Suddenly, a dazzling red light burst out from Huang Yan's five fingers, and a fiery tongue of fire swept up along Xi Mo's arm!

At the same time, a burst of white light burst out of Xi Mo's hand, and the phantom of the blossoming golden lotus appeared beside him, sweeping away towards Huangyan.

As expected, the roar of the energy explosion did not occur, everything was silent, and there was no energy wave overflow!

But Yun Qingyan and Di Ming can both feel the terrifying energy!

Where their palms touched, the space was twisted and there were faint traces of broken.

The final result ended with Xi Mo taking a step backwards.

Huang Yan smiled with satisfaction, "Black Heart Lotus, after all these years, you are getting weaker and weaker."

"Your strength has dropped a lot?" Xi Mo's expression was indifferent, although he took a half step back, there was still an elegant smile on his face.

"I'm afraid that I would accidentally shoot you to death. This deity didn't use all his strength just now." Huang Yan picked up his eyebrows and snorted coldly.

Seeing that the two continued to quarrel, a cold and indifferent voice came in.


Huang Yan and Xi Mo looked back one after another.

In the former, a pair of red eyes narrowed slightly, and red light flashed.

The latter, with curved eyes like the moon, with a beautiful arc, smiles like a black-bellied white fox.

Baili Qingxue was the one who made the noise.

When Huang Yan and the others looked at him, he also found the two of them.

Glancing a glance at the two of them, then, he withdrew his gaze indifferently, and went straight to Yun Qingyan, "Our scout found out that a mysterious palace appeared in the east. The people from the three academies of Wanye, Baiyu and Hongyan Gather over there.

Lei Yu and the others discussed it, and they are also ready to go. Are you going to go? "

East? Isn't this the direction of Wanbao Basin?

Yun said lightly for a while and said, "Let's go too."

"Okay." Baili Qingxue responded with one bite, and then said, "Da Pang Yu has prepared a spiritual meal. Would you like to eat it before leaving?"

Huang Yan had already narrowed his eyes dangerously.

The descendants of the Ice Emperor really ignored them completely.

Yun Qingyan glanced at Huang Yan and Xi Mo who had stopped pinching over there, and thought for a moment, "Let's go together."

Huang Yan didn't seem to want to hide his figure anymore.

Several people walked through the middle of the camp and instantly attracted a large group of eyes.

Huang Yan's special eyes and hair color combined with that awful and compelling aura makes it hard for people not to pay attention!


"very handsome!"

"Where is this handsome guy? He has the same color and different eyes as Baili! Did he also understand the profound meaning of different elements, causing the hair color to change? I guess he must have understood the profound meaning of high-level fire!"

"Nonsense! Red is of course the fire element!"

"Look at his chest muscles! Awesome!"

The chattering voices sounded from outside the tents on all sides of the camp. Yun Qingyan suddenly felt that the road seemed a bit long.

She turned her head helplessly and glanced at Huang Yan. Someone's robe was loose and a large chest was exposed.

"Grand Lord Huangyan, can you put on your clothes?"

Didn't you see that the eyes of the girls on both sides turned into wolves?

"Sneez." Huang Yan snorted lightly, "Trouble."

However, he gathered a lot of red clothes.

"Sister Yun, are you back?" When I came to a tent that had been set up, there was already a burst of aroma, the smell of spiritual food.

Hearing the movement outside, Yu Da Fatty poked out a head with a smile.

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