


Tan Qiao glanced at the 15 armed helicopters flying in the sky, and immediately turned his attention to the BMW 5 Series.

My originally tense heart felt much more relaxed.

As long as the interception of the vehicle can be completed, he is not particularly interested in the black technology equipped with the vehicle.

The premise is.

The little girl will not be harmed because of this forced interception method!

At this moment, he also received a communication signal from the captain of the special operations force, Wang Zaiye.

The meaning was quite obvious. Let the police helicopter that Officer Tan was riding in increase its flight altitude and was about to attack the BMW 5 Series.

Implement gel rain tactics.

If the police helicopter does not increase its flight altitude, the extremely sticky gel may cause an accident.

After receiving this news, Officer Tan did not hesitate at all and immediately said to the helicopter pilot.

"Raise the helicopter's flight altitude."

"The special forces soldiers at the front are ready to use gel rain tactics. This little girl can't run away!"

Tan Qiao looked determined.

If the gel rain strategy is still ineffective, they can basically give up the possibility of interception.

However, based on the impression of the vehicle on the gel road ahead, he is quite confident in this tactic!

Countless viewers in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room heard Officer Tan's words and the helicopter gradually increased in height.

I got excited instantly!

Finally, we were able to intercept this 'lawless' BMW 5 Series and the little girl driving it.

"If you use the gel rain strategy, it will definitely be stable. It may be able to directly extinguish the vehicle's power system!"

"Good guy... what a big fight this is. I guess this little girl's father knows about it."

"My blood pressure soared!"

"Don't say anything. I just placed an order online for this little girl's exercise books for grades 1-6."

"I think she's just too idle!"

"Can't you just be a human being? I'm also going to buy a set of 3-year college entrance examination and 5-year simulation. The exercise books are absolutely indispensable!"

While countless netizens in the live broadcast room were joking in a relaxed mood, an armed helicopter flew ahead at a speed of 400km.

The flight altitude was lowered in an orderly manner, and after receiving the instructions from captain Wang Zaiye, they headed towards the racing BMW 5 Series.

Firing gel bombs decisively.

The extremely fast shooting speed turned the gel bullets into thick raindrops even before they touched the vehicle.

Like heavy rain pouring down.

It falls towards the body of this BMW 5 Series, covering all aspects without leaving any gaps.

For the sake of...

Completely destroy the power system of this BMW 5 Series, thereby achieving the effect of forcing the opponent's vehicle to stop!

Happy reading during the Qingming Festival outing! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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