My Five-Year-Old Daughter Was Driving A Car, And My Nuclear Explosion On The Moon Was Exposed

Chapter 085: Su Xiaoke’S Father Is The Person Hiding Behind It!

Chapter 85:

The mecha cockpit controlled by Su Xiaokong constantly adjusted its style as it rushed towards the fighter plane in the sky.

at last.

It can be transformed directly into a fighter cockpit, and the mecha can be completely transformed into a fighter plane to complete the combination.

Under the control of the artificial intelligence [Classmate Wheat], the cockpit instantly completed the signal link with the space fighter.

Not only that.

The blue space fighter that was originally gliding ejected blazing blue flames from its tail, providing powerful propulsion.

Just fly out!

[Safe Traffic] Countless netizens in the live broadcast room have not yet reacted after hearing the cold notification sound.

The mecha completely integrated with the cockpit and flew away while they were still confused??

When many viewers in the live broadcast room saw this, their heads were buzzing and their faces were filled with disbelief.

When they saw this, they finally understood...

The mecha that Emotion summoned this time was not the same type of substitute mecha at all, but a mecha with different functions!


When they thought of this, they felt an indescribable sense of absurdity in their hearts, which was outrageous.

The emergence of mechas.

That's outrageous enough, but what's even more unexpected is that the mecha cockpit that Su Xiaoke can control can also carry other mecha signals?

What the hell………………

Compared with the last mecha transformation, this blue mecha completed the transformation of form directly on the way down.

Transform into space fighter style.

How about flying directly in mid-air... After completing the integration of the mecha, he flew away in a blink of an eye?!

The signal switching of this mecha is so awesome, isn't it?

Even those mecha plots in science fiction movies would not dare to be arranged in such an outrageous way. The shape you want...

I have both?

The barrage of [Safe Traffic] was originally reduced, but after countless people witnessed the "990" body of the fighter planes, they couldn't hold back in an instant.

Countless barrages poured out like a tidal wave.

"What the hell is going on? A completely different mecha... the name seems to be, space fighter?"

"Are you so outrageous? I thought the blue mechas were of the same type, but I didn't expect them to turn into fighter jets!"

"Now our Dragon Kingdom only has fifth-generation fighters. What generation is this space fighter?"

"I don't know which generation it is, but this mecha technology is definitely not something that Blue Star's technology can praise..."

"I suspect it's possible. It's a technology that can only be possessed by level 2 civilizations!"

"I just changed it to a signal mecha. This is really awesome. Coach, I also want to learn this technique..."

Tan Qiao, who was riding on the police helicopter, couldn't help but widen his eyes after seeing the changes and combinations of mechas with his own eyes.

His face was full of disbelief.

During the time when I was a special police officer, I must have experienced strong winds and waves, plus the black technology displayed by the vehicle in front.

This gave Tan Qiao some general psychological expectations. Although the appearance of the mecha in front was outrageous, it had also been seen in the science fiction movie "Raccoon".

But the current situation made him look stupid.

What does this mean?

What the hell... After the mecha cockpit was separated, he thought the black mecha had insufficient backup energy.

But what I didn’t expect was…………

He actually continued to summon blue mechas directly from outer space, and even switched directly into fighter form!

In ordinary science fiction movies, aren't these mechas irreplaceable? How could it be played like this...

Too bad!

What does the mecha replacement mean? Not only Tan Qiao, but also some netizens in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room.

I have a general understanding in my heart.

Su can also say that she is her parent. The outer space support system built by Su Xiaoke definitely has more than one type of mecha. two

In terms of functionality, it is likely to be the kind that can be filled directly.


The mecha cockpit controlled by Su Xiaoke can be adapted to all mechas, and can be used under necessary conditions...

Directly summon the mecha with any signal to adapt!

Thinking of this, Officer Tan's scalp felt a little numb. After working for so long, this was the first time he encountered such a difficult thing.

Also known as……………………

Before tracking the BMW 5 Series driven by Su Xiaoke, I had no idea that things would develop to this extent.

And the 'space fighter' that voice broadcast just now, who can tell him what on earth is this?


Even the most advanced fighter jets owned by Yingjiang on the other side of the ocean are only second-generation fighters.

The research on sixth-generation fighters is definitely a bit complicated, and it will be very difficult to complete the research in the next 10 years.

The 'space fighter' controlled by Su Xiaoke directly refreshed Tan Qiao's understanding of fighter jets.

How outrageous!

This mecha technology alone is ahead of the world, and even the entire human civilization...the mecha is transformed into a space fighter.

How terrifying it is.

Just thinking about it makes me feel like my scalp is numb. Can I really catch up with Su Xiaoke?

Officer Tan fell into deep self-doubt.

At the Chengdu Scientific Research Institute, more than 30 scientific researchers in the conference room witnessed the blue mecha switching into a combat form...

Their heads are buzzing.

That kind of shock seemed to directly refresh their understanding of the field of science and technology, which was really no different from what Zhang Rui said.

Different models of mechas!

Even.........before it even landed, it directly began to transform the mecha's shape into a fighter plane.

Su Xiaoke's parents, Su Hao's mecha technology is definitely far beyond their imagination.


As far as we can see today, there are 2 sets of mecha technology, but what about those that have never appeared?

If they only had one set of mechas, they did not think decisively in this regard.

But things are different now.

The second set of mechas modeled as 'Space Fighter' has already appeared, but no one can guarantee whether there will be a third or fourth set.


These mechas are all adapted to the cockpit of the mecha controlled by Su Xiaoke. Just imagining them seems outrageous.

How advanced is the technology involved? As the top scientific researchers of the Dragon Kingdom, they.

There is no concept in this regard.

One of the scientific researchers looked shocked and slowly said, "This opponent's mecha technology is really terrifying!"

"This space fighter...if we really want to classify it according to our levels, does it belong to the seventh generation?"

"I haven't even developed the 6th generation fighter aircraft yet. Su Hao... he must have mastered technology that spans the ages!"

"If mecha technology can be used in the military, I can't even imagine what kind of changes it will bring!"

"Don't even think about this kind of thing... When these technologies are known to people abroad, they will definitely go crazy!"

The scientific researchers in the conference room continued to discuss, and the shock on their faces never disappeared.

Who the hell would have thought.

How could this original case of speeding and dangerous driving turn into this in just over an hour?

Zhang Rui, who had been silent for a long time, sat down heavily on his chair after watching the live broadcast of [Safe Traffic].

His face was quite bitter, and he said complicatedly: "You haven't noticed...why the other party can seamlessly switch between mechas?"

Many scientific researchers in the conference room were completely stunned after hearing this question.

The issues they were thinking about just now were the mecha support speed, technology, and direction. There was definitely no problem.

But it also ignores the most critical point.

What is the prerequisite for the outer space support system? It requires sufficient mecha reserves in outer space.

Zhang Rui did not sell it, he said in a helpless tone: "I even have some doubts... this outer space support system."

"In space, it is absolutely based on a space base. could it accommodate so many mechas?"

The other scientific researchers in the conference room came to their senses instantly after hearing Zhang Rui's words.

Become aware of what has been overlooked.

There is no way, the technology of these mechas is so dazzling, it is completely beyond the times.

As long as someone has watched it, it will be difficult not to be interested in the mecha, and then ignore the most critical points.


It came from outer space, which means that there must be a huge base in space to accommodate it!

Just thinking about this made them feel a little numb. Nowadays, the aerospace field of Dragon Kingdom is pretty good.

It is also one of the best in the world.

The exploration around the earth is relatively comprehensive, and even satellites can directly observe it.

But the current situation is that no exploration has been conducted on the outer space base built by Su Xiaoke's parents.

It also explains……………….

Su Hao, or the space base built by the organization behind it, can directly block detection by countries around the world!


Just blindfolded them!

Zhang Rui glanced at the shocked researchers and continued: " did the other party achieve the mecha launch?"

"Have you ever thought about..."

The other scientific researchers in the conference room, even the vice president, frowned after hearing this question.

They just focus on the technological level of the mecha.

If you choose to ignore it, the most critical link behind this is the precise delivery technology of the mecha!

And behind the precise delivery technology…………

There are really too many things involved in this, just the resistance caused by the mecha's rapid descent.

It's just so hard to estimate.

Let's just start summoning when the mecha uses dispersed flight, which takes less than 5 minutes in total.

Just drop the mecha directly into the blue star from outer space. There is no way to do it at this speed...

That’s 37,800km!

If you want to fly down in this short period of time, the propulsion force needs to reach such a terrifying level to be able to do it.

And that’s despite resistance.

When the mecha descends rapidly, the resistance it endures increases gradually. How hard is the material used to build the mecha...

Just thinking about this, the more than thirty scientific researchers in the conference room felt a lingering feeling of suffocation.

Dimensionality reduction attack!

Even if the drawings of the outer space support system are placed in front of them, without 30 years of technology,

Material homework may not be able to be developed.

But the fact now is…………

Su Xiaoke's father, or the organization behind it, solved all these countless factors!

As scientific researchers, they definitely know how much technical content they have mastered.

It’s so outrageous!

When a scientific researcher thought of this, he couldn't sit still for a moment, stood up and said: "Just send the rocket into outer space.

"We have mature technology..."

"It costs hundreds of millions, not to mention the completed space base, its technological content..."

"It is definitely countless times more powerful than what we have. Even if we can control the costs, we will need trillions of funds.

"Not to mention... the most difficult part of science and technology to achieve. If you want to completely complete the research, it is definitely impossible to rely on your own strength!"

After hearing these words, the vice president of the Rongcheng Scientific Research Institute also fell into silence, saying that these technologies were created.

They subconsciously felt that he was Su Xiaoke's father.

Su Hao.

But even if Su Hao has strong scientific research capabilities, he can master advanced technology and rely on his own strength.

It is impossible to achieve this level. No matter which technology it is, it is of an epoch-making level, and it will be full!

And if there is a huge scientific research organization behind Su Hao, then this matter will not be that simple.

Just when the vice president was about to retort and not speculate on unfounded things, the other scientific researchers beat him to it.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"There is definitely no such a powerful organization in the world. If there was an organization, would these technologies appear in front of us today?"

Not only the researcher who retorted, but also everyone in the conference room was in a turbulent mood.

An organized place………………..

There will definitely be debates, and their scientific research institutes in Chengdu may have quarrels over research matters.

Not to mention, in huge scientific and technological organizations, there will definitely be people who will have disputes because of fame and fortune.

So many technologies from the future…………

It won't be postponed until today, because Su Xiaoke's own accident while racing was completely exposed.

Behind these technologies…………

Either it is Su Xiaoke's father, who is so extreme that it is impossible... a scientific research genius, all these technologies were developed by him.


Behind all of this, there is an organization that leads the world in technological capabilities and is strictly closed!

Many people think of this…………

The mood is extremely complicated. If it is an individual, it is fine, but if it is an organization, it is a bit difficult to deal with.

No one wants to think about the second possibility.

Rather than an organization that leads the world in technology, they prefer researchers of these black technologies.

He is an extremely extreme scientific research genius!

Many scientific researchers thought about this and drank several mouthfuls of water, but they could not calm down their complicated moods.

Compared to the interception by Su Xiaoke flying a fighter jet…………

Now... not only is there no way, it's not even the most important thing, what they want to know more is.

these technologies.

Was it developed by the organization or Su Gao alone?

After Zhang Rui glanced at everyone, he immediately turned his attention to the vice president of the scientific research institute and said: "Vice president...

"The most important thing now is to find Su Xiaoke's parent, Su Hao. He is the most critical point."

After hearing this, the vice president nodded slightly, if the space fighter Su Xiaoke piloted was really a 7th generation fighter

It is simply impossible to intercept. Everything comes back to the original point and lies with the developers of these technologies.

On that mysterious man.

Su Hao!

It is definitely the key point to break the situation. There are many things that only by finding him can the truth be revealed!

The deputy dean thought of this, decisively picked up the communicator on the table, and said decisively: "Give the highest level order."

"Must, must find Su Xiaoke's father!!"

"Su Hao... He is the breaking point in this matter, and he is also likely to be the developer of these technologies.".

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