My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1580: All were forced by Yun lightly!

Jiang Wushu stared at him angrily.

"Don't blame me. Blame it, blame the person who forced you to do this." Serastu lowered his voice, and there seemed to be a special magic in it, soothing and guiding Jiang Wushu's divine consciousness.

"You need strength, and they can provide you with strength, so you have to **** them up...

Think about it, who forced you to do this? "

Jiang Wushu's flushed face was gradually twisted and hideous, his eyes seemed to be quenched with venom, and three words were crushed from his mouth, as if to crush those three words, "Yun Qingyan!"

"Yun Qingyan!" She repeated it over and over again.

She was originally the princess of Southern Xinjiang! If it wasn't for Yun to attack her repeatedly and insult her, how could she have become this way!

Yes! power! She needs strength!

Her cultivation talent is not comparable to Yun Qingyan. Only by this method can she catch up with Yun Qingyan, and then surpass her, crush her, trample on her, and return all the shame she put on her!

She was forced! All were forced by Yun lightly!

Jiang Wushu touched the place where Lin Zixiao died before, muttering to himself, as if taking an oath, "Zixiao.

I won't let you die in vain.

I will avenge you.

Don't worry, I will sacrifice your soul with the blood of Yun Yun! "

Seeing Jiang Wushu's crazy appearance, Serastu's face showed satisfaction.

Fingers brushed Jiang Wushu's face, and the blood stains on her face from his nails began to disappear.

"Yes, good boy." He smiled, "The person you should hate is Yun Qingyan.

Now, take the Fire Orb and go to complete the task assigned to you by your Highness.

From now on, I will slowly teach you how to make the men of the world fall into your bone-chewing ecstasy body and nourish your body with their essence and power. "

"Okay." Jiang Wushu gritted his teeth and said with a sullen face.


"His Royal Highness, Jiang Wushu has been completely bewildered by Serastu." A black-robed shadow knelt on one knee in front of the slender and charming man, and said respectfully.

The corner of Jiang Wuya's mouth provoked a wicked arc, "An idiot is an idiot, and a few words are used."

The black-robed man showed a killing intent in his eyes, "His Royal Highness, do you want to destroy the spirit?"

Seratu dared to betray His Highness!

Jiang Wuya's evil eyes looked at the man kneeling in front of him, "

Anyway, it was the only one that bred out of the seven magic weapons. It would be a shame to kill directly.

Continue to stare at the coloring Lastu to see what the old witch Shui Qingruo is going to do. "

"Yes." Shadow led his command and disappeared.

Jiang Wuya made a gesture of pinching chess with his fingers, purple light flashed between his two fingers, quickly drawing a vertical and horizontal chessboard, a pair of magnificent purple eyes thoughtfully and carelessly, with a smile in his eyes, and a chess piece fell from his hand. .

Yun Qingyan, Di Jiu Quegang and Lightning Treasure Hunter were rushing towards the basement.

Suddenly, the profound ring in his hand was hot, changing from black ink to fiery red, and the surging fire energy overflowed from it, instantly burning all the miasma and devil qi in the air.

Huang Yan? Has the second seal been lifted?

Yun Qingyan set off a stormy sea in his heart, and his consciousness went into the Profound Ring, calling out, "Huang Yan?"

In the flame-filled Xuan Jie restricted area, Huang Yan's eyes closed tightly, and his long ruby-colored hair fluttered freely. A thick chain was wrapped around his limbs, moving like alive.

Tighten in circles.

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