My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1405: This human being is white and tender

On the altar behind Lingquan, two icy and immaculate diamond spars were suspended in a bright blue light, and the blue pillars soaring straight into the sky, supporting the operation of the entire ice and snow secret realm. The closer they are, the heavier the cold.

Ji Siwen and others could not move forward at all.

Baili Qingxue turned into a flash of lightning, and directly took the two cryolites.

The Ice Emperor living in him was expressionless.

To get cryolite, taking cryolite is a big test. The temperature of the cryolite freezing man will freeze everything within two meters of it into ice sculptures, even the gods and emperors will not be spared.

Baili Qingxue was his reincarnation, and the Ice Emperor would not be affected at all.

His blue eyes swept across the Huang Yan who was smiling wildly.

Did he think of using his reincarnation as a gun?

As soon as the two cryolites were taken off, the blue light that went straight into the sky gradually dissipated, and a burst of falling apart sound erupted from the entire space!

The space collapsed, the fine net spread, and large pieces of snow fell!

Baili Qingxue rushed back as fast as he could, and handed the sealed cryolite to Yun Qingyan, "Talk lightly, here."

"Go out first!" Seeing that the space was about to collapse, Yun said lightly that he couldn't take care of these, and hurriedly shouted.

Huang Yan and Gong Moxi joined forces to create a space corridor for several people to leave.

Yu Dafang, the lowest strength, left first, followed by Baili Qingxue and Yun Qingyan, and Huang Yan and Gong Moxi left behind.

At the moment they all left, the entire space was completely shattered, the ice and snow disappeared, and the space collapsed into a small space storm.

On the endless green grassland.

Several powerful super monsters are fighting.

"Boom!" Above the sky, there was a trembling thunderous sound! A black tunnel appeared from it.

Feeling the overbearing power in it, the inseparable super mythical beasts scattered one after another, looking at them with a curious and cautious look from a hundred miles away!

"Puff!" In the black tunnel, the first to spit out a fat, chubby voice.

Xiaoroudun rolled several times, and finally planted in the mud with his face in a crawling posture.

The sect aura exuding from his body made the super **** beasts solemn for a while, and then their faces showed contempt.

How could a human being in a sect fall so ugly?

What a weak one!

"This human looks white, tender and fat, with a lot of aura. After eating him, I should be able to go to the next level." The man who was speaking was a seductive blue-haired woman in the form of a monster, with a small lilac tongue licking a circle of red lips. The coveted look.

"Sapphire, this person suddenly came out of the space tunnel. I am afraid the origin is not simple." A huge and mighty saber-toothed tiger roared beside her.

Around her, there are also beasts such as white-headed iron-clawed eagle, blood-feathered lion eagle, double-headed cheetah.

"A group of cowards." The seductive blue-haired woman glanced contemptuously, her figure resembling electricity, turned into a blue light-feather bird and shot towards Yu Dafaang!

"Since you dare not, I will enjoy the delicacy alone!"


A huge iron-clad beast was instantly summoned in front of it. The huge body was like a tortoise shell, slowly stretching out its head and looking into the air.

It's just a ninth-order sacred beast, and want to stop her?

A trace of contempt flashed in the blue jade and blue eyes, and his wings trembled, instantly flipping the iron-clad beast, and the big bird's beak wanted to swallow Yu Dafaan!

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