My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1991: Are you the devil? !

so far so good. Only this guy is impulsive, and the other friends are still very calm.

Yun Qingyan just rejoiced...

"Cold Ice Bow!" Xing Lan pulled the bow full, and an ice arrow shot from the bowstring straight towards Hong Ming's head.

"Tae's Hammer!" Qin Li simply picked up the Tai's Hammer, leaped up and smashed against Hongming's head.

"Ice formation!" Ji Weiran controlled the formation with both hands, and countless ice cones stabbed from the complicated blue formation.

Big fat Yu...

Uh... this is negligible.

"Boom boom boom!" Various forces slammed on the flame barrier, and there was a burst of piercing eardrums.

The only person who is still calm is probably only Baili Qingxue.

The ice hit with the flame, and a white mist rose instantly.

Immediately afterwards, several silhouettes flew out at a faster speed than they had come!

"Ohhhhh! I'm my hand!"

Painful howl.

Above Ji Siwen's hands, the crimson flames directly consumed his star power and turned to burn his hands.

A faint smell of meat appeared in the air.

Baili Qingxue shot, a burst of frost flicked, and the flames on Ji Siwen's hand and Qin Litai's hammer were finally extinguished.

"Next." Yun said lightly and threw a bottle of potion to Ji Siwen.

"Damn it! That guy's tortoise cover is really hard." After Ji Siwen duo put the potion on his hands, his eyes fell on Hongming again, and he wanted to rush out like a runaway Hug, "I will try again. !"

Before he rushed out, one hand easily grabbed his back collar.


Ji Siwen looked at Yun in a puzzled way and said lightly, "Why?"

"You are not his opponent." Yun said lightly, his eyes fell on the flame barrier, "This is not an ordinary flame."

Hong Ming said that he would not shoot, but the flame was sticky and would spontaneously cover the people or things it touched until it burned them all out.

Hong Luo pursed her lips, "Fire Devil Wall is the holy level elementary skill of our family, and only our Patriarch candidates and elders can practice.

Divine emperor level display, even the elementary divine emperor, may not be able to defeat.

Moreover, the red flame fire in our family’s bloodline, combined with this elementary skill, has the power comparable to the divine emperor-level different fire. Once it is touched, unless there is a top water or ice power to extinguish it, it will not burn the opponent to ashes Will not stop.

Although it is a protective cover, its power is not weaker than the offensive element skills, and it can be said to be a dual-purpose offensive and defensive element technology. "

Ji Siwen widened cat-like eyes, "Are you the devil?! Why are you talking now!"

If I hadn't thrown the gun in time, would I have turned to ashes? "

Hong Luo's eyes showed apology, "Sorry."

Ji Siwen wanted to say something, but was stopped by Yun lightly saying, "Who told you to be so impulsive? Don't give Hong Luo a chance to say it, can you blame her for this?"

At the time she wanted to hold Ji Swen, but this guy was just a husky and couldn't hold it.

Ji Siwen squatted aggrievedly to the side.

"Since you know how great you are, just give in." Hongming stood under the flame tortoise shell, looking like an unmoving expert.

"Now, only half an hour is left."

Hong Luo frowned, "Sister Qingyan, I will go with him."

Yun lightly raised his eyebrows, "It's not over yet."

She raised her right hand, and several cones of frozen ice hit the flame barrier.

"Chi! Chi! Chi!"

A layer of ripples appeared on the flame barrier, and white mist evaporated.

However, it is only so.

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