My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1575: Fell in love with that man

Although he can't see the full picture of the man, his whole body exudes a fatal attraction, cold, noble, and elegant.

My brother just speculated that the man's cultivation base is not simple, and may be higher than their body cultivation base. If this is the case, even though he is only a person from the lower realm with no status, he is barely worthy of her.

The arrogant Qiu Chuchu didn't even think about whether Di Jiuque would like her.

In her opinion, if the other party went to the upper realm and truly realized the power of the Sifang Pavilion with one hand, he would know how honored it was for him to marry her.

"Chu Chu, what are you thinking about?" The man's intuition made Xu Li'an keenly aware of something wrong in Qiu Chuchu's eyes, and asked in a somewhat unpleasant tone.

Just like women's sixth sense of rivals, men also have it.

Qiu Chuchu glanced at Xu Li'an displeasedly, with pretty eyes, "Xu Li'an, look for your identity.

Are you qualified to question me? "

Humph. Hanging Xu Li'an before was just to see him useful. But recently, he has become more and more overstepped.

Of course, the most important thing is that she has a new goal. Xu Li'an, a man from the upper realm, is not as good as a man from the lower realm, what else is worth her nostalgia?

Seeing Qiu Chuchu's dissatisfaction, Xu Li'an instantly panicked, and quickly apologized, "Chu Chu, Chu Chu, I, I didn't mean that.

I did not question you, I just care about you. Don't you know my mind? "

It's because of knowing that I feel sick. Qiu Chuchu said silently in his heart, but his pretty eyes seemed to resent and resent, "Choose your identity."

But Qiu Chong glanced at his sister thoughtfully.

Chu Chu, wouldn't it be... you fell in love with that man, right?


"Master, it's here. There are a lot of corpses hidden inside. There are many secret roads inside." The Lightning Treasure Hunter brought Yun Qingyan and came to a mansion.

That is the central part of the Fei family complex. There are many trees planted on the periphery, and the sun rarely reaches here, and the whole environment looks extremely dark.

There is also a chill in the air.

"His Royal Highness, other places have been searched. Except for some servants and side bloodlines, there is no one else." The commander of the Imperial Guard also led people to search other places and came to Xing Lan to return to life.

His eyes swept across the courtyard in front of him, which was shaded by many trees,

"The only thing we haven't searched here is that our people went in for a few waves and lost contact.

Does the princess send someone in, or is she on standby? "

In front, countless dark trees are arranged in a mysterious arrangement.

There are no branches and leaves on the black tree, only the bent branches, like scorched branches, very strange.

Just looking at it, there was a deep gloomy chill in my heart.

Under the cover of the trees, several rugged buildings were exposed. The architectural style was completely different from that of the Starfall Empire. With black as the background, it was actually made of large blocks of obsidian, like a fortress.

If he hadn't come here in person, Xingling had never expected that there would still exist such a military fortress in the territory under the feet of their empire-the imperial capital.

Xing Ling's eyes suddenly became cold.

"Is it a maze?" Everyone who listened to the commander of the Guards had lost contact, and Yun could not help but guess.

But she did not feel any fluctuations in the formation.

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