My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1777: Ruthless operation

Swallowing a mouthful of old blood in his chest, Wen Peng handed out a space ring in his hand, "I wonder if this is enough?"

Sheng Yuan had given a death order, so this time the hall master was bleeding heavily.

The abundance of gifts even shook the development of the Red Sun Palace itself, enough to support any small family in the seven or eight lines to the first and second lines.

It's just that these materials were put into two storage rings by him.

Yun Qingyan swept the storage ring with his divine sense, and couldn't help wondering in his heart. He deserves to be a power that has been inherited for thousands of years in the Eastern Sea Realm, and the background is extraordinary.

But she didn't show her face, she patted the storage ring on the table and raised her eyes slightly, "Is this your sincerity?"

Wen Peng vomited blood. With so many resources, if he replaced him with another ordinary cultivator, he would have been too happy to find Bei, okay?

But thinking of what the adults said, the offending person has an extraordinary background. If it were the powerful forces on the Saint Yuan Continent, they had indeed seen more good things.

"Look at my memory. Haha, here is one more, I will give it to the adults." Wen Peng smiled and handed out another space ring.

Okay! This old guy is really hiding himself!

Yun said lightly that he was just trying and aroused him, but he didn't expect that he would really hide another share.

Taking the space ring over, Yun Qingyan's complexion still looked calm, and his obsidian eyes stared at Wen Peng, causing a little cold sweat on his forehead.

Wen Peng was anxious, "Your Excellency! This is really the most apologetic we can offer.

These have shaken our foundation! "

Shake the foundation of the Red Sun Palace? How many cultivation resources are that? The others were shocked, and the eyes of Yun Qingyan's men were fiery.

Seeing that Wen Peng's expression did not seem to be fake, Yun Qingyan played with two storage rings, lowering his eyes.


No polite, straightforward!

A fire surged to the top of my head! Wen Peng almost turned his face, remembering the solemn expression of the lord, the fire seemed to be poured down by a basin of ice water——

This matter is about the life and death of the Red Sun Palace.

The Red Sun Palace is dead, you and I must be tired eggs covering the nest, with no bones left.

Although I don't know where the young girl with low cultivation base in front of me has such a big energy, Wen Peng still swallowed the breath in his heart.

He took out a storage ring from his finger. Although he was smiling, his expression always smelled like gnashing his teeth. It was very weird, "Your Excellency, this is my own storage ring. I also give you an apology.

Now, in me, it is true, true, no, there is. "

The last sentence popped out of his mouth almost every word.

Yun Qingyan also knew that it was time to stop.

After receiving the three storage rings together, he raised his black eyes and looked at him, "I have already felt the sincerity of your palace. I can assume that this misunderstanding has never happened."

A comfortable smile appeared on Wen Peng's face, and he made up his mind to go back to be reimbursed, "Then we can be considered to have settled our quarrel with your Excellency?"

"Yeah." Yun said lightly and nodded faintly, "Elder Wen, please take a trip.

Go slowly, don't send it. "

I took someone to apologize one second before, and then started chasing people a second!

This ruthless operation... directly stunned everyone.

Wen Peng's face twitched twice uncontrollably, and he stiffly arched his hands, "Farewell." So Yukong left, not even the Yun family's children who saw him off behind him.

It seems that today's events have left a lot of psychological shadow in the heart of this respected Red Sun Palace elder.

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