hateful! hateful! How angry!

What a difficult little girl!

"Deputy Dean, Dean, they are coming." Geng Di reminded Nie Zhao.

"Humph!" Nie Zhao snorted coldly, and then he took back the coercion he secretly exerted.

Yun Qingyan looked as usual, but Ji Siwen was panting with cold sweat like a fish just caught from the water.

He withdrew the star power that was threatened and automatically poured out of his body. This time it seemed that he had learned a lesson and stopped talking nonsense.

A pair of round cat pupils looked at Yun Qingyan faintly, obviously he was one level higher than Yun Qingyan's cultivation base, how could it be more difficult to deal with than her?

"Just now, your freshman facilitator should have told you that this is a mimicry training ground, which simulates various extreme environments and exercises your adaptability!

Today, what you want to experience is exactly one of the two most common and deadly extreme environments-the extreme cold purgatory! "Nie Zhao stood bowed, his extremely oppressive figure carrying a pressure shield toward everyone.

Those resolute eyes swept through Yun Qingyan and Ji Weiran, "The ones who are adapting to you are the two low-level senior instructors of the ice department in our college.

However, this year, some of you have reached the level of Zongyuan Master, and the low-ranking mentor is afraid that it will not pose a threat to some people, so we specially changed the candidates. "

The named Yun Qingyan and Ji Siwen: "..."

"For this training, we specially invited a senior ice department senior who is two years higher than you to conduct special training for you, and our other ice department instructor assisted.

I hope you can enjoy it. "

Senior ice brother?

Yun Qingyan couldn't help but chuckle.

In addition to Baili Qingxue, in the entire First Academy, who else is an Ice Elementary Master and has a higher cultivation base than the instructor?

There was a sound of discussion behind Yun Qingyan.

The eyes of Ke Yao and others were bright, and there was already a certain answer in their hearts.

Soon, a swift wind glided across the sky, and four figures descended from the sky and landed steadily on the ground.

Bai Feng patted Su Feisha, "Feisha, come back to the team."

"Yes." The Susha girl next to him nodded, her beautiful eyes glanced at Baili Qingxue on the other side of Bai Feng, and she retracted her gaze and walked in the direction of Yun Qingyan and others.


"Brother Baili!"

"Leng arrogant male god!"

When I saw the other person beside Bai Feng clearly, a depressive scream broke out among the crowd!

The eyes of Ke Yao and others were full of envy. Why is this freshman so lucky! Trained by Baili male **** himself!

I think back then, they faced a group of mentors who didn't know how old they were!

Amidst the many waves of excitement, Baili Qingxue's expression was as indifferent and alienated as ever, a delicately cut blue suit, silver trim, and elegant indifferent temperament with a noble elegance.

Those icy blue eyes only softened a bit when they looked at Yun Qingyan.

"Haha." Seeing the excitement of the crowd, Bai Feng laughed, "It seems that my disciple is very popular."

He turned his head to look at another handsome man beside him, "Xin Leng, your popularity in the academy has dropped! Hahaha!"

The man had a deep and introverted aura, and his side was surrounded by a faint layer of ice and snow. It seemed to be what Nie Zhao said, another ice instructor who trained Yun lightly on them.

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