My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1886: Who are you loyal to?

Inside, but the most uncertain Devil Emperor in the entire Demon Realm.

"Gui Yi, tell me, who is your allegiance to?" Yun said lightly, narrowing his pupils, and the oppressive feeling rolled toward Gui Yi like a tide.

Did he forget?

His magic core is still in her hands.

"Your Highness and Your Highness!" The ghost replied loudly and powerfully.

Then, that handsome and pale face was worried and anxious, "But your Highness, don't go over.

The people inside are dangerous. You can't go! "

Even the Demon Sovereign, under the pressure of that person's blood, has only to bow his head and claim his courtiers.

Yun Qingyan looked at Ghost Yi with an expression that didn't seem to be fake, and pressed his lips slightly, "Get out of the way!"

Gui Yi stopped her anxiously, "Little Your Highness!

Although Guiichi should not violate your orders, your safety is the first in my heart compared to violating orders!

Please forgive Guiyi's offense! "


Don't let me say it a second time, get out! "Yun Qingyan's eyes grew colder, and he swept the ghost aside.

"I have a reason to go."

Guiichi is best at tracking and speed, if it weren't for this, she wouldn't have to talk nonsense with her here.

"His Royal Highness!" The ghost was shocked, and quickly followed, trying to stop it.

But it's too late!

"Huh? Kitty?" The low voice sounded faintly, with a slight smile.

Yun Qingyan saw the person next to Jingnu!


Seeing that familiar figure, Yun said lightly that he subconsciously waved away an ice edge fiercely.

Jiang Wuya flashed sideways, and Bing Ling pierced through his hood with strong wind.

The hood fell, and his long, purple hair poured out, adding a bit of seductive charm to him.

Several fluorescent purple butterflies fluttered their wings beside him, casting a dreamlike brilliance.

Like a dark night spirit, mysterious and strange.

"His Royal Highness, Little Highness, she didn't mean to--" As soon as the ghost followed Yun Qingyan, he saw the horrifying scene of Yun Qingyan shooting towards Jiang Wuya.

A cold and solemn color rose from his face, he was ready to do his best to let the little majesty leave safely!

His Royal Highness, although smiling on the surface, his cruel and cruel methods have made the entire Demon Realm frightened.

Few people who offend him will end well.

Just when the ghost frightened half of his soul and prepared to die tragically, he saw that the violent and cruel His Royal Highness in front of him was not only angry, but in a very good mood, he raised a pair of dark purple eyes and looked over.

In a tone of greeting with old acquaintances,

"After so long, your claws are still so sharp."

After speaking, eight dense white teeth reflecting cold light were revealed, and the arc of the smile was impeccable.

Yun said lightly that he didn't talk nonsense with him, and waved a red flame at him, and the long knife in his other hand severely smashed the black dragons.

To deal with Jiang Wuya, there can be no hold on!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Wuya seemed to have no intention of resisting at all. He moved his side slightly, and even the dazzling red crystal core gave in.

The light around the crystal nucleus is like breathing, as if there is some power to surging out, to be suppressed by the invisible restraint.

Yun Qingyan held the crystal core in his hand, perhaps because of the scarlet fire aura on her body, and the faintly blazing fire breath did not repel her.

Yun said lightly for a moment.

Would it be too easy?

However, as soon as her delicate skin held the crystal core, the strange feeling that was forcibly suppressed by her rose again.

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